29 Jan 2023


The Ideal Coffee Shop

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 579

Pages: 2

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Part 1 

The Ideal Coffee Shop is a newly registered sole proprietorship which deals in the sale of coffee. The business is located in Austin Texas with the idea of setting more other branches within the United States of America. The current location of the shop is ideal for its target market. The shop is located near a major bus terminus for travelers visiting the town from other towns and cities. The location is also central and accessible by other members of town other than travelers. This is the same reason why the business was named “The Ideal Coffee Shop.” Besides, the name is attractive and translates to an ideal value that people work for. The Ideal Coffee shop has been operation for four months and been under the leadership of the sole proprietor who doubles up as the company overall manager. The owner makes every financial, marketing and purchasing decision among other decisions on the business functionality. The business employs three other people, namely, the waiter, the financial officer and the IT specialists all who work under the supervision and management of the business owner. The wife and the son of the business owner also help in the day to day running the business. Their major role in the business are to help in delivery of orders for online customers and maintaining the cleanliness standards required in the shop. 

Part 2 

The Ideal Coffee Shop is in its initial stages of starting and is yet to inform the market fully of their existence. The business has developed a couple of business connections including a network connection with the coffee seed supplier who is an importer within the town. The business still struggles with Inventory management and is just beginning to adapt into the system into making orders in time, avoiding late supplies and spending more on logistics. The business is yet to employ specialized persons, especially in the field of service. As at now, only one individual serves that purpose and hence the need to add more on the employees. 

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The Ideal Coffee Shop was started with capital raised from the savings from the business owner. Renting space, purchase of equipment and payment of salaries were all successfully done with about 110,000 USD. For the few weeks that the business has been in operation, the business has operated on a working capital of 5000 USD. As at now, the company doesn’t need any other source of funding from an external source. This is because the company has not yet drafted a plan to seek the opening of other branches within a given period. The company has so far has been unable to make profits with no problem particularly noted on the financial statements. 

Part 3 

The Ideal Business Shop provides coffee and other drinks. The shop sells both white and black coffee with an exemplary levels of quality. The business also offers snacks, preferably used by most coffee drinkers. The business also offers service to the customers before the and during their visit to the coffee shop. The business makes an attempt to offer the best customer experience. The company acquired the license for operation from the local government authorities within the state government. 

The business offers products that are offered by other similar business organizations within the area. Thus, there is competition that the business ought to deal with. The sole proprietorship invests in marketing and improvise the customer experience at the business. The business produces flyers and distribute them throughout the city. On customer experience, the business ensures that the service deliver to the customer is of high quality and offers customers with a platform to review the quality of service to ensure that service is consistent and that the customer is valued. The business has no specific patent or licensee. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The Ideal Coffee Shop.


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