29 Jan 2023


Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana

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Academic level: High School

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 321

Pages: 1

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Marijuana is a drug that is commonly abused in many countries in the world. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of this drug have generated tough discussions on whether the use of marijuana should be legal or illegal. Marijuana is a drug that is obtained from the roots, stem, and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant. Marijuana should be allowed in the United States but with restrictions. Many people derive considerable benefits through the use of products with limited marijuana content. Marijuana use in the field of medicine seems to advance the medical field. Many patients are beneficiaries of medicinal marijuana, which gets them rid of intense pain. The people who favor the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes in the United States have increased significantly over the past few years. The misuse of marijuana over the years through it’s over sue raised the debates on whether it should be legal or illegal. The government should strictly regulate how marijuana is used to deter people from abusing it, leading to the development of other health-related complications. (Kilmer & MacCoun 2017) 

The sale of products with marijuana content earns the government's significant tax levels. Recreational Products with marijuana contents are relatively expensive, fetching higher taxes. Regulations on the contents of marijuana used in both recreational substances and medicinal substances should be well stipulated in the law. The overuse of marijuana has detrimental effects on the health of a user. During the treatment of chronic diseases, some physicians recommend marijuana to patients where this constitutes a federal crime in some states. The legalization with restriction will facilitate the availability of marijuana products both in the medicinal field and for recreation purposes. When used in the right amounts, marijuana has positive benefits and can go a long way in achieving larger milestones in the medical field. However, enough should be taken to regulate the failure of the content to which there emerge some opportunities for its misuse. 

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Marijuana : Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcR_Wg42dv8&feature=youtu.be 

Kilmer, B., & MacCoun, R. J. (2017). How medical marijuana smoothed the transition to marijuana legalization in the United States.  Annual Review of Law and Social Science 13 , 181-202. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Pros and Cons of Legalizing Marijuana.


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