17 Jan 2023


My Personal Hero’s Journey – A guide to finding your own path in life

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 532

Pages: 2

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As a child, I was a shy person; I hated being in large crowds. I had one friend called Melissa; she was a cute girl from our neighborhood. Before Melissa came, I would lock myself in my room and play video games. Melissa was a lovely person; she did not mind my strange character. I felt comfortable around, and I found myself sharing my secrets with her. At school, I was bullied, but Melissa defended me. 


Melissa knew that besides my shy character, I was a bold person who could fight my bullies. She would encourage me to hit back the people who hit me, but I was so afraid I did not believe her. We started attending self-defenses classes every evening after school. I felt invincible after learning how to kick and punch. I would direct my anger on our trainer. I kicked him so hard during training, and he was surprised by moves. 

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Refusal of the Adventure Call 

One evening when I was getting into the school bus to go home, some boys started picking on me. Melissa tried to push them away, but they overpowered her. They pinned me down and punched me so hard, Melissa persuaded me to fight, but I did not have the courage. I went home with a swollen when my mother saw me; she started crying. She asked me why I did not fight back when I knew I could defend myself. 

Meeting of the Mentor 

I took a shower and left for my self-defense classes, I was so stressed, and I did not want to stay at home despite the pain. My trainer saw me, and he was surprised, he called me aside and urged me to fight back. He told me my bullies were going to ruin my life; that was I was going to get into depression, and it will affect my studies. He consoled me, and I felt better after the training. 


I felt courageous after my trainer encouraged me. I looked at my face in the mirror, and it was swollen, I hated how the boys deformed my face. It was going to take me some time to heal; I was not going to let the bullies hurt me again. 


While I was walking at the corridors of our school someone hit my head when I turned to see who had hit; they were so many people behind me, I could not figure out who it was. When I was nearing my class, one of the boys who had punched my face knocked my books and they fell. It was not an accident he hit them intentionally. 

The Innermost Cave 

When I was eating my lunch, someone came and poured water on my food, and they force me to eat it. One of the boys knocked my head and pinned my head to the surface of the table. When I stood up to leave, I was kicked to the ground, and one boy forced me to lick his dirty shoe. 


I got off the ground and punched one boy on the face, and he fell. I also kicked another one on the stomach, and he cringed. I pulled another boy by his hair; my actions surprised all the students that were around us. I kept kicking them, and one of the boys got hurt and asked me forgiveness. 

Return and Reintegration to society 

The following day when I went to school, everyone was looking at me in strangely. My friend Melissa kept smiling at, and from that day onwards, my bullies did not bother me. I felt like I had slain a stubborn monster. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). My Personal Hero’s Journey – A guide to finding your own path in life.


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