29 Oct 2022


A Modest Proposal Summary

Format: MLA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 281

Pages: 1

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From a distance, the article, A Modest Proposal would have been easily confused for a romantic tale. However, the article’s proposal talks about fattening up malnourished children and feeding them to rich people as a means of reducing their parents’ burden. The author further states that the Irish people, politicians, and the English are to blame for the poor conditions of the region ( Swift, 1995) . Therefore, there is an increased social stratification where the rich continue to wealthy, and the less fortunate continue to be weaker. 

I agree with his argument that changing the harsh economic and social conditions should be an initiative of everyone, including the people themselves. However, I disagree that children should be exploited for the benefits of their parents. Even though poverty is a significant problem that needs to be urgently solved, fattening children only to be sold to wealthy landowners does not provide the solution. It only offers a short-term solution that does not end their poverty but makes them more miserable and unable to fend for themselves. Children should instead be fed, well nourished, and taken care while allowed to grow as healthy children do. 

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Allowing children to labor deprives them of their childhood years and exposes them to early misery. They are also denied the privilege of learning and having a good education to improve their livelihood. Education is one of the most effective ways of ending poverty since an educated community is a wealthy population. Educating the children would have acted as a means of them getting proper jobs to facilitate upward social mobility. Therefore, exploiting children does not provide a long-term solution to end poverty. Instead, it stagnates their growth to grow and develop. 


Swift, J., (1995, February). A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people from being a burthen to their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public. In  Child and Youth Care Forum  (Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 5-12). Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). A Modest Proposal Summary.


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