To design an infographic, a dataset was obtained from 566 respondents. The main area of interests from the dataset are gender, age and the Big 5 Personality Factors: Openness to Experience (also called intellect), Extraversion, Neuroticism (aka emotional stability), Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. The analysis represents a linear regression between age and the Big 5 Personality Factors to identify whether age is a predictive factor.
Demographic results
Table 1 and Figure 1 shows the descriptive results.
Table 1 : Response on Gender
Frequency |
Percent |
Female |
355 |
62.7 |
Genderqueer |
1 |
.2 |
I'll answer to anything |
1 |
.2 |
Male |
194 |
34.3 |
Non-binary gender |
11 |
1.9 |
Prefer not to answer |
4 |
.7 |
Total |
566 |
100.0 |
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Figure 1 : Response on gender
According to the findings in Table 1 and figure 1; majority of the respondents were females at 355 (62.7%) followed by males at 194 (34.3%). This means that the female participants outweigh their male counterparts in this dataset.
Regression Modeling
The researcher used multiple linear regressions modeling to explain the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables when all the variables with the statistical significant relationships are brought together. The results were as shown in Table 2.
From the multiple linear regression model summary and overall fit statistics, it was found out that the adjusted R² of the model is 0.002 with the R² = .011 that means that the linear regression explains 1.1% of the variance in the data.
From the ANOVA output, it shows that all the independent variables which include the Big 5 Personality Factors cannot predict the age, (F= 1.215, p =.301).
Table 2: Regression analysis
Coefficients a |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
(Constant) |
45.758 |
14.458 |
3.165 |
.002 |
Conscientiousness |
-.124 |
.099 |
-.053 |
-1.254 |
.210 |
Openness |
.016 |
.116 |
.006 |
.135 |
.893 |
Agreeableness |
-.761 |
.368 |
-.097 |
-2.068 |
.039 |
Extraversion |
.062 |
.575 |
.005 |
.108 |
.914 |
Neuroticism |
.383 |
.566 |
.035 |
.677 |
.499 |
a. Dependent Variable: Age |
The multiple linear regression model for the data is specified as
Y = β o + β 1 X1 + β 2 X2 +β 3 X3 +β 4 X 4 +β 5 X 5 + €
Where y i is age
β 0 is a constant
β 1 x 1 is Conscientiousness
β 2 x 2 is Openness
β 3 x 3 is Agreeableness
β 4 x 4 is Extraversion
β 5 X 5 is Neuroticism
€ = error term
The regression equation will therefore be specified as:
y i =45.758+-0.124 x 1 + 0.016 x 2 +. -0.761 x 3 +0.062 x 4 +0.383x 5
This means that holding or keeping all other variables constant:
A unit change in Conscientiousness would result into -0.124 unit in age differences among the respondents
A unit change in Openness would result into 0.016 unit in age differences among the respondents.
A unit change in Agreeableness would result into -0.761 unit in age differences among the respondents
A unit change in Extraversion would result into 0.062 unit in age differences among the respondents
A unit change in Neuroticism would result into 0.383 unit in age differences among the respondents