16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceLeadership in the Combat Arms
Leadership is paramount to our profession. It is integral to our institutional
success today and tomorrow. As we transition to meet the challenges of an
increasingly complex and uncertain environment, our Army...
16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceCritical Considerations for Interagency Cooperation
The most imperative key aspect in the development and implementation of
operations is the integrated acts between the dissimilar forces toward the
same purposes. Unified action refers to the organization,...
16 Sep 2023
SportsDiscussion: Response to Brenda
Discussion: Response to Brenda
Hello Brenda,
I like how you have provided a concrete example of how stereotypes are based
on prejudice and should always be avoided. Indeed, people hold different
stereotypes about a...
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16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceFalsifying and Forging Training Documents
Throughout their career, army officers come across statements like, "here sign
this training roster," which are uttered by training or readiness NCO. Such
phrases are never questioned and the officers who end up...
16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceThe Effect of War on the Economy
War in the past and modern times is accompanied by increased military spending
and widespread governmental intervention in different aspects of the economy.
Aside from the humanitarian aspect that include the loss of...
16 Sep 2023
SportsJoe Louis - American Boxer and Sport Icon
Joe Louis was an American boxer born in Alabama, the United States in 1914 and
passed on in 1981 due to a cardiac arrest. Louis was the world’s heavyweight
champion from June 1937 to March 1949. His actual name was...
16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceThe Intrigues of the Uniform Code of Military Justice
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) was passed shortly after World War
II, and it was a remarkable law to be passed by Congress at the time (Military
Legal Resources, n.d.). The legal legislation is...
16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceArmy Leadership and the Profession
Michael Grinston started an initiative called "this is my squad" immediately
after being sworn in as the army's sergeant major. The main objective of this
initiative was to establish more cohesive teams all through...
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16 Sep 2023
Military ScienceThe Battle of Gettysburg: The Bloodiest Battle of the Civil War
July 1
The union forces and the Confederates are in a confrontation at Gettysburg.
Gen. George Meade commands the Potomac’s while the Confederates are under
Robert Lee. General Brig. John Buford and Brig. Johnson...
16 Sep 2023
SportsWeek 5 Discussion Question – Survey
Week 5 Discussion Question – Survey
The post by Shanay Fitts is effective and efficient as it acknowledges the
differences and similarities in the country's other citizens. Fitts mentions
the ideal of personal...