22 Jul 2022


How to Frame Decision Making to Get the Best Results

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 544

Pages: 2

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The first chapter basically focuses on the evolution of decision making from the traditional ways into a more effective modern way. Davidson in this chapter asserts that the traditional method of decision making do not apply in the real world. The traditional method of decision making involved formulating the problem and making them receptive to quantitative analysis. This method basically assumed that all problems have solutions. It would focus on identifying the problem, investigating data, data collection, data analysis, devising a solution and lastly implementing the solution. The limitations of the traditional method prompted the development of a new and improved decision making process, that aims at evading the narrow range of traditional decision making science: and focuses on the social context, psychological, ethical and economical platforms of decision making. Davidson proposes a better and effective way to make decisions terming it the paradigm shift of decision making. In the decision making paradigm shift, he states that the first step is acknowledging that the process of decision making is a social activity and that the end product of decision making brings forth numerous constraints; such as time, resources, ethics, political forces and laws. Decision making is ineffective both in the traditional and the modern method. Both this methods face numerous constraints which hinder the process of decision making due to the limited information. 

The second chapter focuses on the nature of decisions and decision making. The human mind is fully equipped to make simple decisions: The unconscious decisions which hardly require mindfulness. However, when it comes to complex problems, human beings require techniques and tools for assistance such as theory and practice. In this chapter, Davidson introduces the idea of conscious and unconscious decisions. Conscious decisions are the sensible decisions of consequences which always have some impact in either the moral, ethical or political dimensions. Furthermore decisions of consequences should not be approached from a mechanical point of view but rather from a logical stand. Conscious decisions, due to their expected impact and result oriented nature tend to have implications in society, politics, economics, ethics and psychology of the stakeholders. This chapter also focuses on the various ways different disciplines undertake the decision making process: These disciplines include psychology, neuroscience, public policy, legal systems and economics. Davidson asserts that there is no interdisciplinary approach that can cut across all these fields. Therefore each field should utilize a decision making method that will attain the optimal solution. 

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The third chapter focuses on the social aspect of decision making. This chapter is solely based on the idea that the process of decision making occurs in a social space. Decision making is a social activity and the best decisions are made in a group setup. Davidson brings forth the idea of components of the social space. These components of the social space include the stakeholders, the decision makers, the decision implementers, the community and the outside forces (disasters, new regulations and congress). In this chapter, the main focus is the people involved both directly and indirectly, the social space. Davidson emphasizes that in any decision making scenario whereby the decision involves more than one person, there will be numerous point of views, moral issues, and opposing sides. Therefore in order to make an optimal decision one should focus on the social space and what satisfies the interests of all the parties involved. He states that both the traditional and modern decision making methods, face the same issues of morality, different point of views and biasness to satisfy personal interest. Decisions of consequences require utmost morality of those directly participating in the decision making in order to acquire the optimal solution. 


"Dr. J. Davidson Frame on Decision Making ." YouTube , www.youtube.com/playlist? 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How to Frame Decision Making to Get the Best Results.


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