27 Jul 2022


Statuette of a horse: unique representation of affluence and power

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Academic level: College

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Words: 265

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The figure below indicates the statuette of a horse that was created between 730 and 750 BC in Greece. The material used to make the sculpture was bronze and its dimension was 9.2*8.2*2.6 cm. The statuette was created at the period of the first Olympic games and was a symbol of a gift presented for a god and, therefore, it was placed at a religious site (Art Institute of Chicago, 2018). Even though there were various types of gifts in Greece, the statuette of a horse was unique since it represented a symbol of affluence. In addition, simple shapes were adapted to create the sculpture despite its useful function in the community (Art Institute of Chicago, 2018) 

Figure 1: Statuette of a horse 

Source: http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork/237363?search_no=17&index=52 

One of the similarities between the horse and jackal statuette is that both use the same material which is bronze. Also, the two sculptures are similar since they were placed at religious sites. 

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One of the difference between the jackal and horse statuette is the size in that the former is larger than the latter. The other difference is that the statuette of a horse was presented to a god while that one of a jackal represented the god of Weptawet or Anubis. The sculpture of a horse was a symbol of wealth while that of a Jackal was a representation of burial sites. Additionally, the statuette of the horse used a simple shape while that of a Jackal was complex since the latter entailed the engravement of fur in its figure. Finally, the statuette of a jackal was used as a shrine decoration while that of a horse was not (Art Institute of Chicago, 2018). 


Art Institute of Chicago (2018). Statuette of a Horse. Retrieved 17 th July, 2018 from 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Statuette of a horse: unique representation of affluence and power.


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