21 Jul 2022


Why College Professors Should Accept Late Work

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 533

Pages: 2

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College education, to many students, helps them shape their future. It is important both for personal development and career advancement. Many professors develop a structure, which they use to teach students. Apart from teaching, professors often give assignments to students to test whether they have understood various concepts. Some professors are strict while others are lenient. In regard to the former, setting deadlines, which students are supposed to adhere to is important. Such professors set strict time limits in which students ought to complete provided assignments. Late submission of work is often not allowed, especially when students do not provide reasons that are satisfactory to the professors. However, there are sometimes compelling reasons that drive some students to submit their work after the deadline. This essay more so, argues that college professors need to accept late work because education now operates in a liberal and democratic environment. 

To start with, circumstances such as sickness may hinder some students from doing assignments in time. Although many students have used sickness in many occasions as an excuse for late submission of work, there are many genuine cases of ailments that have hindered students from completing assignments in time. Sickness, in this regard, refers to both physical and mental wellbeing. Psychological imbalances may affect the concentration of students, making them to lack the motivation to complete assignments. Emotional disturbance may emanate from different things happening in their environment. For students who do not stay in school, family issues may be considerate obstructions. For example, if parents are constantly in conflict, children may be frustrated, become affected emotionally and consequently get derailed from school work. Parents can confront their children too. The confrontation affects their emotional wellbeing and concentration. 

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Secondly, different students understand concepts differently. While many students may comprehend what the professor has taught, there are still those students who find it difficult to grasp concepts on the same level with their peers. The deadline set by the professor may be enough for ‘sharp’ students but may never be enough for slow learners. The slow learners may require more time to consult or research before doing the assignment. If a student takes his or her time to deliver quality work and the professor rejects it on the grounds of late submission, it can be discouraging for some students. Education institutions for such students will become military camps for such students, where students have to follow strict instructions without questioning. Perhaps a critical question that emerges at this point is, are colleges places for punishing students or equipping them with essential skills? It should be the latter. Students should be allowed to get education and skills in a favorable environment. 

Late submission of work sometimes happens because of economic reasons. Some professors issue assignments that require students to purchase certain materials. Some students come from poor backgrounds and usually take a relatively longer time to get the funds to purchase the required materials. As a consequence, they may submit their work past the deadline. Rejecting the work of such students is akin to discriminating students because of their social classes. In a liberal and democratic society, education should be for all. 

Summarily, rejecting students’ work that is submitted late in most instances cannot be justified. Students most of the time have valid reasons. While many professors request for notes from doctors in cases of sickness, students can also suffer from emotional wellbeing, which is difficult to treat. Secondly, students can also experience financial problems, which hinder them from completing assignments on time. Therefore, college education ought not to be militarized. Instead, students need to be given a favorable environment to thrive. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Why College Professors Should Accept Late Work.


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