8 Jan 2023


Get a Knife, Get a dog, but get rid of Gun

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 284

Pages: 1

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Molly Ivin’s essay is outstanding, valid, and well informed because of well-presented opinions that relate to every member of American society. Ivin uses facts and intrigues the reader to connect to gun violence not as a bad social issue, but as an issue that is made evil by gun handlers. For the essay, it is clear that guns are not bad, and the author is not against guns per se (Molly, 2015). The article approaches gun violence from a different perspective, giving it an edge and a persuasive context. Many of the author’s ideologies are factual, authentic, and depict the exact position of the issue of gun violence in society.

The reading is honest, and while the author is not against guns, she calls for strict controls to prevent the wrong use of firearms. By arguing that knives are better off, the author is trying to present an alternative to gun use. As depicted in the essay, the author is against guns because of people’s actions. Guns alone do not shoot, but people do (Molly, 2015). It is the people behind arms that act irresponsible, and strict controls need to be enacted to prevent continued loss of lives. Gun violence is prevalent due to people’s irresponsible and irrational ways. Having a knife would, however, be more logical as it would call on people to make physical activity more seriously as compared to having a gun.

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The article is easy to understand as it relates to essential topics happening around society. Although the title is misleading, the author develops untraditional considerations that a reader can relate to, making it more credible. The writer also deviates from the controversial position of anti-gun activities as prevalent in society. It is her reasoning and option for knives that are well-articulated, giving reasons that are common knowledge in the community. By the use of relatable facts, alternatives to guns, and unbiased position, the author’s essay is convincing.


Molly, I. (2015). Get a Dog, Get a Knife, Get a Life. Retrieved November 22, 2019, from https://www.wattpad.com/195287913-get-a-dog-get-a-knife-get-a-life-molly-ivins-get-a.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Get a Knife, Get a dog, but get rid of Gun.


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