11 Jul 2022


What Is Learned Helplessness and How Can You Overcome It?

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Learned helplessness, in psychology, is a psychological state in which a life form compelled to hold up under aversive boosts or jolts that are agonizing or generally offensive. The mental state results in winding up unfit or becomes unwilling to evade experiences with those jolts, regardless of whether they are "escapable," probably on the grounds that it has discovered that it can't control the circumstance ( Maier & Seligman, 2016 ). Numerous individuals including athletes experience the adverse effects of this condition, and if left untreated, it can prompt awful side effects including an instance of severe depression or else abuse of different forms ( Maier & Seligman, 2016 ). In this regards, learned helplessness has become a pivotal principle in behavioral theory and helps psychologists eliminate or rather deal with behavioral changes among athletes. Owing to their exposure, athletes are more vulnerable to psychotic breakdowns ( Iwata et al., 2016 ) and hence require close monitoring as well as mental care. With this regards, this article shall focus on the analysis of the learned helplessness issue and ways in which it can be prevented as well as treated. 

The condition has some implications for the well-being of persons, and in this case, athletes. The condition can also be viewed from a neurobiological perspective where studies have found out that an increased serotonin activity, especially in the dorsal raphe nucleus, plays a key role in propagating learned helplessness. The condition generally is caused by a malfunction in numerous brain activities including the central nucleus, medial prefrontal cortex, and the hypothalamus among others. Learned helplessness in athletes can be prevented through exercise. For instance, Maier & Seligman (2016 ), discusses how exercise may avert pressure related clutters, for example, nervousness and sorrow. The experiments tend to prove that running wheel practice forestalls learned helplessness practices in animals. They propose that the measure of activity may not be as imperative as just practicing by any stretch of the imagination. This article additionally examines the neuro-circuitry of learned helplessness, the part of serotonin, and the activity related neural adjustments that may add to the pressure safe mind ( Iwata et al., 2016) . In any case, the creators at long last reason that the fundamental neurobiological instruments of this impact, in any case, stay obscure. Recognizing the instruments by which practice avoids learned weakness could reveal insight into the intricate neurobiology of sadness and nervousness and conceivably prompt novel procedures for the aversion of stress-related state of mind issue ( Kim et al., 2016 ). 

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Individuals who see occasions as wild demonstrate an assortment of side effects that debilitate their psychological and physical prosperity. They encounter pressure, regularly indicate interruption of feelings showing inactivity or aggressiveness, and can likewise experience issues performing intellectual undertakings, for example, issue solving ( Czéh et al., 2016 ). They are more averse to change unfortunate examples of conduct, causing them, for instance, to disregard eating routine, exercise, and medicinal treatment. The anomaly, learned helplessness, has several implications including depression and social impacts. Anomalous and subjective therapists have further discovered a solid relationship between depression-like signs and symptoms and learned vulnerability in research facility creatures. Social issues coming about because of learned helplessness may appear to be unavoidable to those settled in. Notwithstanding, there are different approaches to lessen or counteract it. At the point when actuated in test settings, learned helplessness has been appeared to determine itself with the entry of time ( Czéh et al., 2016 ). People can be immunized against the observation that occasions are wild by expanding their consciousness of past encounters when they could influence a coveted outcome. Cognitive treatment can be utilized to demonstrate individuals that their activities to make a difference ( Czéh et al., 2016 ) and reinforce their confidence. 

As highlighted, learned helplessness has since turned into an essential ingredient of behavioral theory. It shows that earlier learning can bring about an extraordinary change in conduct and try to clarify why people may acknowledge and stay detached in pessimistic circumstances regardless of their reasoning capacity to transform those ( Czéh et al., 2016 ). Czéh et al. (2016 ), denotes that he contended that, because of these negative desires, different results may go with the helplessness or unwillingness to act, including low confidence, incessant disappointment, pity, and physical disease. The learned helplessness theory likewise has been connected to numerous conditions and practices, including clinical sorrow, maturing, abusive behavior at home, neediness, segregation, scholastic accomplishment, sedate manhandle, and liquor addiction. Critics have, however, contended that a wide range of conclusions can be drawn from Seligman's analyses and in this way expansive speculations, most every now and again found in the regions of clinical discouragement and scholarly accomplishment, are baseless. For instance, the use of the hypothesis to clinical gloom is seen as a misrepresentation of the ailment that neglects to represent the complex psychological procedures associated with its etiology, seriousness, and sign ( Maier & Seligman, 2016 ). 

The after-effects of the present examination bolster the speculation that maladaptive accomplishment designs related to learned helplessness can exist in athletes. In the event that result objectives are sought after objectives that depend on either increasing positive judgments or evading adverse judgments of competency, a maladaptive accomplishment design emerges when the individual evaluates their level of competency as low(). There is immediate proof in this examination to help the proposal that the vulnerable competitors did in truth survey their present level of competency as low. For instance, when the attribution measurement styles in disappointment circumstances were broken down, it was discovered that the helplessness gathering gave appraisals that were inward, constant, and repetitive. This discovering bolsters the recommendation that the helplessness subjects' appraisal of their capacity to control and additionally change factors that add to unsuccessful execution was low ( Raufelder et al., 2018 ). Achievement designs related to learned helplessness would be as pervasive in lesser gifted players as in exceedingly talented players ( Raufelder et al., 2018 ). Maybe the reason no distinctions were found is that the person's appraisal of competency is a basic factor in deciding if a maladaptive achievement example will create. It seems, by all accounts, to be moderately insignificant how gifted a competitor is; it is the view of capacity that is imperative. This recommendation, which is progressed in Dweck's model ( Raufelder et al., 2018 ), clarifies why the absolute most capable competitors in the present investigation exceedingly supported the maladaptive accomplishment designs related with learned helplessness. Also, a portion of the slightest handy did not. The outcomes likewise bolstered the theory that there would be contrasts in attribution style between competitors who exhibit the maladaptive accomplishment designs related to learned helplessness versus the individuals who did not. All the more particularly, the vulnerable subjects influenced attributions to inability to that were inner, stable, and global while the non-helpless subjects made attributions that were outer, insecure, and particular. 

Various critical ramifications can be drawn for the mentor and rehearsing sports analyst. For example, since maladaptive accomplishment designs were found in tip-top youthful athletes, it is proper to figure out what should be possible to cultivate the improvement of more versatile accomplishment designs. One compelling intercession procedure is objective introduction preparing. This method depends on the preface that all behavioral objectives are mentally more important than goal-objectives such as winning. Maier & Seligman (2016 ), discovered that by controlling kids' objective introduction from results to change and learning, proper versatile accomplishment designs were illustrated. In wear, a learning objective introduction can be created through such input procedures as day-by-day objective setting, outlining, and audio-video criticism. These methods can be utilized to prepare the athlete to concentrate on assignment-related data that advances dominance of particular games aptitudes ( Czéh et al., 2016 ). Another compelling method that has been accustomed to realizing more versatile accomplishment designs is attribution retraining ( Czéh et al., 2016 ). This method depends on the suspicion that is conceivable to change subjects' reactions to disappointment by modifying their attributions for disappointment. For example, Iwata et al. (2016), have shown a change in learned vulnerability subjects' level of constancy by retraining them to decipher their reasons for the inability to exertion or procedure rather than capacity. Showing adapting abilities ( Iwata et al., 2016 ) has additionally ended up being a powerful intercession methodology for treating people against the maladaptive accomplishment designs related with learned helplessness. With this procedure, individuals are instructed to utilize excitement as a sign and to start utilizing specific adapting abilities, subsequently expanding their undertaking center around factors that can be controlled. For example, Iwata et al. (2016), discovered a change in learned powerlessness subjects' critical thinking abilities via preparing them how to figure adapting self-articulations and how to utilize dynamic muscle unwinding. 

In conclusion, learned helplessness can be defined as a behavioral adaptation that is depicted by an animal or in other cases a human being subject to repeated exposure to painful or rather aversive stimuli which the exposed party becomes unable to escape from or avoid. The organism learns that it becomes helpless when exposed to such stimuli and accepts that it has no control over the aversive stimuli and hence the term learned helplessness. The condition is associated with athletes owing to the nature of their exercises. It is also associated with neurobiological perspective as well as health implications. High levels of serotonin activity, for instance, plays a key role in propagating the condition. Other health implications include depression and adverse social impacts including abusiveness and demotivation among others. The condition can be immunized or instead treated with behavioral therapy as it is a psychological state. By encouraging athletes to undergo frequent therapy alongside exercise, the condition can be eliminated. 


Czéh, B., Fuchs, E., Wiborg, O., & Simon, M. (2016). Animal models of major depression and their clinical implications.  Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 64 , 293-310. 

Iwata, M., Ishida, H., Kaneko, K., & Shirayama, Y. (2016). Learned helplessness activates hippocampal microglia in rats: a potential target for the antidepressant imipramine.  Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 150 , 138-146. 

Kim, Y., Perova, Z., Mirrione, M. M., Pradhan, K., Henn, F. A., Shea, S., & Li, B. (2016). Whole-brain mapping of neuronal activity in the learned helplessness model of depression.  Frontiers in neural circuits 10 , 3. 

Maier, S. F., & Seligman, M. E. (2016). Learned helplessness at fifty: Insights from neuroscience.  Psychological Review 123 (4), 349. 

Raufelder, D., Regner, N., & Wood, M. A. (2018). Test anxiety and learned helplessness are moderated by student perceptions of teacher motivational support.  Educational Psychology 38 (1), 54-74. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). What Is Learned Helplessness and How Can You Overcome It?.


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