18 Jul 2022


Parents as Partners: A Framework for Engaging Parents in Their Child's Education

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 390

Pages: 1

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Do you allow children to question decisions that you have made? 

Do you expect your children expected to behave in a certain way? 

Do you force young children to do things that they may not want but is beneficial to them? 

Have you trained your child/ children to respect older people by giving way, or leaving their seat for an elderly person? 

Do you apologize to your children when you wrong them as a sign of taking responsibility for their actions? 

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Have you trained your children to use proper language when addressing others regardless of age or emotional status at that particular time? 

Do you praise respectful behavior? 

Are you consistent with the level of obedience that you expect from your children? 

Do you reward positive behavior? 

Are you decisive when it comes to matters that touch on obedience of your children? 


Are there policies in place that ensure children do the right thing at the right time? 

As the director, what actions do you take against children who are uncouth? 

Do you discuss with other members of stuff about a specific child case or your decision is final? 

Do you show respect to junior members of stuff in front of the students? 

Do you award children who show respect to others regardless of their audience? 

Do you use proper language when addressing the children as an example of how they are expected to behave? 

Do you punish disrespectful children? And if you do what is the intensity of the punishment? 

Do you obey the school rules and regulations as an example to the young ones? 

How often do you review disciplinary strategies? 

Did you participate in the formulation of the school’s code of conduct? 


Do you obey the school administration and school rules to the latter? 

Do you reward obedient children with toys, candy or stickers as a sign of encouragement? 

Do you have class prefects? And if you do are other children taught to obey him/her? 

In case a child misbehaves do you explain the mistake to the child or you just punish him/her? 

Are your decisions always final? 

Do you have sessions to train children on respect for each other and for people who are older or a different religion? 

If a child is openly disrespectful what are the consequences? 

How do you cope with anger especially in front of the children? Have you ever been openly rude? 

When you wrong a child do you openly apologize? 

Are you firm and gentle when dealing with a child who is on the wrong? 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Parents as Partners: A Framework for Engaging Parents in Their Child's Education.


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