9 Oct 2022


Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 330

Pages: 1

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Topic: Marijuana should be legalized in all the states in the United States 


How did you decide on this topic? 

I decided on this topic because it is a highly contentious and divides opinion. Therefore, it will give me the opportunity to argue on both sides and come up with a plausible solution at the end. 

What questions do you hope to answer concerning this topic? 

The questions that I hope to answer concerning the topic include the importance of marijuana to the medical fraternity. Secondly, I hope to expose how the legalization of marijuana in all the states will improve the country economically. 

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What direction are you planning on taking? 

The direction I will take will primarily be argumentative. I will assess the pros and cons of legalization vis-à-vis the strengths and weaknesses of decriminalization and finally come up with the best side of the issue. 

How are you going to add to the conversation concerning this topic? 

I will contribute to the conversation by exposing data and statistics that show the medical and economic importance of marijuana in the states that have already decriminalized it. 

Why is this topic important to you, and why should it be important to your audience? 

The topic of legalizing marijuana is particularly important to me because its legalization will affect my life directly. Once my state begins enjoying the economic and medical benefits, the economy and healthcare will improve two-fold thus bolstering the welfare of the people. 

Who will be the audience for your essay? 

The audience for this essay will be the state legislative organs and Congress in general. As the legal lawmaking body in the country, I will consider this as a proposal for them. 

Write one sentence that states your topic, your argument and three reasons for your argument (Thesis) 

The legalization of marijuana in all the states will improve the economy through trade, bolster the health situation of the people, and further deter the illegal usage of the drug by thwarting the black markets. 

Resources to Be Used 

Cheng, C., Mayer, W. J., & Mayer, Y. (2018). The effect of legalizing retail marijuana on housing values: Evidence from Colorado. Economic Inquiry, 56(3), 1585-1601. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/TheEffectOfLegalizingRetailMarijuan_preview.pdf 

Todd, T. (2018). The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization and Regulation. Berkeley J. Crim. L., 23, 99. https://scholarship.law.berkeley.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1124&context=bjcl 

Caulkins, J. P., Kilmer, B., Kleiman, M. A. R., MacCoun, R. J., Midgette, G., Oglesby, P., ...& Reuter, P. H. (2015). Options and issues regarding marijuana legalization. Santa Monica, CA, RAND Corporation, coll. Perspectives.https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE149.html 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Pros and Cons of Marijuana Legalization .


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