17 Jan 2023


How Gun Control Promote American Safety

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Academic level: College

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Words: 770

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Effective gun legislation promotes the safety of American citizens. However, gun control cannot prevent instances of homicides and non-detrimental firearm injuries in the country. Much as the government permit sales of firearms to the citizens, prohibition of purchase and sales of high-capacity publications or magazines and military rifles to the public prevent homicides and non-detrimental gun injuries. The ban on purchase and sales of high-capacity publications and military rifles prevent the frequency and severity of gun violence in the country. Rhetorically, some American citizens argue that the national and local governments should prohibit gun ownership, while other people hold that people have the right to possess a firearm. There is a critical and controversial question regarding whether gun possession enhances self-defence and, therefore, safety or promotes gun violence in the US. Diverse factions continue to exhibit concern based on the type of firearms that the government should allow citizens to possess, who should own a firearm, the legal situation for shooting someone, and whether gun control promotes the safety of Americans. Because of limited restrictions on sales of firearms to citizens by the government, people with mental challenges continue to promote multiple incidences of nonfatal gun injuries and homicides in the country.  

The article about “ Supreme Court Upholds Gun Ban for Domestic Violence ” by Richard Wolf, published on March 26, 2014, in the USA Today news presents the government’s effort to prevent domestic violence through prohibiting gun ownership among perpetrators of homicides in the country. Even though the Supreme Court declaration prohibited offenders of homicide to possess guns, the firearm rights organization criticized the verdict holding that the federal legislation hampers people’s right to gun ownership. The article illustrates that multiple states in the US do not distinguish between actions causing injuries and actual violence. Subsequently, the federal legislation that promotes justice depends on state laws to differentiate between actions resulting in injuries and actual violence (Wolf, 2014). For instance, the Columbia district and approximately 28 states use battery-and-assault statutes to encompass mere touching as a form of domestic violence. Confirmation of domestic violence instances results in banning gun ownership among the offenders. Subsequently, the article demonstrates how banning ownership of firearm among perpetrators of homicides assist in minimizing nonfatal gun injuries and unlawful deaths in the country.  

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Gun-Control Bakers Turn Focus to Domestic Violence ” by the Wall Street Journal published on February 14, 2015, on Fox News illustrates that the proposed Arizona legislation prohibits persons charged with homicide or domestic violence from owning a gun while on bail. The prohibition of domestic violence perpetrators from possessing firearms help in preventing gun violence and deaths resulting from guns or firearms in the US. However, the domestic violence firearm bills help in preventing homicide instances, the National Rifle Association (NRA) claims that the gun ban violates people’s rights to possess a firearm (The Wall Street Journal, 2015). Possession of firearm enables citizens to exercise their constitutional right as set out in the Second Amendment. Additionally, gun ownership enhances the self-defence of citizens against criminals and improves people’s safety in the country. Consequently, the article improves my comprehension of how the gun ban promotes the safety of American citizens.  

In Defense of Gun Control ,” by Hugh LaFollette published in 2018 by the Oxford University Press, provides claims against the “armchair argument” that promotes unlimited access to firearms in the country. The armchair claim promotes increased access and use of guns to ensure protection from harm. However, widespread gun ownership presents an intolerable level of danger to American society. Gun ownership increases firearm fatality averagely, transfers, and lax firearm storage laws result in increased incidences of severe gun injuries and accidental deaths in the US (LaFollette, 2018). The book indicates that gun ownership correlates to high rates or levels of suicide incidences in the country. Consequently, strict legislation on gun control promotes the safety of American citizens.  

The Effects of Gun-Free Zones and Mass Shootings ” by Melissa Gonzalez Rock, published by Walden University Press, examines the effectiveness of the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) which prohibit guns in public and private learning institutions except for the universities and colleges in the US. The GFSZA assists in preventing violent crimes, suicide, mass shooting incidences, accidental firearm deaths, and injuries in schools (Rock, 2020). The recent mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida indicates the ineffective of the GFSZA in ensuring American safety. Consequently, strict legislation on gun control promotes the safety of American citizens.  

In conclusion, limited restrictions on sales of firearms to citizens by the government promote multiple incidences of nonfatal gun injuries and homicides in the country. NRA advocates for gun ownership that subsequently increase incidences of homicide and mass shooting in the country. However, banning ownership of firearms among perpetrators of homicides minimizes nonfatal gun injuries and unlawful deaths. Though gun supporters hold that gun possession promotes constitutional right to access and own firearms, gun ownership encourages gun violence; consequently, the application of strict legislation on firearm sales and gun ban promote Americans’ safety. 


LaFollette, H. (2018).  In Defense of Gun Control . Oxford University Press. Retrieved on June 11 11, 2020, from https://ndpr.nd.edu/news/in-defense-of-gun-contro/ 

Rock, M. G. (2020). The Effects of Gun-Free Zones and Mass Shootings. Walden University Press. 

The Wall Street Journal. (2015). Gun-control backers turn to focus on domestic violence. Fox News. Retrieved from https://www.foxnews.com/us/gun-control-backers-turn-focus-to-domestic-violence 

Wolf, R. (2014). Supreme Court upholds gun ban for domestic violence. USA Today . Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/03/26/supreme-court-guns-domestic-violence/6918457/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How Gun Control Promote American Safety.


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