20 Jul 2022


How Time Can Change Your Sense of Self

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Academic level: College

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Words: 297

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Jason Silva believes that "Hacking the Flow "means going beyond the average expectations of humanity to achieve greatness. Basically, he describes a state of concentration where the person focuses solely on a great achievement that will grow beyond the scope of ordinary and at the same time get great recognition and public acknowledgment. Social constructs can limit this state. 

The dog and the humanities go through life differently because of the simplicity in value systems. The dog is praised and acknowledged simply for existing. The human on the other hand, is constantly trying to hack the state so that he can stay relevant. So both strive to be noticed but the dog has it easier. 

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People who go through life without ambition are privileged in that they do not suffer from disappointment after failure. However, they are not enviable because they miss out on the opportunity and growth that may come as a result of achievement. It is healthy to push oneself in order to get personal fulfillment. 

Boundaries to hacking the flow include gender, geographical location, academic level and social perception. Breaking through this boundaries is desirable because this would open up new possibilities. Personal fulfillment is a major driving point at this point in time because I'm still not responsible for anyone else. A career and family may change that perception. 

Strength means acknowledging one's weaknesses and having the courage to seek help. I do not see the need to be perceived as a strong person because it does not add any value to the quality of life. However, it is important to strengthen your own sense of self in order to be able to grow mentally. 

It's important to know who we are as well as our signicance in each others lives. Self is about awareness on snow individual level and how this relates to other persons. It is important to act in a way that positively affects others so as to get personal fulfillment. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How Time Can Change Your Sense of Self.


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