29 Jul 2022


How to Stop Bullying: Advice for Parents and Teachers

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 588

Pages: 2

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Bullying is a type of youth violence and is very dominant in many schools. According to the CDC, 1 in 5 high school students experience bullying in high school (CDC, 2019). It has adverse effects on the student's psychological health both in the short and long term, and often adversely impacts their academic performance. The adverse effects and prevalence of bullying make it a problem that can no longer be ignored by parents, educators, and other education stakeholders. This paper aims to explain the dynamics of the school bullying project to help education stakeholders understand the problem, its implementation, and the audience. 

Project Dynamics 

Bullying in school has numerous dynamics that all education stakeholders should understand to promote a safe learning environment. The first aim of the project is to create an understanding of what bullying is and its types. Bullying refers to habitual aggressive behavior to dominate and intimidate other individuals. It is a very common condition among peers, younger children, and may involve educators and administrators in extreme cases. At school, bullying happens in less supervised areas like the hallways, playgrounds, and the cafeteria. Some examples of bullying actions include pushing, insulting, and spreading rumors. While bullying may involve different offensive acts, it is classified into physical and emotional bullying. Physical bullying involves the bodily molestation of students, and often result in physical and psychological harm while emotional bullying includes actions like taunting and spreading rumors, and results in psychological harm. 

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According to research carried out by the National Center for Education Statistics in 2019, bullying is most prevalent in middle schools, particularly in grade six, where emotional bullying dominates, followed by physical bullying (Bullying Facts, 2015) . Also, most grade 6 students reported that cyberbullying dominated grades 6-9. According to the research of all bullying cases reported, only a third of the cases were reported, making it hard for the school management to tackle the issue. The report further identified that students most vulnerable to bullying include students from minority races, LGBT, disabilities, and religion. These students are often discriminated against for having unpopular characteristics compared to the other students. 

All stakeholders should understand that bullying is a very serious issue and has numerous adverse impacts on students. First, bullying decreases students' academic performance due to stress and anxiety, which prevents them from concentrating on school work. Bullying also results in sadness, loneliness, and low self-esteem. When students are bullied, they become lonely, sad, and fail to believe in themselves. In extreme cases, loneliness, depression, and anxiety may cause the students to commit suicide. Solving this problem is the responsibility of every stakeholder in the education sector. Some measures to control the issue include punishing bullies and creating an open environment, enabling students to explain their problems. 

Project Implementation 

This project is aimed to create awareness and increase knowledge regarding bullying and will be implemented through presentations. This will involve providing a lecture to all individuals who share the dream of making schools better places to learn for students. Providing lectures to individuals in meetings and conferences will help spread the message to many individuals. The presentation will also be printed and given to individuals to help reach a larger audience, which will be essential in creating the desired awareness. 


The message in this project is important to every individual in society. The education fraternity: students, teachers, parents, educators, and administrators, are particularly the primary target for this project. This project helps educate students on ways to respond to bullying when they ever find themselves in such positions. For teachers, educators, and administrators, the project will help them understand how bullying occurs at school, the effects, and the remedies to the problem. Parents will also understand the impacts of bullying on their children and what they can do to help them. Every stakeholder should ensure that schools become a safe environment for students to learn; this project will contribute to this course by educating people on the dynamics of bullying and its remedies. 


Bullying Facts . (2015, July 8). Retrieved from Bullying Statistics Website: http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/school-bullying.html 

Violence and Prevention . (2019, September 25). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Website: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/youthviolence/bullyingresearch/fastfact.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Stop Bullying: Advice for Parents and Teachers.


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