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Search results: 60942

The Yalta Conference: What Happened and Why It Matters

Churchill and Roosevelt got into a gentle disagreement during the Yalta conference in opposition to Soviet plans to maintain Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia (Baltic states), and a vast eastern Poland section reinstating...

Words: 289

Pages: 1

Views: 95

US Customs Border Control

Introduction The United States Border Patrol is the federal security law enforcement agency with the task to protect America from illegal immigrants, terrorism and the weapons of mass destruction from entering...

Words: 1371

Pages: 7

Views: 118

17 Sep 2023

Higher Education Costs and Financing

Successive US governments have made enhancing access to high quality and affordable higher education an area of focus and immense investment. While it is true that some progress has been made in enhancing access...

Words: 1165

Pages: 4

Views: 69

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17 Sep 2023
Criminal Justice

The Core Principles of Community Policing

The core principles of community policing are allowing the community or citizens to handle most minor issues. However, in exchange, the police will attain more time to work together with the people developing...

Words: 305

Pages: 1

Views: 87

Music-based Therapeutic Interventions for Mental Health

Entire Article Reference Title, Author, Journal In APA format | Type of Study/ Level of Evidence | Purpose/ Aim/ Objective of the Study and the Significance of the Problem (List Current Practice if...

Words: 342

Pages: 1

Views: 144

Paganism in European Religion

Introduction In the ancient era around the fourth century, early Christians had widely spread their religion gaining a huge Christian population. Nevertheless, the Christian population never encapsulated...

Words: 1185

Pages: 5

Views: 89

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Business Plan

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Business Plan Acknowledging the need to embrace integrated treatment approach amid the increase of patients suffering from chronic disease, BetterHealth has...

Words: 1477

Pages: 5

Views: 314

Pros and Cons of Cancer Treatment

The project is about the pros and cons associated with the treatment of cancer patients. Patients who have cancer may benefit from the advantages of cancer treatment and suffer the consequences of the treatment...

Words: 359

Pages: 1

Views: 453

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Community in Public Healthcare

The term community in public healthcare refers to the collective efforts of individuals and organizations to promote health among a culturally or geographically defined group. From that perspective, it can be deduced...

Words: 287

Pages: 1

Views: 74

17 Sep 2023

Supporting Student’s Development

Part I One of the significant catchphrase in the current century among educationalists is self-directed learning. This skill is undeniably critical not only in classrooms but also in the labor markets. The...

Words: 516

Pages: 2

Views: 452


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