8 Oct 2022


Autism Spectrum Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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There exist different kinds of disorders that which come about as a result of different condition. An example of such disabilities is the Asperser’s symptom (AS). This is a psychological disability which falls under a broad category of The Autism Spectrum Disorder abbreviated as ASD. In this paper, Asperser’s symptom is broadly discussed. The paper has majored on some aspects of the disorders that are paramount for the victim, the caregivers, and the teachers. In the essay, the cause, as well as the early intervention of the disorder, is majored on. The paper has also examined some psychological as well as the symptoms with an aim to help them identify the disorders in case they are spotted in a child or adult. 


The Autism Spectrum Disorder abbreviated as ASD is the development of disability which is associated with significant behavioral, communication as well as social challenges in an individual ( Lugnegård et al., 2011). There is no significant physical differences between normal person-width a person who suffers from AS. However, their mode or means, as well as ways of interactions, communication as well as behavior, has some significant abnormalities from that of the normal person. Their behavior, talents, interactions as well as problem-solving abilities are severely gifted or challenged. There are many types of disorders or disabilities which are classified under ASD. They are inclusive of Autistic disorders, Asperser’s Syndrome, Pervasive Development Disorders and many others. These disabilities have different symptoms, prognosis, treatment and even diagnosis. This discussion majors on the Aspersers syndrome disability which is sub-condition or disability of the ASD. The article aims at discussing in depth the symptoms, treatment, management of the condition. 

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Asperser’s symptom is a milder end of the Autism spectrum. It belongs to a group of neurological disorders of the ASD. The NJAC 6A Defines this condition as a developmental disorder which belongs to the Autism group neurological and is characterized by the by language skills impairment either too high or lower degree as well as repetitive thoughts of pattern and individual behaviors. An individual with this condition has three strong characters which can be noted. The first issue with these individuals is that they have difficulty in interacting with other people. The second abnormal fact about them is that their behaviors are more of repetitive and the last issue is that these individuals have high cognitive ability. There are many ways parents can identify this condition on their children ( Ritvo et al ., 2011). 

Symptoms for identifications 

The symptoms of the disability vary from one individual to another, however, children who suffered from this disability exhibit an extreme focus on narrow topics. For instance, a child with Asperser’s syndrome can give concentration to unique issues such as train schedule or dinosaurs. Their interactions are always one sided. They are always hash on to those who tries to object these behavior changes. This explains why these kinds of individuals always have issues with their social interactions. Alternatively, these individuals have difficulties in reading facial expression and body language. They cannot recognize what an individual with communication challenges says. Alternatively, these individuals have difficulties in understanding other people’s feelings. They are capable of offending a person without knowing, and hence they should be understood. Consequently, it is widespread for this these individual to avoid an eye contact when talking or communicating with others. Another issue to watch is the facial expression of the victims. Consequently, they use monotonic tones when communicating to others. Additionally, they have an issue with their tonal volume regulation. An AS patient, cannot regulate their voices to accommodate a situation. Lastly, the children with AS should be checked keenly since they may display some issues with their motor skills. They may have problems such as running, walking and many other issues. They also lack coordination and may have problems with some simple’s task that other normal children’s engages in such as riding bicycles, climbing trees or marry-go-round and many others ( Kaland, 2011). 


This disability has some complication in data profiling to determine the actual prevalence. The data possess by many individuals are not specific with some approximating that out of 250 people; one person has this disability. Its prevalence statistic has shifted, in 1990’s The Institute of National Child Health and Mental Development that approximately out of five hundred individual, a single person suffers from AS. However, this statistic has been very low since this disorder was not prominent at that time. As its popularity rose, so was its prevalence. Alternatively, the knowing the exact prevalence of this condition is a challenge since most of its data is incorporated in the data under ASD. The current data from the Center for Disease and Control (CDC) suggest that in every 68 group of individual, one person suffers from the ASD. Within this data combine other types of disorders classified under the ASD and hence bring the challenge of determining the actual percentage of AS. The report from Stewart suggests that the prevalence stands at 2.6 per 1000 individuals. “The Epidemiology of Asperger Syndrome: A Total Population Study" by Ehlers and Gillberg (www.asperger.org 2001), it is estimated that the prevalence of Asperger is 2.6 per 1,000 individuals. With the population of the U.S. currently estimated at 275 million (July 2000), this would mean an estimated 715,000 people are affected by Asperger's syndrome in the U.S. alone" (Stewart, 2002). 

Alternatively, many people who suffer from this disability have not been identified. Dr. Tony estimated that almost 50% of individuals who suffers from this condition remain undiagnosed since some have no clue that they are suffering from a condition. Others are misdiagnosed by the medical professional hence it is very challenging to find the actual prevalence of AS in the population. Another important consideration is the approximated ratio of this disorder and its prevalence in male and female in the population. Many scholars suggest that the prevalence may be high in male than female. However, this population may be unrecognized. This number is suggested to be four times in the male individual than female. However, this number has no scientific approval. It has taken the scientist almost twenty years of clinical observation and the current AANE staff reported that the ratio of male to female who suffer from AS is close to 2:1. 


Many symptoms of AS are associated with the brain alteration in the victims. However, it has been very difficult for doctors or researchers to come to a conclusion on what causes the brain change on these victims. After many research, some potential courses are cited by the medical professionals. These are inclusive of the genetic factors as well as the exposure to environmental factors. The environmental factors can be chemicals, viruses, bacteria as well as toxics. The exposure to these factors is likely to cause AS in male than female. 

The Center for Disease and Control also has highlighted some cause and risk factors that are associated with both the AS well as the ASD. The organization claims that a child born to older parents are at greater risk of suffering from this condition. Alternatively, they also suggest that at birth, children risk developing this symptom. Other drugs such as thalidomide when taken during pregnancy also may result to complication where the child may show the signs of AS. 

Psychological & Behavioral Characteristics 

The victim of this disorders has four distinct dysfunctional. The first feature is limited and intense interest range; the second one is communicating skills. Alternatively, there is the difficulty in the social relation, and the lastly one is the repetitive behavior. The patients often show both psychological as well as behavioral characters. The psychological characteristic of the disability are inclusive of the following; the first is the high cognitive abilities. These individual tend to have a higher IQ level as compared to that of a normal person. They give higher concentration to the minimal issue. Alternatively, these individuals have high cognitive range and ability. For instance, these individual tend to have abnormal problem-solving skills. Some have higher thinking capabilities as compared to the normal individuals. Alternatively, these victims display some peculiar behavioral characters. For instance, these individual have master minimal normal language as compared to others. They cannot control the volume of their voice; they have monotonic kind of characters and many other issues in their way of communication. The victims also have inability to keep eye contact when communicating with other people. Consequently, these individuals always have issues with socializing with others individuals. They tend to have pragmatic characters that isolate them from others. They are characterized by performing a task repeatedly. In children, many victims show motor behavior difficulties such as walking, running, and many others. Lastly, children also show difficulties in performing some task among others ( Semrud-Clikeman et al. 2010). 

Educational Considerations 

Human beings are entailed to education and have the right to demand their right to learn and be educated. Since the victims of AS are a human being, they have to be taught to on ways and means of living their fellows, how to associate with people and many others; however, there is some special consideration when training or teaching these individuals. 

It is worth noting that some of these children have abnormal intelligence skills hence have the capability to climb through their education stairs up to the university level. The notable issue in their education is unusual skills in subjects which require memorization. Alternatively, though bright, these kids normally have dozens of challenges when it comes to verbal subjects, especially where communications are involved. Due to their sensitivity as well as their higher cognitive ability, one major way most teachers prefer is to mix them with adolescent or slightly older teenagers whom to them serve as their mentor and have the capability to understand them. 

While designing their programs or mixing them with other students, considerations are given to major four factors which hinder their learning. These are social skills, the cognitive skills, communication skills and psychological deficits. For this reason, an effective educational program should identify these strengths or weakness and capitalize on them. Their programs are twinned towards the social and behavioral structure of learning to provide strategies to deal with behaviors where both behavioral and social concepts are the priority subjects. These programs are designed uniquely. They commence with concrete issues; they start with abstract then ends with the student’s pace in communication and socializing. Their programs are very differently from others. The main objectives of these programs are to teach and enhance skills which will help the student in their future socialization and interaction developments. 

Assessment Practices (classroom testing & standardized testing) 

The ability to digest and utilize the information by these students is not normal as compared to those of the normal students. For this reason, their mode of examinations or classroom assessment should be standardized. A standardized test in this case, refers to tests which are design to garner individual or group’s knowledge, traits or ability. In this test, validity as well as reliability is necessary. For the students who suffer from the AS, the test which is dependents on language comprehension may be unfair on the students. Alternatively, consideration is given, to the length of the verbal or verbal direction and verbal responses. 

For these reasons, the following should be the considerations when examining the students; their exams should be based on the behaviors test. The auditory processing delays are also a major part. Also, the testing session should have fewer failures session. Many easy and standardized terms should be used for assessments. Alternatively, the test or assessments should be administered in a familiar environment. Another important part is to consider the student sensory needs when conducting the assessment to accommodate sensory strength or weakness effectively. Final section important part is to consider time for the assessment as asserted by Sharma (2012). 

Modifications & Accommodations in both special education and general education settings 

The students with this disability need special program modifications and consideration for accommodation in school. Firstly, the students should be isolated from those whom they are in bad terms with for proper accommodation in class. Secondly, the timetable for their task should be modified or broken into segments which will train them in scheduling their tasks. Also, the class should be inclusive of behavioral units set and modified within limits which can easily accommodate the AS students. The time table should be modified to accommodate the student in such a way that allow more time within between the lessons. Alternatively, it is important to use charts and visual presentation in class. Parents should be part of their education and be noted in case any changes on the student’s academic progress. 

Early Intervention Considerations 

Early interventions are very paramount for this disability. The interventions changes depending on the immunity of the child or adult character. The first early intervention is parents or educational training. For the children, their parents or relative with understanding of the disability can help in impacting some successful behaviors in them. Educational training is as well important. The next early intervention is social skills and speech training for both children and adult. The last early intervention is cognitive therapy ( Ghaziuddin, 2010). 

Transition Considerations 

The following factors are considered during the transitional stage; the social characters and the level of interaction of the individual with others. Alternatively, behavioral character is given much consideration as well as the cognitive level of the patients. 


Ghaziuddin, M. (2010). Brief report: Should the DSM V drop Asperger syndrome?. Journal of autism and developmental disorders , 40 (9), 1146-1148. 

Kaland, N. (2011). Brief report: Should Asperger syndrome be excluded from the forthcoming DSM-V?. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders , 5 (3), 984-989. 

Lugnegård, T., Hallerbäck, M. U., & Gillberg, C. (2011). Psychiatric comorbidity in young adults with a clinical diagnosis of Asperger syndrome. Research in developmental disabilities , 32 (5), 1910-1917. 

Ritvo, R. A., Ritvo, E. R., Guthrie, D., Ritvo, M. J., Hufnagel, D. H., McMahon, W., ... & Eloff, J. (2011). The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R): a scale to assist the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in adults: an international validation study. Journal of autism and developmental disorders , 41 (8), 1076-1089. 

Semrud-Clikeman, M., Walkowiak, J., Wilkinson, A., & Minne, E. P. (2010). Direct and indirect measures of social perception, behavior, and emotional functioning in children with Asperger’s disorder, nonverbal learning disability, or ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology , 38 (4), 509-519. 

Sharma, S., Woolfson, L. M., & Hunter, S. C. (2012). Confusion and inconsistency in diagnosis of Asperger syndrome: a review of studies from 1981 to 2010. Autism , 16 (5), 465-486. 

Stewart, K. (2002). Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome, p. 148). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment.


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