11 Jun 2022


Stress and Health: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Article

Words: 1183

Pages: 4

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Stress is a critical aspect that affects the lives of individuals in many ways. This mostly occurs in relation to a person`s health and behavior. In most cases, the stress responses may end up being adaptive among young people unlike the in the adults where they are likely to lead to fatal health related problems. Also, stressors mainly concentrate on the vulnerability of individuals as well as how persistent someone is. In order to live peacefully, individuals are expected to maintain their internal ambiance in relation to a changing environment. This analysis will critically analyze the effect of stress while evaluating the quality of research that has been undertaken on the subject, as well as establishing the relevance of the information to psychology and human behavior. 

Reaction of the Article 

Based on the research conducted on stress and health, it can be noted that mammals are capable of provoking cellular responses in the event that stress occurs. The Central Nervous system of an individual comes up with the coping responses to assist individuals to deal with a stressful event. Further essential information provided in the course of this article shows that genetic inheritance also plays a major role in defining how a person will respond to stressful events, in a manner commonly known as response stereotypy ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). Besides, engagement in responses towards stress occurs through either active coping or aversive vigilance ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). 

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The ingenuity of the article further extends to the aftermath of certain scenarios such as war and personal relationships among individuals in their childhood and their effects on the children`s future. Nerve-wracking events have been known to contribute towards stress among such people in their later life. For example, war-related trauma has been observed to affect people for a long duration such as the situation involving Lebanese children whereby up to 43% were still grappling with the effects of war a decade after it occurred ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). Also, anxiety related disorders have been known to cause stress amongst individuals, implying that anxiety precedes stressful events. 

This article is very resourceful since if offers vital information on the consequences likely to result from stress. For example, individuals are likely to engage in risky behaviors such as sleep related complications, smoking, and also eating disorders ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). It has also been revealed that a great majority of individuals who have been raised in stressful environments have a high tendency of engaging in risky behavior. Further still, a seamen naval center study further showed that smoking among individuals mainly occurred during stressful days ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). 

Evaluation of research quality 

The research conducted was of high quality since it offered viable information which can be used by people in coping with stress. Besides, the research has also provided fundamental evidence by incorporating various experiments which demonstrate the manner in which stress occurs amongst individuals. Take for instance, the trial involving rats, neonatal experiences observed in the mammals have been known to cause long-term effects on the emotional responses exhibited in the future ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). It has further been demonstrated that the rats raised by nurturing mothers end up exhibiting high levels of central serotonin activity unlike the rats with non-nurturing mothers ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). This further results to the manifestation of a glucocorticoid receptor gene whose presence in the limbic system lead to more advanced stress coping receptors ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). According to the research, it can be discerned that rats reared by nurturing mothers have a tendency to exhibit low levels of anxiety compared to those with non-nurturing mothers. 

The quality of research further extends to individuals and their psychological responses towards different stimuli. For instance, the research carefully examines the stressors likely to occur amongst adolescents and adults alike. Further still, a psychological review regarding the long-term effects of such occurrences have been demonstrated further adding to the quality of the research conducted. Factors such as sexual and physical abuse among adolescents for instance, in addition to neglect have been known to contribute to stressful situations amongst individuals in their adult life. 

The study further reveals that children who are raised by divorced parents exhibited an antisocial behavior. This is a common stressor which is likely to have a significant impact on the lives of such individuals. The viability of this study is also undeniable owing to the fact that it has addressed the psychological consequences likely to affect children, such as war and terrorism. According to this research, up to 70% of children living in Kuwaiti during the Gulf war exhibited symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). 

Relevance of Information 

The information provided is undoubtedly essential to psychology and human behavior. For instance, one gets to comprehend the psychological aspects pertaining to stress, such as where the children who are exposed to stressful scenarios end up experiencing psychological morbidity or PTSD. Individuals also get to learn that any form of exposure pertaining to chronic stressors during the developmental years of individuals ends up resulting in detrimental consequences in their later years. This explains how medical morbidity and structural changes relating to the CNS change ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). 

The study also offers an explanation on how disorders pertaining to trauma occur. For instance, Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) and PTSD result from stressful events occurring in the lives of individuals ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). it is estimated that up to 70% of the world`s population is exposed to stress related events ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). This explains why most people end up acquiring complications related to stress. An explanation regarding how stress occurs has also been offered. The first step involves the incorporation of stress hormones in the body which end up depleting energy stores within an individual`s body ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). Secondly, new patterns pertaining to the distribution of energy end up emerging. As a result, some of the body`s vital activities such as digestion end being slowed down. The blood pressure levels may also end up being decreased or increased significantly resulting in psychological stress in an individual ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). 

The relevance of the information is also based on the idea that it assists individuals to cope effectively with stress through the comprehension of health related complications likely to result from stress and also how they are developed. Stress is capable of leading to cardiovascular diseases. There is an imitable relationship existing between diseases and psychological stressors ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). For example, a sedentary lifestyle with risky behaviors such as smoking is adopted whenever a stressful event emerges. This further leads to health related ailments. Stress is also capable of leading to upper respiratory diseases, faster progression of human immunodeficiency virus, and inflammation ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). Treatment options have also been offered in a bid to cope with stress. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychopharmacological approaches, and also psycho-pharmacotherapy ( Schneiderman, Ironson & Siegel, 2005 ). By incorporating such treatment options, one is likely to counter stress. It is, therefore, apparent that the information offered is relevant to psychology and human behavior. 

To sum it all up, this study is particularly concerned with assessing the effect of stress while evaluating the quality of research that has been undertaken on the subject, as well as establishing the relevance of the information to psychology and human behavior. It has also been established that genetic inheritance plays a critical role in defining how a person will respond to stressful events. Besides, the article exhibits a high level of quality owing to its elaboration of the causative agents of stress, consequences and also the likely mechanisms that can be adopted to control the situation. It would, therefore, be logical to indicate that research on stress is fundamental since it is likely to assist individuals to come up with the best means of dealing with the life threatening event. 


Schneiderman, N., Ironson, G., & Siegel, S. D. (2005). Stress and health: psychological, behavioral, and biological determinants.  Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 1 , 607-628. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Stress and Health: Psychological, Behavioral, and Biological Determinants.


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