3 Apr 2022


Socio-emotional Development in Adolescence

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 295

Pages: 1

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Adolescence typically describes the years between ages 13 and 19 and can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. However, the physical and psychological changes that occur in adolescence can start earlier, during the preteen or teen years possibly ranging from ages 9 to 12 years. Both puzzlement and discovery characterise adolescence. This paper is obliged to address warning signs of adolescents and noting the violent behaviours that come along.

During adolescence, children tend to change regarding behaviour. Parents and teachers need to uphold vigilance on their behaviours. Adolescence is characterised by some unwarranted behaviours such as engagement in fighting, truancy, unprotected sexual activities, alcoholism and drug and substance abuse and illegal activities like having a sense of lawlessness or vandalism.

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At adolescents, students have various behavioural changes such as irresponsible sexual activities and even violence. Looking at violence, children express signals that should be acted upon by their guardian, teachers, and parents. Uncontrolled anger is an evident violent behaviour that a teacher needs to note in an adolescent student. Some students show violent behavioural change by their irresponsible social behaviours like bullying their peers, impulsive and chronic hitting and even intimidation. Social problems like withdrawal and isolation and feeling of rejection make some children tend to react in certain ways that are violent.

Several approaches can be adopted to mitigate the level of violent behaviours in children. First, treat students’ conflict resolution such that when they are caught in between such tragedies, they can solve their issues alone and reach a decision. Secondly, there should be a ban on corporal punishment. When students’ are exposed to such, they develop it in mind that harsh punishment being the only way to deal with the mistake and it leads them to become so violent. There are several other ways to help reduce adolescence violent habits. Therefore, parents, teachers, and guardians need to closely monitor their children and learn about their flaw, then deal with them in a more parental responsible ways.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Socio-emotional Development in Adolescence.


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