12 Jan 2023


Questions to Ask When Learning English

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 301

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Changing cases 

You and I are God’s dear children.

Mother said, “Your father and I need your help, Christi.”

“Oh, mother, look at Sport!” Shouted Racer.

The Lord protected Daniel in the lion’s den.

I am thankful that Jesus Christ came to save sinners like me.

The Appian Way was an old Roman road.

James attends the International Institute in Wisdom, Highland.

Lewis and Clark traveled across the Rocky Mountains.

Independence Day always falls on July 4.

We honor our mother’s on Mother’s Day.

The Pilgrims come to America on the Mayflower.

The Tom Thumb was the first steam locomotive.

Most Mexicans speak Spanish.

D. I. Moody was a famous pastor and evangelist.

Now we will sing “The Old Rugged Cross.”

Mexican chili, Italian spaghetti, and Chinese noodles are foods I enjoy.

End Punctuations 

What punctuation mark will end this sentence?

How unusual!

A wise man saves time and money.

Trust in the Lord!

Can you say Isaiah 52:13?

Hurrah, we almost finished with English 1059!

Commas and Colons 

Ace, will you lead us in prayer?

The children will go to bed at 9:00 p.m. each evening.

Cactuses grow in the desert in Arizona, United States.

Now students, let’s have a Bible story.

Have you ever visited Paris, France?

Manu people saw Jesus, knew Him, and followed Him.

Jesus taught the people, and He gave them bread to eat.

There were bread, fish, and leftovers that day!

Have you read about the miracle in Mathew 14:13-21?

Pudge, will you carry out the trash for Mother?

Who was born Wednesday, September 27, 1972?

Steel is made in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Can you say John 3:16?

Yes, I know where to place commas and colons.

Be thrifty, and the Lord will help you prosper.

Thank you, Jesus, for helping me learn English.

English Test


Wasn’t this PACE fun?

Where’s your favorite Scripture found?

Stay away from the fire’s flame.

I’m so happy that Jesus loves me.

That student’s office is very neat.

We rejoice in God’s blessings.

We’re almost finished with English 1060.

Synonym, Antonym, Homophone, and Heteronym. 







Crossing out sentences 

A candle gives light too.

The lions did not eat Daniel.

His people are called the Israelites.

Singular Possessive, Plural, Plural Possessive 

Singular Singular possessive Plural Plural possessive 

Fill in the Blanks for the Bible Verse 

21) Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. (Colossians 3:13)

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Questions to Ask When Learning English.


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