28 Apr 2022


Rhetorical Précis for Civil Disobedience

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 592

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In his essay civil disobedience, Thoreau expresses his distaste for a government which is guilty of evil yet those governed have to conform to the unjust means used to rule them. He resolves to civil disobedience as a way of withdrawing support from the government, hence, not being guilty of supporting a system which he disapproves. Throughout the essay, the author uses rhetorical strategies such as cause and effect as well as persuasion to exemplify as well as organize his work in a manner that is well understood by the audience.

One of the most precise and direct ways in which cause and effect is presented is in how Thoreau refuses to pay taxes and the end consequence which is ending in jail. The strongest belief held by the author is that it might be impossible to eradicate evil and injustice from the world, but it is not mandatory for an individual to oblige in doing evil. In addition to the above, he believed that there are only two types of laws, those that are of men and those that are from God above. If the rules made by man are oppressive, there is no reason to obey them. Acting as an example, in fighting the barbaric act of slavery, and hence in this way refuses to participate in doing evil by refusing to support the government through tax payment, he ends up spending a night in jail for his long-term disobedience to the government. In addition to the above, in the place where he states that citizens can be governed through their heads, bodies or conscience, he implies that the refusal of the soldiers to use their conscience as a force to fight poor governance has resulted in them being used against their will. Due to their inability to act as their conscience directs them, the government has shaped them like machines.

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Persuasion is another rhetorical strategy that is well pronounced in civil disobedience. The author uses Ethos, Pathos as well as Pathos to appeal to his audience. Pathos is used in several instances to appeal to emotion. In explaining that conscience, not the majority should rule, Thoreau cites soldiers as well as their leaders marching to war against their will but according to the will of the government. He states how dishearten this is.

Ethos is also used to appeal to ethics in several Instances. When imprisoned, Thoreau states that it is better to be behind bars for believing and practicing what is right other than being free but acting against one’s conscience. Also, in supporting peaceful resistance such as the one he practices himself, he appeals to individuals to see sense in using what they believe to be morally upright in fighting unjust regimes such as slavery and the Mexican war.

In addition to the above, the author uses Pathos on several occasions to show the audience that it is only logical that the government accepts to rule them in a way that is acceptable to their conscience. He states that there are three main ways in which citizens can be subjects to their government, through their heads, their bodies, and their conscience. Through their bodies, he states that those jailed, those in the militia the army and other citizens do have minds to think, but they are used as machines, against their will. Through their heads, he cites several government officials being unable to make any morally upright decision even though they are capable of. Finally, through the conscience, he mentions the heroes as well as martyrs who refused to be muscled and at the end of it, all are named enemies of the country for believing and practicing what is right and just.

In conclusion, it is evident that Thoreau uses persuasion in the form of ethos, pathos, and logos as wells cause and effect to put forth his beliefs and practices against an unjust regime.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Rhetorical Précis for Civil Disobedience.


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