17 Apr 2022


Response Paper: Our Blind Spot About Guns

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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Nicholas Kristoff, in his article ‘Our Blind Spot About Guns,’ points out that gun-related deaths can be compared to fatalities arising from automobiles, that is, road accidents due to the use of mobile phones in driving. To a very great extent, I would agree with Kristoff's point in the sense that unless there are regulations in the ownership, and use of guns and arms, just about anybody can get access to these arms and use them just about anyway. It is essential to observe that the rates of crimes have gone up in recent years due to the easy availability of guns to street gangs. Once the members of these gangs get high from whatever drug or substance they abuse, they are not able to think clearly and rational when faced with scenarios that would possibly culminate into violence. Their first instinct in such a situation would be to shoot whoever is offending them because, without regulations, gunshots are just as frequent and as ‘ok' as slapping a child or reprimanding a teenager whenever they misbehave.

The same case happens in the unlawful ownership of home firearms. The more these arms are made available and left anywhere in the home, the more it sends the ‘cool' picture of violence and the use of guns to get back at whoever is on the wrong side of the person with the gun. In other words, without gun regulations, the levels and incidents of gun violence are bound to go up. I hold the same opinion as Kristoff that gun regulations will play a big part in controlling gun violence. And gun regulations should not only apply at the government level but should extend on personal initiatives even among the persons licensed to own guns. This is because unless greater care is taken in gun handling, they could land in the hands of the wrong party, and the damage would still be done on another level.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Response Paper: Our Blind Spot About Guns.


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