19 Jan 2023


The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 292

Pages: 1

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The great reversal refers to the sense of reciprocation of one’s decisions and actions put out in the world. It is the opposite of one’s earthly roles in God’s eye. The great reversal is one of the themes in the gospel of Luke. In Luke 19, the theme emerges when Jesus stayed in Zacchaeus’s home. Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector, needed Jesus to forgive his sins. He offered to return four times the things he had taken to all that he had offended. 

During my life, I have experienced a great reversal. When I was in grade two; my parents were great business personnel. We lived a good life where they provided me with everything that I needed. We lived a luxurious life. However, our life changed after realizing that my parents were drug dealers. They were arrested, and our bank accounts frozen. My siblings and I could no longer afford even the basic things in life. We were reduced to nothing. We moved from one relative to the other for support. I learned a lesson from my parent’s way of life. I would never wish to have short cuts in making wealth. I will ensure that I work hard for my legit money and save it for future use. 

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The “2013 Hunger Report” demonstrates an effort to realize the great reversal implications in American’s modern day. According to the report, 14.5% of American households in America were considered to have food insecurity. The report demonstrates efforts by providing facts and statistics. It also serves as a reminder that the average person in the United States can affect the universal problem. For instance, they can provide support to one another and show compassion to others, or even be of the fair mind. The country has facilitated some government programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to help people with food security (Bread for the World Institute, pp16, 2013). 


Bread for the World Institute. (2013). 2014 Hunger report ending hunger in America. 24 th annual report on the state of world hunger. http://hungerreport.org/2015/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/2014-Hunger-Report-Lowrez.pdf?_ga=1.195357288.570542328.1441150963 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets.


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