10 May 2022


The Internet of Things and Nano things

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1739

Pages: 6

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The continuous increment of the World’s population has had an impact on the health sector and has made it necessary for the application of new emerging technologies to ensure that healthcare services are of the best quality. Internet of Nano Things is one of the emerging technologies that have revolutionized the health sector (Borgia, 2014). Internet of Nano Things, is an interconnection of nanoscale equipment with communication networks and ultimately an established network. That makes it possible for interactions of physical objects through Nano communications. The Internet of Nano Technology works through electromagnetic and molecular communications. Through molecular communications, the use of Nanomachines which act as senders helps to encode information into information molecules like DNA which can be sent to the DNA components (Megdadi, 2016). Through that, a communication system and network can be established using biological components that exist in nature. The technology can, therefore, be applied in the health sector to offer solutions to various health challenging conditions. In this discussion, we shall focus on the applications of the internet of Nano Things in the health sector and some of the ethical issues with regard to the applications of this technology. 

Nanotechnology is a very interesting technology that will potentially change and transform the heath sector. The technology allows for a quick communication of devices and objects, and thus can be helpful in medicine (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić, 2016). The health sector deals with the treatments of patients. Patients, when brought to the hospital, expect to receive the best medical services, restoring their normal health status. That may be impossible if there are no new technologies to help in improving the quality of healthcare services. With the internet of Nano Things, patients are able to receive best treatments in time as the disease can easily and quickly be identified. Nanomedicine employs the application of nanoscale materials and Nanodevices, to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases which may be a threat to human life (Megdadi, 2016). 

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The internet of Nano Things has several applications including the development of new diagnostic kits, imaging, creation of more effective pharmaceuticals and improvements in drug delivery mechanisms. The appropriate use of molecular machines and nanorobots by the physicians may be helpful in finding cures for human ailments (Borgia, 2014). Nanorobots have displayed capabilities of performing different types of biophysical clean up and augmentations within the human body. Also, the available Nanomachines like the nanosensors and nanoactuators, have acted as linkages between biological and electronic nano- devices. Nanosensors have been applied in the early detection of diseases hence have effected early treatments. Nanomachines can be deployed inside the human bodies and through remote controls, the body can be examined and any results transferred to external computers. Such information may be useful for the health care provider to decide on the medical plan to use in treating the patient (Megdadi, 2016).

The following are some of the applications of the internet of Nano things in the medical sector.

Health Monitoring

Their application in remote patient monitoring systems enables the physician to keep medical track of patients even when not in hospitals. That, therefore, facilitates quick access to medical services and is beneficial to the patient as it lowers the cost of medication. Patients with chronic ailments like cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, can have the remote patient monitoring system incorporated in them. For example, blood pressure and sugar levels can be monitored through the incorporation of nanosensors which send progressive results to the healthcare provider (Borgia, 2014). Also, through Intra- body sensing, the Bio- Nano things inside a person’s body helps in the collection of useful health information which is sent to the provider. The information may be useful in deciding whether to increase or decrease drug dosages or whether a change in treatment plan is necessary. For instances heart beat rates, blood pressure or sugar levels can be monitored so that the patient avoids running into serious health risks. That minimizes cases of medical emergency and hospitalizations for long durations (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić 2016).

Discovery of new Drug Delivery Systems

Applications of Nano-based drug delivery systems, have been useful in the rediscovery of new drug delivery routes. Some drugs may have no impact when administered into the human body mainly because of poor choice and use of route of administration. With the incorporation of nanosensors, the physician is able to monitor drug movements within the body (Borgia, 2014). If the drug doesn’t reach the target because of poor bioavailability, they are able to identify means that can be applied to improve the bioavailability of those drugs. Through that, there may be a rediscovery of new routes for drug delivery, which may improve treatments for some conditions.

Use of Nano things to Monitor the Spread of a Virus or Disease

Outbreaks of diseases create tension and fear in any population, especially if the disease is contagious and is spread through the skin or body-fluid contact or through the air. Such diseases like Ebola can be monitored through the use of nanosensors so that they are easily contained and prevented from spreading to other parts that are free of the disease (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić 2016). For example, if there are nanosensors within a specific location, and there is an outbreak of the disease the healthcare providers will be notified very quickly. Their quick response will help in setting up necessary mechanisms and measures to prevent further spreading of the disease. That may lower cases of infections and spread of the disease which might result in limited casualty cases (Yuehong, Zeng, Chen & Fan, 2016). 

Discovery of new Drugs

The use of internet of Nano Things may be useful in the discovery of new drugs which could be effective in fighting some viruses like HIV and Zika virus. If the viruses are manipulated and the nanosensors incorporated in them, the information about how they evade or destroy the human immune cells may be useful in designing drugs which may be used to treat diseases caused by these viruses (Megdadi, 2016).

Monitoring of Environments

A polluted environment is the cause of many illnesses. Doctors make use nanosensors to monitor the environment so that people don’t suffer from conditions which can be averted. For instance, Zika and Malaria, which are caused by mosquitoes, can be managed by destroying breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Use of nanosensors might be helpful in locating the breeding grounds (Megdadi, 2016).

Monitoring of Pregnancies

Pregnant women need good, quality attention and constant monitoring by healthcare providers to avoid risks of maternal death or premature pregnancy terminations. Nanosensors incorporated inside the body of a pregnant woman, give real-time images of how the baby is faring (Yuehong, Zeng, Chen & Fan, 2016). In case complications as per the growth of the baby are detected, the mother is quickly advised on what to do so that the health of the baby is reinstated. Also, quick emergency transportation is sent once the mother is in labor and is far from a hospital. The emergency team can also be allowed to access the information sent by the Nanosensors of the expectant women, allowing for timely medical responses. Through that, cases of maternal deaths have decreased. Babies who are born with complications are quickly attended to restoring their health (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić, 2016).

The application of this technology in the medical industry may bring about competitiveness between hospitals. Those hospitals that can afford the funds to support the applications of the technology may have a higher advantage as most of the patients will want to receive health care services from those hospitals. Each hospital must strive to have the technology in place so that patients may receive treatments at a cheap cost and quickly. To be able to compete fairly every hospital must employ the applications of the Internet of Nano Things in rendering their services to the patients (Hindia, Rahman, Ojukwu, Hanafi & Fattouh, 2016). 

In order for the technology to be accepted and be applied by the healthcare sector, the doctors in charge of the hospitals must be trained on the importance of the use of Internet of Nano Things in the health sector. Once that is done, they can now be allowed to arrange training for their juniors who will be the real users of the technologies. Before the doctors apply the technology, they must test its viability and functionality. The patients must be alerted on the use of the technology, its importance, and dangers. The hospital must ensure it has high secure internet connectivity to ensure faster transmission of information in a more secure way. High internet connectivity allows the physician to quickly receive data sent from the nanosensors, therefore, responding swiftly. Necessary information framework must be laid to ensure that all the information that will be gathered about a patient remains securely confidential (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić 2016).

There are a lot of ethical concerns when it comes to the use of this technology. Security of confidential information of patients must be ensured since, once patients are subjected to the use of this technology, they should give their detailed information. Personal information must never be released by any medical officer without the consent of a patient (Yuehong, Zeng, Chen & Fan, 2016). To ensure that potential hackers don’t have opportunities of violating security codes, all the information logged on should be encrypted and regular networks checkups conducted to eliminate any threat of cyber-attack in good time. In this way, the organization will enable the transfer of medical data and information in a more secure manner (Maksimović, Vujović & Perišić 2016). For instance, if information about a patient suffering from a serious condition like cancer and HIV which are usually associated with stigma is leaked, it may cause more harm to the patient who may even die due to the stress of constant discrimination. Another ethical concern is the safety of the sensors that are incorporated into the body of the human beings. It is thought that some may have adverse effects on the human health, and may in extreme cases, even interfere with the normal human functions, causing serious health conditions like cancer (Megdadi, 2016). 


As discussed above it is absolutely important that hospitals adopt the use of the internet of Nano things. Its advantages, as far as healthcare is concerned, are very useful for the patients and to healthcare providers. The patients are able to receive correct medications in time which reduces their level of suffering, prolonging their life. Also, patients with chronic conditions that need constant monitor by a physician are able to be monitored from their homes through the use of this technology. That helps in lowering the cost of medications and transport especially if the hospital is far. The healthcare providers using the technology are able to serve and save many lives at the same time as they can communicate and issue health advice without moving to patient homes. However, the challenge as we have seen with the use of the technology is a privacy issue, if the patient’s information is not properly stored, it can be accessed by wrong who may use it for evil desire. The use of internet of Nano things, therefore, is an important technology that if properly applied may transform the health sector tremendously. The information gathered should be shared between the emergency department and clinic department so that there is a good response in time.


Borgia, E. (2014). The Internet of Things vision: Key features, applications and open issues. Computer Communications , 54 , 1-31.

Hindia, M. N., Rahman, T. A., Ojukwu, H., Hanafi, E. B., & Fattouh, A. (2016). Enabling Remote Health-Caring Utilizing IoT Concept over LTE-Femtocell Networks. PloS one , 11 (5), e0155077.

Maksimović, M., Vujović, V., & Perišić, B. (2016). Do It Yourself solution of Internet of Things Healthcare System: Measuring body parameters and environmental parameters affecting health, 2-50.

Megdadi, K. J. (2016). Internet of Things Revolution toward Smart Life Advantages and Obstacles. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research , 2 (4).

Yuehong, Y. I. N., Zeng, Y., Chen, X., & Fan, Y. (2016). The internet of things in healthcare: An overview. Journal of Industrial Information Integration , 1 , 3-13.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). The Internet of Things and Nano things.


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