Computer Sciences and Information Technology Essays

Computer Sciences and Information Technology essays usually puzzle students because the subjects are technical, and writing papers is not. Don’t worry – we’ve fetched a collection of great examples of how to cope with such a task in college.

The Concept of Least Privilege in Enhancing Security

The concept of least privilege is based on the idea that a user, a program, or a process should have the minimum privileges that are required to perform necessary functions. It implies that user accounts should run...

Words: 306

Pages: 1

Views: 86

VPN Encryption and IP Protection: TLS/SSL and IPSEC

A few years back, VPNs were secured using the Secure socket layer (SSL) by providing end-to-end-encryption between a server and a client. Commonly, it creates an encrypted connection between a browser and a web...

Words: 275

Pages: 1

Views: 95

Different Operating Systems

Operating systems are defined by the International Standards Organization as “a system of programs which control the performance of programs in a computational environment” (Attila, 2013). There are currently four...

Words: 375

Pages: 1

Views: 67

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Designing Compliance within the LAN-to-WAN Domain

In networking, acting as the communications or traffic entry point from the Wide Area Network, the LAN-to-WAN domain is essential and also allows internet connection for organizations. Also, it acts as traffic from...

Words: 884

Pages: 3

Views: 117

Application of Graph Theory in Network Security

Graphs are excellent tools for modeling that are used to model various relations between different physical situations. Various problems can be represented using graphs. Graph theory is a branch of discrete...

Words: 1300

Pages: 4

Views: 146

Relationship Between Users and Roles in Databases

The relationship between users and roles in databases can be seen from the fact that roles seek to provide some form of template that would help in the assignment of permissions to the individual database users. The...

Words: 523

Pages: 2

Views: 76

Effectiveness of Data Sets in Research

Often, data is classified bearing similar characteristics. The grouping of data according to the categories results in the creation of the data sets. Datasets have to be active to ensure that the research regarding...

Words: 358

Pages: 1

Views: 401

HTML Basics: Difference between Markup and Programming Languages

What are the implications of the primary difference between markup and programming languages for web developers in terms of code complexity? Markup language gives display information in their codes because...

Words: 460

Pages: 2

Views: 85

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Software Testing: Dynamic Modeling with State Machine Diagrams

The State Machine Diagrams are a graphical representation that is used in the modeling of dynamic systems. The system modeling using a state machine diagram incorporates a representation of how the event driven...

Words: 251

Pages: 1

Views: 84

History of Cryptology and its Importance to Information Security

History of Cryptology and its Importance to Information Security Recently, there was a ransomware attack that affected thousands of computer networks across the globe (Chappell, 2017). This attack...

Words: 2872

Pages: 12

Views: 409


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