1 Sep 2022


The use of social media in the workplace

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 262

Pages: 1

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The use of social media in the workplace is vital for the effective management of the operations. It is one of the tools that many organizations are using as their advertising strategy. They can reach many people at a single go and still create a brand name for the company. Also, in the workplace, social media has been a useful tool for communication. The management has been able to keep all the employees updated by sending a single message through a social media platform (Joseph, 2015). It has been a way of conducting training for the employees in acquiring new skills to improve on the levels of operation. 

Online reputation is vital when using social media primarily for work matters. Most of the employers usually take time to go through the profile of their employees and potential applicants. What people post in the platforms dictate their behaviour, and from that point, employers can gauge who is the most suitable candidate for the job (Joseph, 2015). It is possible to maintain an excellent online reputation by avoiding politically biased posts or aiming at criticizing other people. 

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There are several critical ethical considerations while using social media, especially for company workers. One of the concerns is privacy. Any information given by the organization's management needs to remain within the company boundaries and should not be posted online unless instructed otherwise. The strategy aims at keeping the business of the company private and confidential. Another ethical factor is safeguarding of the company passwords. It is imperative for organizations with an online presence to keep the passwords of social media platforms safe. The reason if to curb hackers that might access confidential information. 


Joseph, G. (2015). Social Media: Social Media and Internet Evidence. American Bar Association. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). The use of social media in the workplace .


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