Microbiology Essay Examples

Looking for nifty Microbiology essay examples? Feel free to use our references published exclusively for your consulting needs.
16 Sep 2023

Pathogens (Bacteria) and their Link to Chronic Diseases

A pathogen can be described as an organism which lives and procreates at the expense of the host organism. The bacterium is an example of a pathogen. It has different shapes such as rod-like, spiral or spherical. The...

Words: 562

Pages: 2

Views: 65

16 Sep 2023

The Central Nervous System “Immunological Privilege”

The Central Nervous System (CNS) “immunological privilege” means that it can stand the institution of antigens without stimulating an inflammatory immune response. Usually, tissue grafts are regarded as foreign...

Words: 584

Pages: 2

Views: 355

16 Sep 2023

Humoral versus Cellular Immunity

Living organisms have developed mechanisms of resisting infections or pathogens by the action of antibodies or sensitized leukocytes. This system can either be natural or acquired and it offers defense against...

Words: 352

Pages: 1

Views: 74

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16 Sep 2023

Essential Characteristics of Staphylococci and How It Differs From Streptococcus

The genus name of staphylococci, Staphylococcus, is a derivative of a Greek term staphle which means ‘bunches of grapes’. As the name suggests, staphylococci are organized in a cluster and are gram-positive cocci....

Words: 229

Pages: 1

Views: 45

16 Sep 2023

Atypical Bacterial Infections

Microbiology is an important sector that helps medical practitioners to understand microbes and other infections agents. The specialists have the responsibility of preventing infectious illnesses from spreading...

Words: 352

Pages: 1

Views: 192

16 Sep 2023

Identification of Escherichia Coli

Introduction Bacteria affect various aspects of human beings, therefore, knowing their identities, sources, modes of actions, and impacts can help us to treat the diseases they cause to human beings (Leimbach,...

Words: 992

Pages: 4

Views: 153

16 Sep 2023

Cervical Cancer and the Papillomavirus

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is among the highly common sexually transmitted diseases. There are over 100 different types of papillomavirus. The bacteria mainly affects the genitalia of human beings. These get divided...

Words: 545

Pages: 2

Views: 363

16 Sep 2023

Gene Therapy Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition caused by a mutated gene called the CFTR which stands for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductor regulator. This condition causes severe damage to the lungs, digestive system,...

Words: 581

Pages: 2

Views: 433

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16 Sep 2023

Using Wnt/Beta-Catenin Pathway and Manipulating CXXC5 in Treating AndroGenic Alopecia

Hair regeneration and follicle development is a possible thing in human adults thanks to the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. One important factor that drives the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is the reliance on the zinc finger...

Words: 3023

Pages: 10

Views: 48

16 Sep 2023

Clorox/Bleach Effectivity on Growth Control of Escherichia Coli

Introduction Aldabbagh et al. 2015 experimented on the effect of different types of disinfectants and antiseptics on four distinct strains of bacteria. _Escherichia Coli _was one of the bacteria, and blech...

Words: 987

Pages: 4

Views: 422



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