Free Business Essay Examples

Many students are faced with the need to write a business essay. But how to write if you have never done such a task before? In fact, it is easy if you have a successful business essay example in front of you. Next, we suggest reading useful guidelines for writing the paper.

Retirement Analysis: How Much Do You Need to Save?

The case of Lisa: For the case of Lisa, it is clear that she makes 13 payments. By the time she retires, Lisa will have a balance of $43,101. With a retirement income tax rate of 0%, this amount is $43,101 after...

Words: 315

Pages: 1

Views: 105

Impacts of Information Technology on Financial Accounting

The rapid pace of technological change has continued to disrupt the traditional accounting procedures of gathering information about business transactions and representation. The accounting recording procedures...

Words: 261

Pages: 1

Views: 340

Creating a Healthy Work Environment

Introduction Several management approaches exist in the modern world, including the healthy high-performance workplace as well as the healthy organization. The study will focus on the benefit of the...

Words: 1147

Pages: 4

Views: 44

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How to Prevent Assets Misappropriation in Your Business

Part 1: Asset Misappropriations. The introductory part of this chapter gives the reader an overview of what costs is incurred by organizations. The introduction is seen to be helpful in steering the reader...

Words: 832

Pages: 3

Views: 118

Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance

Sarbanes-Oxley and Corporate Governance The government of the United States formulated the Sarbanes- Oxley Act in 2002 following an increase in the number of firms that presented to courts with allegations of...

Words: 876

Pages: 3

Views: 96

14 Sep 2023

Business Impact Analysis: How to Do It Right

Risk and hazard identification is made to mitigate and manage risks and hazards that threaten supply chain businesses. Risk identification aims to establish all possible risks and later assess and mitigate these...

Words: 573

Pages: 2

Views: 126

Enron Bankruptcy: What Happened and Why

It is common practice for firms to open their books for inspection by audit companies. The auditors are required to ensure that the records in the books reflect the true situation of the company (Cross & Kunkel,...

Words: 706

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Views: 72

14 Sep 2023

Mind Map and HR Roles

Mind Map or Infographic is an image that summarises information pertaining to a certain idea or concept through the use of diagrams or graphs. In Human resource Management, there are various roles and...

Words: 1098

Pages: 2

Views: 130

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Internal Service Funds Activities: How to Make Them Work for You

Internal service funds activities include; communication center, capital projects management, combined transportation fleet maintenance, , emergency, information systems, wireless communication, employee benefits,...

Words: 631

Pages: 2

Views: 57

Interim Reports: What You Need to Know

I would agree with the city manager in citing that there is no need to take time to prepare interim reports if they do not release them to the public. Interim reports are financial period reports provided between the...

Words: 280

Pages: 1

Views: 57


Assignment types
Academic level

Business Essay: Definition

A business essay is a small volume essay aimed at an analytical or strategic response to a specific situation that has occurred in a marketplace. Its peculiarity is topic and style. 

Business essay writing is not an easy task. The main purpose of such writing is to gather all necessary facts and information. Analyze data based on the end goals of your article. 

Every business character problem has several solutions. Such kind of an essay shows the reasons why a particular solution is effective. This kind of work makes a person become a full-fledged researcher of a problem. Reference to external sources and practical examples help express an objective opinion regarding the issue at hand.

How to Write a Business Essay

Plan everything clearly and analyze all information. If you are interested in how to write a business essay, we prepare these steps mentioned below:

  1. Analyze all collected data
  2. Research material
  3. Create your plan
  4. Edit an essay.

You should consider a problem from all positions. It is also worth thinking carefully about the composition of your future essay. Collect any information that may cause discussions before your writing. 

First, analyze the problem. Determine exactly what your topic emphasizes. You must understand it firmly. This is the only way you can start looking for the right material for your task.   

Researching the material is a must. Find relevant facts and specific thoughts that you would like to point out in your written work.

Business Essay Format

An essay has features that distinguish it from other types of work. These include small volume and free composition. As for a business essay format, it does not tolerate any formal frameworks. It does not base on logic, it follows arbitrary associations.

When writing an essay, determine the topic, desired length, and purpose of each paragraph. Start with the main idea or a bright phrase. The goal is to grab a reader's attention immediately. Concrete examples and memorable details are much more effective than general phrases and lengthy statements. Check out our business management essay, for example.

Business Essay Examples

If you have no experience in writing such papers, stock up on business essay samples. They clearly show you what structure to stick to, how to format your thoughts, and give examples. Examples will show you ways of writing correctly if you have never done it before.  

Ready-made examples will help you with avoiding confusion and organizing your thoughts logically. You will understand a correct assessment of events and situations. It is worth taking a serious and thoughtful approach to self-analysis of your abilities and browsing analysis essay samples. This will help you write an essay that will make a good impression on readers. 

We have many interesting examples of such kind of work. You can read them for free. Make your writing easier!

Business Essay Topics

Your ideal option is to choose a topic that is currently on everyone's lips or has been popular for a long time. Business essay topics can include business ethics, corporate responsibility, why outsourcing is important to business, rules of business correspondence, social media marketing, the effectiveness of chatbots, business conflict resolution, and rules of conduct in negotiations.

You can come up with your own topic. To do this, study all areas of interest in more detail. This will allow you to enjoy your task and write useful material. If there is no inspiration, below you will find topics that you can safely use to write an essay. We hope that you will choose the right one for you.

Business Ethics Essay Topics

You should choose a topic that fits well with your thesis statement. You need to explain and outline your research by getting information on your chosen topic. 

Various ethical issues are common in this business industry. For example, promotion and conduct of events that are based on honesty and trust. Here is a topics list for the business ethics essay:

  1. Objectivity in the allocation of duties.
  2. The psychology of communication in a company.
  3. Public speaking and its characteristics.
  4. How to combine criticism and respect for people.
  5. Communication at a distance.
  6. Respecting and obeying the law. 
  7. The leader and his team.
  8. Resolution of a pre-conflict situation. 

This thesis must clearly show your ability to apply theoretical and practical knowledge in the analysis of your chosen problem.

Business Law Essay Topics

If you have to write some text for business law, you may encounter many difficulties. One of them is choosing a suitable topic. It is difficult to write if you are not versed in any kind of law. But it is possible to do it. The main thing is to understand all requirements, study facts, and all information found on a particular issue. Any essay on law will help you with this task too.

Here are the main topics for a business law essay:

  1. Economic methods of price regulation. (Consult: economics essay examples at StudyBounty.)
  2. Ways to prevent bankruptcy. 
  3. How to avoid sexual harassment. 
  4. Legal treatment of trade secrets.
  5. Cash payments in entrepreneurial activities. 
  6. Entrepreneurial risk: legal aspects.
  7. Peculiarities of protection of copyright law of business or company. 

You can find topics that interest you or in some way relate to your business.

Argumentative Business Essay Topics

Convince readers that they believe in your position. Moreover, they should accept your opinion after reading it. Argumentative essays should contain contradictions. However, there are topics that are more controversial than others.

In the list below, you will see common argumentative business essay topics. They are used for writing this type of paper. These are:

  1. Is it necessary to tolerate discrimination?
  2. Should advertisers sell their products to children? 
  3. Immigration is as USA's biggest problem.
  4. Putting homeless animals to sleep: Pros and cons.
  5. Why medical testing on animals is justified. (Look at our animal testing essay.)
  6. Is there a need to ban cruel song lyrics? 

These topics mentioned above are the best option for composing your argumentative business essay.


Business Essay: Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do I want to study business essay?

You've probably wondered ‘why I want to study business essay.’ The first thing to do is to write an informative, interesting paper with a good clear structure. It is important to remember that a business essay should present coherent and thoughtful material. Your thoughts and arguments should reference facts, references, and examples. This will help you broaden your horizons, learn more about the field you are researching, find new data, and become more knowledgeable about certain issues.

2. Can you help me write my business plan essay?

We are professionals in this field. We can help with any type of writing. Turning to us, you will save your time, energy, and nerves. With us, you will find reliable examples of essays and interesting topics for writing that your future readers will not be indifferent to. 

To write competent, high-quality, useful material, you need to adhere to the golden rules of writing. You will be able to create the necessary business plan essay if you follow our recommendations.

3. Can I find Harvard business school essay examples in your library?

You can certainly find Harvard business school essay examples in our library. We have a huge collection of already written essays from the best students of the said institution. You only need to find the topic you are interested in. Then, you will be able to get acquainted with the work you need in the format you are comfortable with.

4. Do you have essays on business administration in your database?

Yes, we have essays on business administration. You can find the papers in our library. You can get them for free. You will have the opportunity to calmly read the papers on your chosen issue, sitting at home or at a lecture at the university. We guarantee ready materials, compliance with all rules and norms, and the absence of grammatical errors.


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