26 Aug 2022


Why "Doctor Strange" is a great piece of artifact

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 454

Pages: 1

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The 2016 film “Doctor Strange” is a story about Stephen Strange, a neurosurgeon whose life changes after a tragic car accident. Propelled by the dire consequences of the accident, Doctor Strange must find strategies that he can use to heal his hands, a quest that brings him to Kamar-Taj in Nepal. Through his therapist, Doctor Strange gets to know of a person who can help him recover. It is in Kamar-Taj where Stephen is taught how to use his mind to heal himself. Stephens learns that this strategy relies on mystic arts, and at first, he is reluctant to accept, but later, he agrees to undergo the entire process ( Marvel, 2016 ). With an enthralling origin story and a gratifying arc, the film delivers laughs and mind-blowing concepts throughout. 

There are many memorable quotes in the film that have the potential of remaining relevant for a long time. One quotable line is “Who are you in this vast multiverse, Doctor Strange?”. This line was said during Doctor Strange's first meeting with The Ancient One, an encounter whereby she opens Strange's eyes and sends him plunging into an exciting but confusing journey throughout the multiverse. The line is memorable because of the strong feeling that people can relate with it especially rekindling or giving one’s purpose in their endeavors ( Marvel, 2016 ). This quote was brought up because The Ancient One wanted to give Doctor Strange a perspective of what he could achieve in the pending mission. 

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The goal of making a fantasy theme criticism is to identify, comprehend and interpret the converged symbols. Such a criticism tries to understand why a quote such as "Who are you in this vast multiverse, Doctor. Strange?" is still relevant and a symbol of stronger meaning. This line gives one focus on their course regardless of the hardships they will encounter along the way. It gives one an impetus to stay true to the course at hand and muster all their energies to achieve their objective. The line catches the audience's attention because it is said by the person who unlocks the mystic powers in Doctor Strange ( Marvel, 2016 ). Along with being the curtain-raiser to Doctor Strange's powers, the saying has great meaning to the audience, as evidenced by how it has received wide acceptance on the internet. 

Although the film is about five years old, it is a great piece of artifact, especially due to the intelligent nature of Doctor Strange. The Ancient One says this line directly to Doctor Strange, which gives the statement the needed perspective. 

The unit of analysis for the current research will be the rhetorical vision. Fundamentally, the focus will be to understand how the identified quote enhances a shared fantasy. As such, it will be important to understand the role of the involved characters, setting, and actions in the resultant reality created by the line. The following will be the research questions. 

What is the meaning of the identified quote? 

What is the impact of the quote on the rest of the film? 

How does the audience relate to the quote? 


Marvel. (2016).  Doctor Strange  [Video]. Retrieved 20 June 2021, from https://www.marvel.com/movies/doctor-strange. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Why "Doctor Strange" is a great piece of artifact.


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