19 Aug 2022


Johnny Pacheco and Willie Rosario: A Comparison

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Academic level: College

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Words: 374

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During the early 1970s salsa became essential to the political agenda of the people struggling for recognition of economically, socially, and politically. However, there has been a transition from the point of origin as it is now embraced as a piece of music that is used to address identity issues of populations in America as a whole. Salsa is the fusion of guitar, Spanish and Afro-Cuban percussion merged with American jazz music. Occasionally, it incorporates elements of RNB funk and rock (Rondón, 2008). Despite the many differences in the music industry, Johnny Pacheco and Willie Rosario have a similarity in the way they produced and performed their music.

Johnny Pacheco is Dominican musician who has been playing music containing favorite taste in the 1980s to the Latino Community in the New York. Despite not being talented at any instrument, Pacheco possessed a sense of sabor, which was one of the most important talents in the field of music. He produced albums that were open to criticism but would stand out uniquely (Rondón, 2008). Whether as a singer, flutist, timbale, or conga player, Pacheco could easily navigate across different popular styles and tastes. Thanks to his sense of sabor. Ostensibly, he was a member of the Charango band. Despite his limitation to playing the flute, Pacheco’s band managed to remain one of the best bands in the New York.

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The Americanized sound of music from Latin brought success to musician such as Willie Rosario. He combined two trumpets and made them produce a sharp and brilliant tone. Making the trumpets, the base of the music became advantageous since it was not possible for the sound to get lost under trombones (Rondón, 2008). When Rosario converted the traditional Cuban and increased its size, it functioned more potent than it previously was. On a similar path, Johnny Pacheco decided to pursue the same trail as Rosario. Instead of working on Boogaloos, he, however, decided to perform a different music that would give depth and richness in salsa.

Both Willie Rosario and Johnny Pacheco involved instruments in performing their music. Pacheco was not good at performing using any instrument, but despite the limitation, he still performed using it. Similarly, Willie Rosario modified the trumpet instrument to bring out the type of tone he desired. Later on, Pacheco used the knowledge of Rosario, and instead of using Boogaloos, he decided to perform a different music that would give depth and richness in salsa tune.


Rondón, C. M. (2008). The Book of Salsa: A Chronicle of Urban Music from the Caribbean to New York City . The University of North California Press.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Johnny Pacheco and Willie Rosario: A Comparison.


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