21 Jun 2022


Relating Kill Speed to Class Readings

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Movie Review

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Masculinity and femininity are distinctive aspects that are used to establish the differences between men and women based on their physical appearance and roles. Men and women alike are expected to behave in particular ways that align with social constructions and expectations. In particular, women are supposed to be domestic and submissive while men are expected to be outgoing, assertive, and demonstrate machismo. Masculinity and femininity are concepts that are interrelated with the aspects of race, class, and ethnicity, which bring out different notions for femininity and masculinity. The element of masculinity and femininity are deep-seated social constructs and are evident in all spheres of society. Movies and television shows are some of the avenues that are used to advance the social constructs associated with masculinity and femininity. Kill Speed , a 2010 action film, is one of the movies that bring to light the concepts of masculinity and femininity and how they relate to race, class, and race. An analysis of 'Kill Speed's' characters, their actions, and relationships brings out the concepts of sexuality, race, and class as captured in-class readings.

Description of Characters Roles, and Relationships 

Kill Speed is an action film that depicts the activities that go on in an extensive drug ring with a Mexican drug baron engaging young California youth to manage the trade. Escondido, a well-established, rich and powerful Mexican drug baron enlists the help of Strayger, Rainman, and Forman, who want to make quick money. Their relationship with Escondido is formal, and they are expected to adhere to strict business terms. The three young men who call themselves 'Fly Guyz' are close friends who not only enjoy flying high-speed aircraft but also spend their time together having fun. The three have a mutual friend, Einstein, a computer techie who is an essential addition to their operations by helping them to navigate the aircraft. On the other side of the divide are Jonas Moore, Kyle Jackson, and Rosana DIA agents who are keen on dismantling the drug ring. The law enforcement officers are 'Fly Guyz' sworn enemies with the former doing all they can to apprehend the latter. Rosana befriends, Strayger, who does not realize that she is a DIA, and they have a romantic relationship until Strayger realizes that their final mission has been compromised. Escondido, the point man in the drug business, has hired the services of both men and women who run his business and domestic affairs as well as women who satisfy his sexual desires. All of these individuals are expected to do as he says or risk harsh consequences, considering that he is rich, powerful, and influential.

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Masculinity and Femininity as Demonstrated in Kill Speed 

Kill Speed advances the ideas of masculinity and femininity by demonstrating how men ought to behave and interact in different races, classes, and ethnicities. The men in this film are depicted as courageous, daring, and assertive and hold positions of power and leadership. Escondido is a powerful Mexican drug baron who commands a large number of individuals tasked with the responsibility of enhancing the supply of crystal meth in rural California. Escondido has managed to extend his power to women who are expected to fulfill his sexual desires considering that he sleeps with two women at a time. This character resonates with the 'Marketplace Man' masculinity advanced by Kimmel (1994), where men derive identity by succeeding in the capitalist market place. This type of masculinity points to agitated, restless, and anxious men who are keen on protecting their power, wealth, and status at all costs.

Men in this movie fit within masculinity constructs since they are the ones who are supposed to initiate relationships with women and decide the course of the relationship. Strayger, one of the 'Fly Guyz' approaches Rosana in a dance club, initiates a relationship and makes sure that Rosana has the best time. Crawford (2001) establishes that women are a source of struggle for men who desire to control them, and while women take cues from men, they cannot take the initiative. Escondido's girlfriends are seen as personal properties that are supposed to be seen and not heard. When DIA enlists the help of Strayger to rescue Kyle Jackson, a DIA agent held at Escondido's compound, Escondido calls one of the girlfriends to greet Strayger. The girl is not allowed to sit through the business meeting, and she excuses herself. Welter establishes that the true measure of womanhood is 'piety, purity, submissiveness, and domesticity (1966, p. 152).

While femininity is about being submissive, there are characters in the movie who forego this social construct by demonstrating more masculinity. Rosana, a DIA agent, uses her feminine charm to find out the next drug delivery mission and helps the team to capture the 'Fly Guyz.' Defiance to femininity is witnessed when Rosana leads Strayger and Forman to rescue Kyle Jackson from Escondido. She defies gender construction on femininity when she races against Stryger, who is on a high-speed jet and emerges the winner. This defiance in femininity is advanced by one of Escondido's girlfriend, who snatches Strayger's gun and forces him to lead them to safety. These actions seem to defy social constructs that seem to dictate gender, specific, and appropriate behaviors. Amott & Matthaei (1996) affirm that there has been a decline in domesticity, making women engage in masculine work and activities, thus taking up masculine behaviors. In this case, it is no wonder that Rosana and Escondido's girlfriend find themselves being in the same league as their male counterparts and, at times, outdo them.

Sexuality, Race, and Class as Demonstrated in Kill Speed 

Kill Speed brings out the concepts of sexuality, race, and class as important social constructs that define most societies. Sexuality is a social construct that is indicative of how men and women use their masculinity and femininity to get what they went. The women in these films are presented as sensual individuals who exist and live at the pleasure of women. The men, most notably Strayger and Escondido, pursue romantic relationships with women seeming to complete their lives and masculinity. Adams & Bettis (2003) assert that femininity is associated with passivity, docility, promiscuous availability, and mindless enthusiasm. Rosana seems to use her femininity to lure Strayger so that she can help to bring down the drug cartel. On the other hand, Escondido parades her girlfriend as a commodity to satisfy and affirm his sexuality and manliness. Women seem to try as much as possible to display their sexuality by wearing short and tight clothes like the women at the beach. To this end, sexuality becomes a powerful tool that defines relationships between men and women.

Race and class seem to be interrelated, considering that race is the basis for economic and social empowerment. Kill Speed brings together individuals from different races, including African-American cop, Mexicans, and Caucasians. Escondido and his employees represent the Mexicans and girlfriends who help maintain his status and power. Escondido belongs to an upper class considering that he accumulated illegal wealth from illegal manufacture and distribution of crystal meth. On the other hand, are the workers who belong to the lower social class, including one of Escondido's girlfriend's father, who is a cleaner. Escondido must have taken the cleaner's daughter by force, considering that they escape when they get an opportunity. The movie seems to follow social stereotypes considering that it is the African-American cop who is abducted and tortured, something typical. In the same manner, it is the Mexicans who engage in the drug business, and their couriers are American teenagers.


Masculinity, femininity, class, race, and sexuality are social constructs that define interpersonal and communal relationships in the modern world. One's gender dictates social roles and expectations s and society expects adherence. Kill Speed , a 2010 movie, advances these concepts by following socially accepted and popular stereotypes. The men in this film demonstrate high levels of masculinity by engaging in risky activities and businesses. On the other hand, women become sources of sexual satisfaction as the men parade them as they do physical property. However, some of the women like Rosana and one of Escondido's girlfriends defy femininity by adopting masculine like behaviors. In the same manner, the film advances aspects of class and race by conforming to popular stereotypes. Mexicans advance drug trade with the help of Caucasian teenagers with an African-American cop paying the ultimate price by being tortured. To this end, the film helps to bring out significant concepts related to gender, race, and class as they play out in society.


Adams, N., & Bettis, P. (2003). Commanding the Room in Short Skirts: Cheering as the Embodiment of Ideal Girlhood. Gender and Society, 17 (1), 73-91. doi: 10.1177/089124320223897

Amott, T., & Matthaei, J. (1996). Race, gender, and work: A multi-cultural economic history of women in the United States. South End Press.

Crawford, M. (2001).Gender and language. In Rhoda K Unger (Ed.), Handbook of the Psychology of women and gender (pp. 228-244). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Kimmel M. S. (1994). Masculinity as homophobia fear, shame, and silence in the construction of gender identity. In Harry Brod (Ed.), Theorizing Masculinities (pp. 119-141). Sage Publications.

Welter, B. (1966).The cult of true womanhood: 1820 – 1860. American Quarterly , 18(2),152-174. doi: 10.2307/2711179

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Relating Kill Speed to Class Readings.


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