31 May 2022


Eating Disorders: Sociological Factors

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Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 602

Pages: 2

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Over the past years and decades, eating disorders were mainly a primary concern to the women, and especially to the gymnastics, who were more concerned with their shape appearances to meet their career. However, over the past, this has taken another marginal direction that shows the diversity of the male effects as well. On the contrary, the marginalized increase has had a couple of social growth with the results both from the social and ethical culture significantly. 

An analysis of the sociocultural risk factors contributing to a rise in eating disorders in both men and women 

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The eating disorder has significantly been increasing by a couple of specified steps that push the gymnastics and the athletes in this condition. To begin with, peer pressure from the peers is one of the reason behind the disorder ( Griffith, 2012 ). The need to maintain the shape of the body to be the same as that of your peers is a core contributor to the ailing disorders. Through this, the gymnastics are forced to maintain a figure that is close or if not so, be perfect than one of their peers. In this manner, most of the gymnastics venture into this aspect without even analyzing the significant risk or consequences that may emanate later. 

Secondly, the pressure from parents The critical inspiration of any gymnastic is the great supportive measures that they acquire from the parents. In this case, the parents have a social-cultural effect that contributes to the eating disorder. 

Thirdly, the starting period profoundly dictates and contributes to this ailing issue. Most of the gymnastics begin their ultimate career at a tender age ( Griffith, 2012 ). They are shaped and driven by different motives to ensure that they have maintained the perfect shape and body. Through this aspect, most of them are subjected to eating disorders that dictate the form of their bodies. 

Lastly, the influence and determination to attain a perfect shape to the gymnastics are one of the observations that most of the coaches significantly facto out. An ideal fitting body of an athlete is a significant and a key contributor to a perfect shape of the gymnastics. Furthermore, the effects of not maintaining a slim body do not contribute to professionalism. Through this, the athletes are subjected to eating disorders from their coaches who want them to keep a specified body style. 

Understanding regarding the development of eating disorders, and the possibilities to develop a comprehensive sociocultural risk factor model and why 

The mentality of an eating disorder is developed based on what we look forward to achieving by far. Through the development of ego and Id in the human brain to determine what is required for a specified period is one of the critical concepts of increasing eating disorders. In the behavioral model, our actions are highly determined and dictated by our past experiences (Jackson, and Chen, 2015). Through this, the significance and contribution of the eating disorders are fostered using the behavioral model that we develop on a daily basis regarding eating disorders. 

Furthermore, the behaviors developed from the past activities and events profoundly contributes to the abnormal functioning of the human brain (Jackson, and Chen, 2015). It is through these developed behaviors from our social culture such as the pressure from our peers that significantly contribute the increased and diversification of the eating disorders. However, the anticipated practical behaviors of these acts are significantly threatening to our heath as well. 

On the same case, the effect of eating disorders to the females are by far worse to their health. Due to the prolonged and continued eating disorders, their menstruation cycle is slightly affected. Secondly they face the threats of heart damage as well as the inflammation of the esophagus lastly due to several damaged organs of the body, involved individual is likely to succumb to death. 


Griffith, J. (2012). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRuCI5PvApU 

Jackson, T., & Chen, H. (2015). Features of objectified body consciousness and sociocultural perspectives as risk factors for disordered eating among late-adolescent women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(4), 741–752. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Eating Disorders: Sociological Factors.


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