29 Jan 2023


Setting Career Goals: How to Set SMART Goals

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Academic level: College

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Words: 537

Pages: 2

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Elbert Hubbard once said, ‘‘work to become, not to acquire’’. Markedly, everyone has a career plan and goals. Most people tend to have their expectations when they start their careers. It is essential to have a career plan to ensure that individuals rise to the highest level within their careers. However, an individual can only achieve the best from their career through creating and implementing goals. Similarly, I intend to achieve the best from my Scrum IT-Agile Project manager career. Therefore, I need to provide a detailed analysis of my career goals and some of the processes that I will engage in to ensure that I achieve the best as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. My career goals will ensure that I easily rise to become the best Scrum IT-Agile Project manager, as they entail improving my networking skills, starting my business, earning a promotion, closing more sales.  

           First, improving my networking skills is an important career goal that I intend to achieve as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. Markedly, IT is one of the most diverse and prevalent careers. However, the fact that there are many complications attached to IT is why I must ensure that I create better networking skills. Arguably, creating enough networks through IT will ensure that I achieve an easier learning process through friends and colleagues. Moreover, networking is also essential since it increases the chances of learning about new technologies. IT tends to deal with technological issues because of computers, hence ensuring that an individual has proper networking skills to learn about new technologies as soon as they emerge.  

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           Second, starting my business is yet another career goal that I intend to achieve as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. Whereas I would start by working under someone or a company, I will only know that I have reached the top when I start my business. I must start a business under IT to help other people learn and rise through IT as a career. Moreover, starting a business will also mean that I have gained enough money while working as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. The event motivates me to start my business after working under someone since it will also prove growth and development. However, I will first focus on working under someone and delivering the best as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager.  

           Third, getting a promotion and closing more sales is a notable career goal that I intend to achieve as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. It is essential to state that a person only earns promotion if they deliver the best results in their work. Therefore, I intend to emerge as the best worker in my company to earn recognition and promotion. I will work through consultation and research in IT to ensure that I gain more skills to emerge as the best. Furthermore, closing more sales is also a notable career goal that I intend to achieve as a Scrum IT-Agile Project manager. I will only know that I have achieved progress if my closing sales will increase annually.  


           My career goals will ensure that I easily rise to become the best Scrum IT-Agile Project manager, as they entail improving my networking skills, starting my business, earning a promotion, closing more sales. The analysis indicates that dedication and planning are key factors that will ensure that I achieve the best through my career goals. Markedly, the analysis suggests that it is essential that I improve my networking skills as one of the critical strategies for achieving my career goal. In brief, the study proves that I can achieve my career goals if I remain dedicated and focused.  

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Setting Career Goals: How to Set SMART Goals .


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