8 Jan 2023


Recycling Should be Mandatory: Here's Why

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 335

Pages: 1

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Tsai, W. T. (2019). Mandatory recycling of waste cooking oil from residential and commercial sectors in Taiwan.  Resources 8 (1), 38. 

This article is crucial in evaluating the need to ensure the compulsory reprocessing of waste, especially from the cooking oil domestic as well as commercial sectors. The focus of this issue is to consider the low cost as well as possible renewable feedback to ensure that the production of biodiesel and biobased products are effectively recycled. It is also essential to note that the objectives of the authors were to address the existing regulation put in place and the promotional measures within the industry. Lastly, an overview of the utilization presence of waste cooking oil used as biodiesel and its non-related issues is also illustrated in the study. 

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Fullerton, D., & Thomas, C. K. (2017). Garbage, recycling, and illicit burning or dumping. In  the Economics of Residential Solid Waste Management  (pp. 81-94). Routledge. 

The authors of this book address the concern relating to garbage and recycling as existing two disposable options. Further, the confirmation made in regards to the understanding of recycling is equivalent to the management of external environmental costs. Therefore, the use of appropriate measures to ensure recycling to be mandatory is critical to be implemented in the contemporary world. In general, it is the responsibility of the government to initiate some of the structural changes relating to the management recycling process of materials to minimize the output disposal. 

Elander, M., Tojo, N., Tekie, H., & Hennlock, M. (2017). Impact assessment of policies promoting fiber-to-fiber recycling of textiles.  Mistra Future Fashion report 3

This article explains the impact assessment policies which are put in place to promote the recycling system in the textile industry. The authors focused on the recycling process in the Swedish environmental institute of research. Their main aim was to investigate the options of the policy used in promoting fibre to fibre recycling initiatives in the textile industry. Further, various policy measures promoting recycling were analysed to conclude on the potential to broaden the scope for recommendations. The suggestions made reflected on the need to handle the textile waste in the mandatory recycling system.  


Elander, M., Tojo, N., Tekie, H., & Hennlock, M. (2017). Impact assessment of policies promoting fiber-to-fiber recycling of textiles.  Mistra Future Fashion report 3

Fullerton, D., & Thomas, C. K. (2017). Garbage, recycling, and illicit burning or dumping. In  the Economics of Residential Solid Waste Management  (pp. 81-94). Routledge. 

Tsai, W. T. (2019). Mandatory recycling of waste cooking oil from residential and commercial sectors in Taiwan.  Resources 8 (1), 38. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Recycling Should be Mandatory: Here's Why.


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