13 Apr 2022


Effects of Bullying on Children’s Education

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Academic level: College

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Words: 569

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Policy makers and educators from different parts of the world have had their attention caught with the behavioral phenomenon that is bullying over the last few years. According to these scholars, the behavior is characterized by physical abuse or intentional verbal exchange done repeatedly by peers or, in this context, students. From the article sourced, this form of violence is rapidly escalating throughout the world. Several initiatives have been launched to try and combat the menace. For instance, the Brazilian Federal government once set up a nationwide initiative that aimed to tackle the vice ("Bullying and Its Effects on Learning and Development in Australian Primary School: Research Paper Examples - A Research Guide for Students", n.d.) . This was in November 2015. The main target was in schools. The initiative was brought to existence due to the high bullying prevalence in learning institutions. 

Over the past few decades, the number of children accessing social media through various means such as mobile phones has been increasing rapidly. Bullying no longer has to be physical. Cyber bullying has become trending topic that researchers are digging more into. People are increasingly being bullied online. The idea of bullying affecting only young children in schools is no longer viable. Even the older children and teenagers in high school and colleges are facing the vice. The number of school dropouts, suicide reports, and related cases in institutions of learning are proportionally increasing. 

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Studies indicate that primary school children tend to suffer from bullying the most. These children are also the most vulnerable and face greater risks of being left behind in their studies. Also revealed is the fact that girls are more likely to be affected by bullying. This is quite unexpected as boys are known to experience bullying more. However, girls are more sensitive to it and hence, more likely to succumb to the effects. 

Children need to be in their right path emotionally, socially, and even cognitively as they go through their educational journey. Bullying affects these aspects of a child’s life and hence, by extension, affects their education. The vice tends to affect one’s self-esteem negatively. The level of a child’s confidence can go down by over a half. Confidence is an integral factor when it comes to developing a child wholly. A less confident child often feels emotionally disjointed and this makes it difficult for him/her to build a rapport with others. Children who face a lot of bullying tend to shy off their mates and this becomes difficult for them in school since they are expected to mingle with their school mates and engage in educational activities for a big part of their childhood. Overly, such students ultimately become introverts early in their lives. This means that they find it difficult to easily communicate with others and form constructive relationships. Such behavior extends throughout one’s high school and college experience. 

Severe bullying can lead to depression. Depressive thoughts are difficult to get rid of especially for children and are also the main attribute that cause all problems related to bullying. Children who are depressed in school have increased chances of committing suicide. Individuals have different tolerance levels based on different factors. Some can handle continued bullying well while a majority find it difficult to do so. The less the tolerance level, the more affected the kid is. This, in turn, affects the academic excellence level of children. 

In a nutshell, bullying has negative impacts on children in school. No positive effect has ever been associated with the vice. The efforts being put in to curb the menace are therefore quite understandable. However, more needs to be done if there are hopes of completely doing away with the nuisance.


Bullying and Its Effects on Learning and Development in Australian Primary School: Research Paper Examples - A Research Guide for Students. Retrieved from https://www.aresearchguide.com/bullying-effects-learning-development-australian-primary-school.html

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Effects of Bullying on Children’s Education.


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