Logistics Essays

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14 Sep 2023

The Process of Developing Packaging for a New Product

It can be a daunting task to have a product promoted at initial stages. The process of product packages on the small run may seem very easy; however, caution and more care are demanded in case of foreign market as...

Words: 1070

Pages: 4

Views: 68

14 Sep 2023

Impact of International Trade on Emerging Economies

In an era of a globalized world where markets are open and accessible to diverse players and demand for products and services increasing by the day, international trade takes center stage. International trade refers...

Words: 1243

Pages: 4

Views: 64

14 Sep 2023

How to Design the Optimal Logistics Network

The design of a logistics network is one of the most in-depth strategic decision problems that require to be optimized to support efficient long-term operations. For the creation of optimal network design, the steps...

Words: 1087

Pages: 4

Views: 72

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14 Sep 2023

North American & European Freight Transportation Systems

North America and Europe are regions that are developed and continue to dominate the world. They have modern and sophisticated transport infrastructure for the delivery of goods, especially with their intense...

Words: 594

Pages: 2

Views: 338

14 Sep 2023

Supply Chain Management and Technology: Amazon

In the recent past, technology has played a significant role in determining the success of business entities across the globe. As technology takes the central stage in the corporate world, companies have made key...

Words: 335

Pages: 1

Views: 54

14 Sep 2023

US Export Restrictions | US Department of Commerce

Introduction The Commerce Control List of the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security has set a limit to the number of items the number of items that can be exported. The limit on exports aims at limiting the...

Words: 279

Pages: 1

Views: 45

14 Sep 2023

Risk Pooling and Its Impact on the Logistics Network

Logistics managers should be in a position to respond to redesigning distribution networks in such a way that they frequently operate at the lowest cost possible while providing the best service to the customers...

Words: 977

Pages: 3

Views: 80

14 Sep 2023

The Government in Transport and Logistics

Governments all over the world run the transportation system, which explains the inefficiencies witnessed. On the other hand, the costs for air travel influences the decision of customers, and therefore, marketers...

Words: 647

Pages: 2

Views: 29

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14 Sep 2023

Secondary and Tertiary Packaging

Almost every item purchased has some form of packaging. There are three types of packaging namely primary, secondary, and tertiary (Cambrooke, n.d). Primary packaging holds the product directly while secondary...

Words: 299

Pages: 1

Views: 74

14 Sep 2023

Big Data in Logistics: How to Use It to Improve Your Business

Big data is a computing term for the large data sets collected by organizations which are often efficiently analyzed computationally to reveal associations, trends, and patterns that help understand certain...

Words: 481

Pages: 2

Views: 122



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