The Great Gatsby Essays: Writing Guide for Students

It is hard to find a person who has never read this American masterpiece or did not work with essays about the Great Gatsby. This novel, which perfectly describes an atmosphere in late 20s, outlines symbolism. It can also be discussed as a true love story and is one of quite discussable works in American literature. We offer free examples of ​​essays on the Great Gatsby to help you with these assignments. Be inspired to write excellent papers.

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16 Sep 2023

The American Dream in the Great Gatsby

The American Dream is a social construct that establishes that all citizens can achieve their aspirations and live an ideal life. In as much as the American Dream appears to be realistic, not every citizen will live...

Words: 815

Pages: 3

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15 Sep 2023

The Great Gatsby: Themes, Symbols & Motifs

The Great Gatsby tells the tragic love story between Daisy and Gatsby. The two are long lost lovers who grow apart during their early days. Their reunion is under different circumstances because Gatsby is no longer...

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15 Sep 2023

How "The Great Gatsby" reveals a social stratification in a society

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15 Sep 2023

The Great Gatsby: Self Love

This research will explore the topic of self-love in the book, “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, which narrates a story about the main character, Jay Gatsby, who finds wants material wealth to get the girl...

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Pages: 7

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14 Sep 2023

The Great Gatsby: Self Love

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14 Sep 2023

Gatsby vs. Franklin Literary Analysis Essay

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Assignment types
Academic level

What Is The Great Gatsby Essay

There are various options to start writing this paper, but let's start with a definition of the Great Gatsby essay. Definition: This is a writing assignment to analyze a quite popular novel "Great Gatsby". This book was written by a famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald and published in 1925. In short, this is a story about an American twenties, one millionaire. It describes his life and obsession with his former lover Daisy. Moreover, this work is a critical social history of American society in Jazz Age. This term is widely used by Fitzgerald. 

What are you going to write on this type of paper? Check philosophy essay examples at StudyBounty for ideas! In most cases, you will have a clear assignment on analyzing this novel from one of its perspectives.

The Great Gatsby Essay Examples

You are lucky to find the Great Gatsby essay pdf examples for any issue here. Analysis of this novel is usually assigned for literature or history classes. You may be asked to look at this novel from a perspective of money, society analysis, historical context, or even a decadent downside. 

How not to be lost in those topics? We offer great students solutions – use our samples! StudyBouty collects excellent works from students who focus on this novel's different analysis options. It is a trendy topic for high school or college, as this work became a literary illustration of American history. It also made Fitzgerald very popular and determined his writing experience. 

This assignment, in fact, can be so fascinating! Let's look at this paper more precisely! 

The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essay topics for the Great Gatsby novel are usually assigned to sophomore students. It is more complicated than this work’s general text. It takes more time and background knowledge for deep analysis. 

An argumentative essay about the Great Gatsby is built around one thesis or idea. Its goal is to collect as many arguments as possible to explain and investigate these ideas. For instance, if your view is about a modernism of its main character, then your thoughts will outline everything on modernism. 

We also offer you examples of an argumentative essay on the Great Gatsby. They will help with ideas and understanding structurally. 

The Great Gatsby Literary Analysis Essay

What does it mean? Students' literary analysis essay on the Great Gatsby will be focused on some literature aspects. Literary analysis essay for the Great Gatsby novel can be built around symbolism, content analysis of Fitzgerald's work, or how its main character develops through this text. You can evaluate its plot, relationship between characters, and evidence of realism or modernism in writing. Also, you can look at this work through a literature background of Fitzgerald!

Another point is that the Great Gatsby literary analysis essay topics also can determine your paper. Find relevant examples and check them! We have a base of successful texts! Look at any critical analysis essay example and rhetorical analysis essay example in our database.

The Great Gatsby Essay Outline

Your outline for the Great Gatsby paper is quite complicated. At this point, you need to be clear with a thesis and type of writing. Let's try to create an outline together. For example, we are working with an image of “American Dream” in this specific novel.

Example of the Great Gatsby essay outline


  • Use citations that define your topic.
  • Some facts that make you think about these issues.
  • Your personal feelings on American Dream.

Body: each paragraph needs to support another argument.

  • How does Fitzgerald define “American Dream”?
  • What were some attributes of Gatsby’s dream?
  • How Fitzgerald underlines its personal relation to this term.

Conclusion: summarize your arguments in one sentence. 

  • Focus on your insights.
  • Make a connection with your intro section. For example, recall citations that can have another meaning in a light of your argumentation.

The Great Gatsby Essay Introduction

After you have a clear view of your paper plan, start working with an introduction paragraph for the Great Gatsby essay. How to make it interesting for your reader? Suppose you are not a researcher and do not have any new information about this novel. In that case, you may start with an interesting fact or citation. 

How to make your first few sentences catching: 

  • Start with something unknown to a broad audience.
  • Start with a citation that has a personal connection with you.
  • Underline unusual approach for analysis.
  • Pointed to controversial facts that are usually debated in public.

An introduction is essential. Try to use clear structure and simple sentences. Your ideas should be fresh and unique. 

And our best advice is to check a sample we have.

Introduction for the Great Gatsby essay example

The 1920s Pre-Depression era has greatly been relied on by Scott Fitzgerald in the writing of the story, “The Great Gatsby.” New York portrays an astounding image as the background for the novel. East and West Egg, which encompasses the two communities outside of the City of New York where the three main characters live, is critical to the lives of the characters as it symbolizes wealth. The author writes his novel with a classic objective in mind, as he carefully contrasts three female characters, namely Jordan Baker, Daisy Buchanan, and Myrtle Wilson.

Thesis Statement for The Great Gatsby

To be honest, your text's success will depend on the Great Gatsby thesis statement. This is your main idea for arguments or analysis. This novel is a classic work of American literature. It was analyzed and discussed by various scientists and novelists. How to find an idea that will benefit your text?

Be creative, and try to find a unique approach. For instance, you can analyze some feminist ideas in this text. Or you can look at this literature work from another perspective. For example, narration development through this text.

Learn how to make clear statements from the Great Gatsby essay thesis examples. Or use our thesis statement maker to do everything fast and easily.

The Great Gatsby Essay Body Paragraph

This is where you will spend most of your time. We mean working with paragraphs of your text’s main body. Your first argument should be most straightforward. And the last paragraph of the Great Gatsby text should open a new view of this text. 

There are a lot of recommendations on building your 5 paragraph essays on the Great Gatsby. But we will suggest being close to your statements. Ask yourself if your argument supports or develops your main idea. Do you really need to include it in your text?

Start writing this part of a text will be complicated. But then it will be easier. You will learn a style and look for your voice. 

Check a sample of body paragraphs we found for you!

Great Gatsby first paragraph example

Myrtle is a mechanic’s wife, George, who lives in the “Valley of Ashes”. However, she also doubles up as a lower class mistress to Tom. She is a hopeful socialite, who is in constant denial of the place she holds in the society (Meehan, 77). Myrtle spends most of her time wandering about in the city with Tom, without her husband’s knowledge, and spends a lot of money on the purchase of dogs, magazines, and other extravagances. Her perception of getting informed and up to date with regards to world news, is contrary to the society’s perception, which regards women as members of the society who know less about the world news, and hence, expects them to be well equipped with kitchen news. Myrtle also regrets having gotten married to George, whom she considers as a person who belongs to a low class work category. She says, “He borrowed somebody’s best suit to get married in and never even told me about it,” (Fitzgerald, 38). The statement is an example of the extent of her regret for having taken George to be her husband. Myrtle is a representation of the mistakes of Tom, which eventually hurt other people. She also represents the personality of women who value material wealth, and who would be unfaithful to their partners in marriage if they are guaranteed of wealth. 

The Great Gatsby Essay Conclusion

We would say that the Great Gatsby conclusion paragraph essay differs from other types of papers. You may wonder why? It is mostly because of a literature analysis’s specific nature. You need to focus on your personal reflections, lessons learned, or insights you have got after reading and studying. 

Your last part of a text will also depend on your topic. For instance, your conclusion will differ from paragraphs for historical analysis of the 1920s in this text. All details matter. Try to convince your reader to have their own insights and questions. 

If you are working with literature analysis, you may finalize your text by comparison to other Fitzgerald works. 

And check our sample we prepared for you!

Conclusion for the Great Gatsby love essay example

To conclude with, Myrtle, Jordan, and Daisy are portrayed in the novel as women who appear to be representing the present generation, and not the ancient generation, owing largely to their desire for wealth and for lots of attention to their beauty even after having gotten married. The novel also portrays wealthy men as oppressive and unfaithful.

How to Write an Essay on The Great Gatsby

You have an outline and understand some principles of each part of a literature essay. What is next? Let's start writing! We have a step-by-step guide for papers on the Great Gatsby!

  • Start with reading

It can sound too banal, but you need to read a novel before writing the Great Gatsby paper. It would be better to read it all. You should be familiar with every detail of this novel. It happens one does not have time for reading this book. Then, a short version can be affordable at least. 

  • Define a topic

Find something you would be interested in working with. It is a better way to write about something that is close to you. It can relate to your feelings or some life experience. As you can see, any topic research for such a paper could be comprehensive. It should be from an analysis of society in 20s America to writing about love stories.   

  • Create your outline

This is a scheme of your text. You need to be clear with its structure. This design will depend on the Great Gatsby paper topics and thesis statement. It can also be affected by your field of study and type of assignment. 

  • Write a clear text

Your next step is to create a good text about this novel. Try to be specific but not too complicated. Do your best to express all your thoughts on paper. Make your sentences short, logical, and expressive. It is better to have more simple sentences if you are not writing a PhD essay. 

  • Proofread! 

We encourage you to pay extra attention to proofreading. You may have great ideas, but no one will perceive your text seriously if there are too many grammar and spelling mistakes. We recommend checking your text after having some rest. Proofreading should be more effective then.

The Great Gatsby Essay Topics

You probably already saw a lot of excellent papers about this novel. But how to pick one for your own work. Essay topics for the Great Gatsby analysis will depend on your field of study, interests, and particular class for this assignment. Let's try to overview some popular topics and help you to find yours! Remember, a title for your essay should be interesting for you. If you are not sure what to choose, it is possible to mix some titles. You always have a chance to ask your teacher’s help.

Good essay topics for the Great Gatsby:

  1. American dream of Fitzgerald.
  2. Symbolic analysis of a novel.
  3. Semantic code of the American society in Fitzgerald's works.
  4. Female character development in this novel.
  5. How this story was met before and after WW2.
  6. How American writers built an American dream in the 1920s.
  7. Dilemma of American culture in this novel.
  8. American modern literature – Fitzgerald and Hemingway.
  9. Symbolism of Jazz Age in the Great Gatsby party.
  10. Image of Gatsby in modern filmmaking.
  11. Story plot in a novel: Wealth of love.

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FAQ About The Great Gatsby Essays

1. Are your the Great Gatsby essay examples free?

Yes, our team offers free essays on the Great Gatsby novel. We have a vast base with different topics and analysis approaches. Everyone can find something helpful. There is no registration or other data collection. Just visit our website and check some samples we have. It will definitely support your writing.

2. What are the best great gatsby essay titles?

Essay titles for the Great Gatsby analysis will depend on your topic and the type of paper you are working with. But in general, it should illustrate your writing approach, underline essential details and be specific with analytical techniques. For example, if you're writing about female characters, your title can be "Image of Daisy in a Fitzgerald novel."

3. How do you start an essay about The Great Gatsby?

It's a good question, as many students want to start writing an essay on the Great Gatsby before reading a novel. It is a huge mistake. Even if you have no time for reading, find a short version. You need to understand this specific plot and its characters.

4. What are the three main themes of The Great Gatsby?

The Great Gatsby essay theme should be related to your field of study and be interesting for you. Try to pick a topic that will illustrate your knowledge of a specific subject. But the most popular ones are based on analysis of American society (how different people were pictured in this novel), the main characters’ analysis, and relation to novel symbolism.


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