Unit Topic: Health and Wellbeing Unit Title: Healthy and unhealthy foods National or State Academic Content Standards VPK Standard: A.d.1.b which standard on Physical development domain. Part A outlines health and wellbeing under feeding and nutrition. This standard responds to feeding or feeds self with increasing efficiency and demonstrates rising interest in eating habits and making food choices benchmark. Part b. recognizes nutritious food choices and healthy eating habits Learning Goal The goal for this lesson is to understand importance of food in physical development. By the end of the lesson the students should understand the concept of healthy diet and able to apply it in their food choices. This lesson seeks to empower the students to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods. The students should understand constituents of healthy food and unhealthy food. At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to categorize common food and what entails a healthy and unhealthy diet. The students should be able to make informed choices with regard to food and have an understanding of its composition. By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to categories their eating habits and know why not all foods are healthy for their well being. Measurable Objectives Identify different foods pictures Understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods Identify healthy foods and list the constituents List atleast 5 unhealthy foods Analyze daily food intake by separating healthy and unhealthy food
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