14 Oct 2022


Global Education and Multicultural Educations

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 370

Pages: 1

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Globalization has intensified the need for diversity in education and, therefore, begs the distinction between global education and multicultural education. In this case, multicultural education is centred on the diversity and ethnicity in the United States (Kirkwood-tucker, 2009). Multicultural education revolves around diversity in the United States due to the increased immigration and population increase rates among minority groups. On the other hand, global educations focus on diversity and ethnicity in education outside the United States. Multicultural educations also entail the modifications of the educations system in the United States to incorporate people from diverse backgrounds and show appreciations of diversity in the country to increase cohesion and unity (Kirkwood-tucker, 2009) . The primary focuses of global educations on the other hand is to increase international relations between the United States and other countries with diverse cultural backgrounds. 

Origin and justifications are the two parameters of interest in this paper. The origin of multicultural and global educations can be used to understand the current progress made in these two fields. (Kirkwood-tucker, 2009). Global educations became prevalent after the Second World War. The United States sought to gain influence globally, and therefore education was one of the primary directives for this progress (Santamaria, 2014) . On the other hand, multicultural education intensified after the enactment of right civil acts in the United States. This act eliminated segregations and any other form of discriminations in education and other spheres. Multicultural educations were therefore adopted to enhance the appreciations of diversity and ethnicity in the country. 

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Leadership is based on understanding the rationale of influence and diversity among the people. In this regard, the origin and justifications of both global and multicultural education can be significant in determining a person's leadership capabilities. Leaders who appreciate diversity in any context are more inclined to grow and improve their leadership skills. In global education, particularism is the idea that exclusivity can be placed on one particular interest (Santamaria, 2014) . From a political view, this is the idea that any group has the right to promote the interest of their choice despite the interest of a large group. In leadership, this can entail the emphasis on multicultural education being combined with global educations to enhance cultural competencies in all spheres of life and therefore promote diversity. 


Kirkwood-tucker, T. F. (2009).  Visions in global education - the globalization of curriculum and pedagogy . Peter Lang Publishing Inc. print book 

Santamaría, L. J. (2014). Critical change for the greater good: Multicultural perceptions in educational leadership toward social justice and equity.  Educational Administration Quarterly 50 (3), 347-391. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Global Education and Multicultural Educations.


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