1 Aug 2022


Neurodevelopment Disorders: Definitions, Characteristics, Symptoms and Risk Factors

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Academic level: College

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Pages: 5

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Neurodevelopment disorders are impairments to the human body which come about due to improper functioning of the human neurological system and the brain (Epa.gov, 2015) . These disorders mainly tend to affect children and include autism spectrum disorder, Attention defi cit disorder and Intellectual disability. When a child is affected by a neurological disorder, he or she ends up having difficulty with language and speech, behavior, learning, memory and motor skills. Additionally, children affected by these disorders may have problems with the functioning of other neurological systems in their bodies. Although children affected by neurological disorders will have symptoms and behaviors that change over the course of their growth, some of these disabilities will remain permanent (Epa.gov, 2015) . These disorders in which genetics play an important role are often challenging to diagnose and treat. 

Definitions, Characteristics, Symptoms and Risk Factors 

Autism Spectrum Disorder 

The autism spectrum disorder also is known as ASD is one of the neurological disorders which mostly affect communication and behavior of the individual affected (Barna, 2017) . The type and the severity of symptoms that people with autism experience are widely varied and it may affect anyone regardless of ethnicity, race and economic group. However, there is no right age for autism diagnosis in that it can be diagnosed at any age, although it is a developmental disorder whose symptoms predominantly manifest during the first two years of a child's life. Mostly, individuals with ASD often find it challenging to communicate socially, interact with other individuals and have restricted interests and repetitive behaviors (Sabet, McCarthy, Chaplin, & Underwood, 2015) . Although most individuals may not show all actions associated with autism, most of them will show several signs and symptoms. 

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When it comes to social communication and interaction behaviors, people with autism often make inconsistent eye contacts with other; they rarely listen to other people and often show their enjoyments of activities by pointing them to others (Epa.gov, 2015) . Moreover, they often tend to be slow when responding to their names being called or other verbal attempts, have difficulties with back and forth communications and mostly exhibit facial expressions and gestures that are not relative to what they are saying. Mostly, people with ASD have a not usual tone of voice that may sound flat or sing-song in addition to having troubles understanding other people’s point of view or predicting other individual’s actions (Sabet, McCarthy, Chaplin, & Underwood, 2015) . Consequently, these individuals have repetitive behaviors that may include having lasting interests in specific topics, overly focusing on their interests, tend to get upset by changes in their routine and are more sensitive than other individuals to sensory inputs such as light, clothing, noise or temperatures (Epa.gov, 2015) . Although individuals with autism have various problems, they have advantages in that they are detailed learners and can remember information for long periods of time. Furthermore, they are strong visual and auditory learners and are mostly excellent in mathematics, music, science or art. 

From the time of autism discovery to date, no single risk factor has been found to be sufficient enough to warrant as the cause of ASD. However, researchers have maintained that it can be caused by a combination of multiple genetic and environmental risk factors (Barna, 2017) . Research findings and hypothesis on ASD further indicate that environmental contaminants might play an essential role in causing autism. Moreover, it has also been found that pregnant women who take certain pharmaceuticals increase the exposure of their unborn children to autism which gives us an indication that there are biological pathways by which other chemical exposures during pregnancy can increase the risk of autism in unborn children (Epa.gov, 2015) . Consequently, having siblings with ASD, older parents and genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome and Rett syndrome can are known to increase the risk of an individual being autistic (Barna, 2017)

Attention-deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 

This neurological disorder is a disruptive behavior disability which is marked by ongoing patterns of inattention and or hyperactivity-impulsivity which interferes with functioning or development of individuals (LumenCandela, 2016) . Individuals with ADHD mostly exhibit key behaviors of inattention and hyperactivity. Although others may exhibit only one of the behaviors, some may exhibit both behaviors with children mostly having the combination of the two. Although in normal circumstances it is common to have some inattention, unfocused motor activity, and impulsivity, people with ADHD, however, have severe, more frequent behaviors which interfere with the quality of their social functioning at school or in a job (Epa.gov, 2015)

Mostly, individuals with inattention often overlook or miss details; they make careless mistakes in their schoolwork, at work or when doing other activities. Moreover, they usually have problems sustaining attention in tasks that may include conversations, lectures or lengthy readings (Epa.gov, 2015) . These individuals often seem not to listen when spoken to directly in addition to not following through instructions, chores, or duties in that they are quick to lose focus and are easily sidetracked. Moreover, they usually have problems when it comes to organizing tasks and activities and mostly tend to dislike functions that might require sustained mental efforts (Sabet, McCarthy, Chaplin, & Underwood, 2015) . Consequently, hyperactivity- impulsivity often fidgets and tends to squirm in their seats; they run around or climb inappropriate situations. Mostly they find it difficult to play or engage in hobbies quietly, talk nonstop, are always in motion and often blurt out answers before a question has been completed, they have troubles waiting for their turns and often tend to interrupt or intrude on others (Epa.gov, 2015)

Although the risk factors of ADHD are not yet determined, scientists state that like many other illnesses, some elements have been found to contribute to ADHD. Factors such as genes, alcohol and drug use during pregnancy, exposure to environmental toxins at a young age or during pregnancyyoung age, low birth weight and brain injuries are some of the risk factors associated with ADHD with males being affected more than females (Epa.gov, 2015)

Intellectual disability 

This neurological disorder is associated with problems of general mental abilities that mostly affect intellectual functioning and adaptive functioning (Epa.gov, 2015) . Although it is found to affect only one percent of the population, of that 85 % has an only mild intellectual disability with males being affected more than females. Mostly, intellectual disability ranges from mild to severe retardation and are predominantly defined on IQ basis. In children, intellectual disability can be seen when a child rolls over, sit up, crawl or walk late in addition to having troubles when talking. These children are slow when it comes to mastering activities and often have difficulty remembering things. Mostly, they are unable to connect actions with their consequences, have behavioral problems such as throwing explosive tantrums and often find it difficult solving issues or thinking logically (LumenCandela, 2016) . However those with severe intellectual disabilities often experience seizures, mood disorders such as anxiety, impairment in motor skills and have problems with vision and hearing. 

Although researchers have identified some of the risk factors of intellectual disability as genetic disorders, traumatic injuries and prenatal exposure to infections or alcohol, the exact causes of 30-50% of cases are still unknown (Epa.gov, 2015) . However, risk factors such as exposure to lead and mercury have been identified in severe retardation cases (IQ of less than 50). On the other hand, exposure to environmental contaminants has been proven to be a contributing factor to mild retardation although the exact causes are still unknown. 

Prevention and Treatments 

Autism Spectrum Disorder 

Since some cases of autism are linked to exposure to chemicals during pregnancy, it is therefore imperative that pregnant women avoid taking drugs unless by a doctor’s prescription. This is because some seizure medication such as valproic acid may cause autism. Furthermore, pregnant women should not take any alcoholic drink. Moreover, women should be immunized against rubella before conceiving and after birth the child should be diagnosed and treated for phenylketonuria and celiac disease to reduce the risk of a child having autism (Barna, 2017)

Kids as young as sixteen months can be diagnosed with ASD by observing their behaviors. Also, medically screening them and more importantly following up on their developmental history. If a diagnosis is made, behavioral therapies and complementary therapies are employed for treatment. A health professional may use behavior analysis (ABA) through which they work with the affected children to modify their behaviors and help them develop their social skills by combining techniques such as positive reinforcements and chaining (breaking skills down for easier learning) in their therapies (Barna, 2017) . However, according to the U.S. Department of education, the ABA model has no disce rnible effects on communication and language skills. Moreover, complementary therapies may entail involving the affected child in interaction with pets, participation in fine art and music and dietary programs by providing them with vitamins or mineral supplements, yeast free diets and gluten or artificial additives (Epa.gov, 2015)

Intellectual Disability 

Specific causes of intellectual disability such as fetal alcohol syndrome can be prevented by discouraging pregnant women from drinking. Furthermore, getting proper prenatal care, taking prenatal vitamins and being vaccinated against some infectious diseases during pregnancy can reduce the risk of children having intellectual disabilities. Moreover, it is advisable to take genetic testing in families with a history of genetic disorders before conception to reduce the risk of intellectual disabilities. 

Since intellectual disability is a life-long condition, individual diagnosed with the disorder is helped by giving focus on their strengths and needs and supporting their need to function at home, school, and work or in the community. To fully take care of them, early intervention, special education, family support, transition services, vocational programs and case management are employed (Epa.gov, 2015) . In this way, individuals with mental retardation will be able to have successful and productive roles in society. 

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 

Since ADHD is the most common inherited disorder among humans, to prevent the risk of having ADHD or improve its symptoms, it is essential that one supplements their nutrition, avoid stimulants, alcohol and drug use. Furthermore, one should strive at eliminating potential food allergens and refined foods like white bread, pasta, and sugar from their diets. Although ADHD cannot be cured there are treatments that can help reduce symptoms and thus improve neurological functioning. These treatments include medication, psychotherapy such as behavioral and family therapy, education or a combination of these treatments (Epa.gov, 2015) . Moreover, medication may consist of the use of stimulant that helps in increasing brain chemicals (dopamine and norepinephrine) which play an essential role in thinking and attention. 

Myths and Facts 

Autism Spectrum Disorder 


All individuals with autism have the same difficulties and skills. 

People with autism do not have other disorders 

Every individual with autism have an intellectual disability 

A person with autism is more aggressive, less affectionate and does not experience the full range of emotions. 


Although people with autism often have difficulties with social communication, restrictive and repetitive behaviors in addition to sensory processing, every individual with autism have their unique abilities and interests. Moreover, they have favorable characteristics that include the ability to intensely focus on details and learn about the topic of interests. 

Intellectual Disability 


Intellectual disability is a hereditary problem and contagious 

Children with intellectual disability should not be made to cry when being disciplined 

Marriage can cure intellectual disability 

Medicines and vitamins can cure intellectual disability 

Misfortune(karma) of parents in their course of life can cause intellectual disability 


Intellectual disability is a medical condition and both the parents of the affected and caregivers need to be supported by society 

When a treatable condition causes intellectual disability, appropriate treatment can be used to cure the disease; however, there are no tonics that can repair a damaged brain. 

All children regardless of whether they have an intellectual disability should be taught proper behavior, and it is crucial to consider their limitations when disciplining them. 

Intellectual disability cannot spread through any contact, and although sometimes it can be inherited, it is mostly caused by external factors that can be prevented. 

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder 


ADHD is not a real medical condition 

All kids with of ADHD are hyperactive 

ADHD results from bad parenting 

Only boys are affected by ADHD 

Children with ADHD will outgrow the disorder 


ADHD is a lifelong disorder although symptoms may change as a child grows older and learns to manage them. 

Although it is true that boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as girls, it does not mean that girls cannot have ADHD. 

ADHD is a medical condition that cannot be caused by bad parenting 

Not all children with ADHD are hyperactive 

All health associations in the world recognize ADHD as a medical condition. 

Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder 

According to estimates from CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM), about 1 in 59 children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder regardless of race, ethnicity and socioeconomic group and is around four times more common in girls than boys. 

Studies of ASD on twins suggest that among identical twins if one is affected by ASD, the other will be affected at about 36-95% while in non-identical twins if one has ASD, the other will be affected 0-31% of the time (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018)

People with certain genetic or chromosomal conditions tend to be affected more by ASD and studies indicate that about 10% of youngsters with ASD also have Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis and other genetic disorders. 

In 2005, annual average medical costs for children with ASD enrolled in Medicaid were $10,709 per child which was found to be six times higher than costs for children without ASD ($1,812) (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018)

Mostly, ASD co-occurs with other developmental, psychiatric, neurologic, chromosomal and genetic disorders and the co-occurrence of one or more non-ASD developmental diagnoses is 83% while the co-occurrence of one or more psychiatric diagnoses is 10%. 

Studies indicate that 44% of kids identified to have ASD has average to above average intellectual ability 

Resources for helping those with Autism Spectrum Disorder 

The Autism Treatment Center of America founded in 1983 provides innovative training programs for professionals and parents caring for their children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental difficulties. 

The Tommy Foundation founded in 2005 which provides direct assistance to families and training to hundreds of students, professionals, Ph.D. candidates, and doctors. Additionally, the foundation serves as producers for full-length autism documentary. 

Wrongplanet.net, a community for individuals and parents of those with autism which provides discussion forums where members communicate their challenges with each other. Furthermore, it provides chartrooms for real-time communication with other Aspies. 

Talk about Curing Autism (TACA) which provides resources, support, and information to families affected by autism. 

Project Lifesaver which provides quick responses to save lives and reduce cases of severe injuries for children and adults who wander due to autism, Down syndrome, Dementia and other relative cognitive conditions. 


Barna, M. (2017, July/August). Autism Spectrum Disorder . Retrieved June 2018, from Discover Magazine: http://www.discovermagazine.com/autism-spectrum-disorder/ 

Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018, April 26). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved June 2018, from CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/data.html 

Epa.gov. (2015). Neurodevelopment Disorders. In America's Children and the Environment (Third Edition ed., pp. 1-32). 

LumenCandela. (2016). Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Retrieved June 2018, from Lumen: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-psychology/chapter/neurodevelopmental-disorders/ 

Sabet, J., McCarthy, J., Chaplin, E., & Underwood, L. (2015, August). Autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and offending. Retrieved June 2018, from Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283685222_Autism_spectrum_disorder_attention-deficit_hyperactivity_disorder_and_offending 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Neurodevelopment Disorders: Definitions, Characteristics, Symptoms and Risk Factors .


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