4 Jan 2023


Healthcare in the United Kingdom

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 342

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Strategic Management and Leadership for Health Professionals — Skills to Leverage Resources to Achieve Health Goals 

The article generally discusses the mechanisms which should be employed by the health sector in order to improve healthcare provision to the people. Health care professionals need to involve other stakeholders from other sectors in order to address the issue of healthcare provision adequately (WHO, 2014). Healthcare matters cannot only be left to the healthcare department because most of the healthcare issues arise from other environmental factors which are not even within the scope of healthcare sector (Kumar et al., 2015). There are four wide domains which determine a population’s health which include environmental factors, lifestyle, human biology and lastly the healthcare organization. Among all these domains, environmental factors are the leading cause of healthcare problems followed by lifestyle and human biology. 

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My career field is concerned with healthcare professionalism and leadership. My career field broadly seeks to know which tactics can be adopted to improve healthcare and one of this tactics is involving other sectors outside the healthcare sector to realized improved healthcare (Kumar, Adhish, & Chauhan, 2014). Therefore, this article on strategic management and leadership for health professionals is relevant to my career. The healthcare administrators need to look beyond their health scope and try to reach to the communities and other leadership sectors in order to have a better way of addressing healthcare related issues in the society (Kumar, Adhish, & Deoki, 2014). The healthcare sector need to go beyond its boundaries and identify windows of opportunity and networking in order to reach more people and ensure that healthcare provision is improved. These strategies of identifying windows of opportunity and networking need the intervention of other ministries within the government (USAID, 2015). This way, they will have a combined effort and will be able to efficiently impact the healthcare sector positively. This will also improve on the management and leadership of the healthcare sector at large. 


. Kumar, S., Adhish, S., & Deoki, N. (2014). Making Sense of Theories of Leadership for Capacity Building. Indian J Community Med 2014. 39:82-6. 

Kumar, S., Adhish, V., & Chauhan, A. (2014). Managing Self for Leadership. Indian J Community Med 39:138-42. 

Kumar, S., Kumar, N., Adhish, V., & Reddy, R. (2015). Strategic Management and Leadership for Health Professionals — Skills To Leverage Resources To Achieve Health Goals. 40(3): 158-162. (Online) Downloaded on https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478655/ 

USAID. Reaching Decision-makers with Effective Advocacy Communication: Informing, Persuading, and Moving to Action (2015). (Online). Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/cbsc/files/Scaling_up_nutrition.pdf 

WHO. Non Communicable Diseases. Country Profile India. Geneva: WHO; 2014. p. 91. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Healthcare in the United Kingdom .


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