11 Jul 2022


How to Work in Diverse Groups

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Academic level: College

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Words: 495

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Thank you for submitting your application to Rodarte's Marketing Group, a company that prides itself on its diverse work culture. The first stage of the process is a written interview. Please provide your answers to the following questions. 

1.What is cultural competence? 

Cultural competence refers to the capability of an employee to accept cultural diversity in the workplace and effectively interact and work to gather with people from different cultures. Culturally diverse organizations incorporate and utilize people from different cultures and embrace specific cultural practices within their organizational processes. It is thus crucial that employees in such organizations are culturally competent to handle the diversity in culture within the organization to be able to cooperate and work together with employees towards the organization objective (Feldman, 2017). 

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2.How is cultural competence advantageous in the workplace? 

Cultural competence yield some advantages in a work environment. For one, cultural competence allows for an integration of different perspectives within the workplace making it more engaging and productive. Employees from diverse cultures bring in different viewpoints on issues in the company and enable the company to see things from different angles to arrive at best decisions. Secondly, cultural competence has a global impact on the market. Cultural competence accords organization the potential to grow globally and communicate in different parts of the world which is highly beneficial (Feldman, 2017). Lastly, Cultural competence allows for better community relations given that world’s countries are diverse and incorporate different cultures. Hence, organizations need to embrace the trend to become relevant in modern communities. 

3.What two or three strategies can you use to develop cultural competence? 

One strategy that can be applied to develop cultural competence is cultural training. In artistic practice, one learns his culture and beliefs, other cultures and beliefs and learns the way to cope with cultural differences and integrate them into their routines especially in a work environment. Another strategy for developing cultural competence is engaging in culturally diverse groups (Feldman, 2017). Working with people from different cultures helps a person to build their artistic ability by learning the belief of others and learning to cope with it. 

4.What strategies can you use to become more at ease with differences and diversity? 

One strategy that can help cope with different cultures is learning basic phrases such as greetings which will enable you to be more at ease with colleagues from other cultures. Incorporating and building social relationships with people from different cultures will ensure one is more at ease with diversity. Also, openness to new things will aid with ease around different cultures . (Feldman, 2017). Efforts in trying out aspects of different cultures such as food and traditions help one become comfortable around the people fro the culture and appreciate the different culture 

5.What does your ideal workplace look like? How would you like to be treated? How should you treat others? 

My ideal workplace one that offers global exposure and creates opportunities for learning new things and one that is incorporating of personalities. I would prefer a workplace that treats its employees in fairness, use and where I can be treated as part of the team . My principle is to treat others as I would prefer to be addressed: with respect and fairness. 


Feldman, S. Robert (2017). P.O.W.E.R Learning Chapter 9: Diversity and relationships . New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Work in Diverse Groups .


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