21 Jun 2022


Political Ideologies: Immigration Student Replies

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 333

Pages: 1

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Response 1 

I agree with you that Republicans and Democrats have different ideologies on how the immigrants should be treated. The Republicans hold the view that immigration poses a security threat to America. To them, the immigrants bring around criminals such as terrorism, drug cartels, and criminal gangs. President Donald Trump’s administration is committed to securing the Southern border of the United States to protect America from immigrants. One of the arguments against allowing immigrants into the US indeed is that they deprive US citizens of job opportunities. Most of the immigrants go to the US due to too political tyranny and search for better-paying jobs. 

I am impressed that you mentioned that viewing immigrants as barriers have been projected to Non- Hispanic Americans. This is one of the burning issues today. According to Kendi (2016), people of color even the natives have been denied privileges as long as it can be remembered, the so-called White Privilege. Democrats deconstruct this view and see the immigrants as of use to the US. Immigrants are entrepreneurs; thus, the government benefits from taxes (Ewing Marion Foundation, 2017). 

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Response 2 

I agree with you on the immigrants' issue benefitting from welfare at the expense of the American taxpayer's money. Most immigrants go to America in search of jobs or running away from the political crisis in their homeland. They, therefore, get into the US very poor. Thus, they seek help from welfare funded by US citizens (Jason, 2016). Money that could be used for other purposes is spent on them. You have also pointed out that there is a difference between the government's help, depending on the level of skill (Karen & Gene, 2016). Those who are skilled are likely to find jobs to support themselves, while those who are less skilled end up being beggars, thus benefiting more from welfare. Immigration is seen as a security threat in the US borders, as you have indicated. The republicans emphasize the need for strongly defending US borders and enforcing policies to prevent immigration. 


Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation (2017). “The Kauffman Index of Startup Activity: National Trends” Kansas City, MO. 

Jason, R. (2016). “The Cost of Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households, “Center for Immigration Studies. https://cis.org/sites/cis.org/files/richwine-welfare-cost

Karen, S., Gene, F. (2016). “Federal Benefits and Services for People with Low Income: Overview of Spending Trends-FY2008-FY2015” Congregational budget office. 

Kendi, I. (2016). Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. New York: Nation Books. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Political Ideologies: Immigration Student Replies.


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