8 May 2022


How to Delegate and the Importance of Teamwork

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 375

Pages: 1

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Discussion Board 1

Delegation is the assignment of responsibilities to another person normally from a manager to a subordinate (Crispo, 2011) . Within the last five months, the principal has delegated various responsibilities which include, implementing progressive discipline measures following the initial investigation of an incident that may have occurred in the school. The school principal has also delegated the task of ordering and handling materials to the deputy principal and the senior teachers. This ensures that there is no shortage of materials that facilitate the operation of the school (Bowers& Salas2010) . Additionally, the principal has delegated the tasks of preparing the timetable for the school. The task of keeping records has also been delegated to the school secretary for easy retrieval if need be. Moreover, the daily and annual report preparation has been delegated to facilitate effective operation of the school (Gummer, 2012) . If I were the principal I would have the confidence to delegate the tasks as mentioned above to ensure effective operation of the school.

Discussion board 2

In this case where Bob has broken his collar bone, I would allow him to take the state assessment since all the students are required to participate in the state assessment and having the bobs collar bone broken should not hinder him from participating (Gummer, 2012) . After participating in the state assessment, I would ask Bobs mum to bring him for makeup testing to ensure that his broken collar bone will undergo the necessary treatment. To conduct a thorough investigation on the incidence, I would ask the PE teacher to complete an accident report to identify the cause of the accident. In case the PE teacher claims that he was not around when the accident occurred, I would ask him to enquire from the other students who were with Bob and have the accident report completed. After the report is completed, I would notify the relevant authority to ensure that the necessary course of action is implemented (Pierce, 2010). To prevent a similar accident from happening again I would ensure that the school compound is renovated to close any loophole that could cause any accident. Indeed, this would ensure that the student are provided with a conducive environment 

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Bowers, C. A., Baker, D. P., & Salas, E. (2010). Measuring the importance of teamwork: The reliability and validity of job/task analysis indices for team-training design.  Military Psychology 6 (4), 205.

Crispo, B. (2011). Delegation of responsibilities. In  International Workshop on Security Protocols  (pp. 118-124). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Gummer, B. (2012). Go team go! The growing importance of teamwork in organizational life.  Administration in social work 19 (4), 85-100.

Pierce, M. (2010). Portrait of the super principal.  Harvard Education Letter 16 (5), 1-5.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Delegate and the Importance of Teamwork.


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