Gender & Sexual Studies Essay Examples

Stuck with your gender essay and looking for some free gender inequality essay examples? No worries, we’ve got plenty of them. Check out this page for some helpful paper samples to help you boost your creativity.

LGBTQ Issues in Jamaica and Fleeing a Life of Persecution

Section 1 Statement of the Research Topic The issue of the rights of the lesbians, gay, bisexual, transsexual, and the queers, also known as LGBTQ, in short, has been approached differently by the various...

Words: 4946

Pages: 2

Views: 199

Sexual Harassment: What It Is and How to Handle It

Anita had a positive relationship with the judge she was working with. She had many responsibilities and was allowed relative independence in her work. The judge asked Anita out after working for three months for...

Words: 276

Pages: 1

Views: 131

Women in Science

The scientific field was traditionally described as male-dominated. A good number of science pioneers were men. However, some women also did dip their toes in the scientific field. These science women pioneers did...

Words: 1453

Pages: 5

Views: 133

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Reflecting on My Educational Background on Human Diversity

Throughout my educational background, especially during the lower division courses, I have gained insight concerning human diversity. For instance, I have learned that humans are diverse in many aspects. The most...

Words: 819

Pages: 3

Views: 438

Design and Cultural Elements in Organizations

With consideration to the cultural elements and design in my organization (the athletic association), they grant women and women minorities some significant responsibilities in everyday tasks. They include religion,...

Words: 328

Pages: 1

Views: 70

Importance of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is a critical aspect of human life and existence. The biological process of reproduction ensures that humans give rise to new generations. According to biology, only the sexual intercourse between a...

Words: 421

Pages: 3

Views: 148

Women in Socialist Societies

Sexual inequality in socialist countries is still high yet there was a generally held assumption that it is only the socialist parties as well as governments that can contribute to the emancipation of women....

Words: 1101

Pages: 4

Views: 101

Sexual Development: What to Expect When You're Growing Up

Several theories have been postulated to try and understand human development. Some theories attribute biological drive as the main contributor of growth, while other theories attribute the social environment as the...

Words: 1872

Pages: 6

Views: 150

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Transgender Issues: Views and Coping

Being born a boy or girl and letting life move on has changed as people consider being either gender irrespective of the sex at their birth. Transgender revolution is here to stay as people change their sex based...

Words: 907

Pages: 3

Views: 93

The Benefits of Technology in Mammography

Introduction Mammograms can assist to save lives by detecting breast cancer early when it is still treatable. Research shows that regular breast cancer screening minimizes mortality resulting from breast cancer,...

Words: 2292

Pages: 8

Views: 104



Assignment types
Academic level

What Is Gender and Sexual Studies

Let’s start with defining what is gender and what sexual studies are actually about. This is a social studies discipline that focuses on different aspects of human sexuality and the gender concept. It typically explores such problems as:

  • Equality in economics and society.
  • Prejudice and discrimination.
  • Gender relations.
  • Gender in biology and anthropology.
  • Political and religious views on sexuality.
  • Sexuality in culture and literature, etc.

There is a growing interest in this discipline, globally, as it examines modern society’s important problems. So be ready for an active discussion in your paper.

Gender Essay Explained

Let’s find out what is gender equality essay and what is it supposed to talk about? Such papers typically examine certain cases of inequality in various spheres of life or argue about the necessity to promote or support equality. Once you have selected a problem to write about, you can trace its cultural or historical roots, examine its impact on today’s life and suggest some solutions. The latter might include drawing more public attention to the selected problem if you think it hasn’t received enough yet.

Gender Essay Examples

In order to better illustrate the explanations and tips above, we’ve collected several gender essay examples for you. These are real student works addressing some of the important gender-related problems listed above.

Feel free to check our free essay samples out and use them as an inspiration for composing your own winning essay. You can also borrow their writing style or even reuse their structure – as long as you don’t copy the text itself, fully or partially. Our examples of narrative essays will come in handy.

Click below to access the examples.

Sexual Studies Essay Basics

Now let’s talk about writing a sexual studies essay. Such papers are expected to focus on sexuality, sexual relationship, or the notion of sex itself. You can examine specific problems related to any of these categories from different aspects, namely:

  • Physical
  • Moral
  • Religious
  • Cultural
  • Historical and so on.

Topics in this sphere often involve sharing your own experience and often significantly relying on the emotional part of your narrative. In case you are making some claims in your paper, be sure to back them with solid arguments to adhere to the scholarly format. Make time and browse any essay on science to get some new fresh ideas.

Sexual Studies Essay Examples

Some real sexual studies essay examples are available here too! These are scholarly texts properly formatted by students. Feel free to use them as an inspiration, borrow some relevant ideas from them, or copy their structure. Hopefully, they will help you to compose your own original essay. However, please keep in mind that you cannot copy them for submission, neither fully nor partially. 

Check any example of expository writing and pay attention to how other students deal with this kind of writing. All of them are completely free to browse and read!

Gender and Sexual Studies Essay Topics

In case you are still about to choose what to write about, here are some gender essay topics & sexual studies essay topics worth taking a look at. To make it more convenient, we’ve divided them into separate categories according to the most popular and important sub-areas.

Take a look at these categories, choose the one matching your interests or your assignment best, and browse through the topics. Even if you won’t find one you are ready to write about, you can get some new ideas here and come up with your own creative and relevant topic.

Gender Roles Essay Topics

Topic of gender in modern society is one of the hot issues, so no wonder that you decided to pick one of the gender roles essay topics. What was considered an absolute must just a decade ago, now is a simple social construct. Now you won't be less feminine if you are bold and don't wear dresses, and you won't be less masculine if you show your softer side. If you choose this topic, you'll be free to explore all possibilities and solutions that it brings to society.

Here, we’ve picked a few ideas for you to consider writing about:

  1. How did gender roles change throughout humanity's history?
  2. Masculine and feminine norms and their interpretation by society.
  3. Gender roles and their influence on modern trends.
  4. What would life be like in a matriarchal city?
  5. Gender socialization process.
  6. Gender roles and sports: Different games played by men and women. (Consult: essays about sport.)
  7. Gender roles depiction in your favorite book/movie/video game.
  8. Family as a primary place to adopt association with gender roles.

Gender Discrimination Essay Topics

Writing a gender discrimination essay can end up as quite a tempest in a teapot. While nowadays the modern generation aims to be as tolerant as possible, many people still believe that gender inequality isn't a problem at all. Read the ideas we have collected that will help raise the awareness of your readers: 

  1. Origins of gender discrimination in our civilization.
  2. Women's Rights movement: Is it successful in fighting inequality?
  3. Role of historical resource constraints in modern gender inequality.
  4. Impact of gender inequality on socio-economic development.
  5. Initiatives of gender inequality reduction in Europe/America/Asia/Africa.
  6. Women’s political rights in the 19th century.
  7. Is patriarchy the leading cause of gender inequality?
  8. How is gender inequality depicted in your favorite book/movie/game?

Gender Wage Gap Essay Topics

If you are well familiar with the problem of women getting paid less in various enterprises all over the world, these gender wage gap essay topics might be useful for you:

  1. Issues surrounding sex inequality in the workplace.
  2. Why is the gender pay gap not decreasing faster?
  3. Impact of sex inequality on employee satisfaction.
  4. Global success of women in micro, small and medium enterprises.
  5. How does the gender wage gap affect relations within families?
  6. Impact of the gender wage gap on economics.
  7. Role of educational institutions in reducing gender wage gap.

Read also:


Gender & Sexual Studies: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is gender and sexual studies essay format?

General gender essay format is similar to other scholarly papers. First of all, choose a serious and relevant problem to write about and describe it in detail in your introduction. Make a proper statement that gets explained and answered in your main text. Back all your arguments with properly formatted quotes and references. Also, use an emotional approach in your explanations if your essay subject allows it.

2. Are these gender and sexual studies essay samples free?

Sure, each gender equality essay example that can be found on our website is absolutely free to browse and read. You are welcome to use them as material for further research or just find some inspiration in them. It is completely fine to borrow some good ideas you find in them as long as you keep your text 100% original.

3. Where can I find gender is a social construct essay samples?

If you need a ‘gender is a social construct’ essay, feel free to look here. Several real essay examples related to this subject are available here. Our texts are properly formatted and talk about important aspects of sex origins.

Cannot find the exact match for your assignment? It’s ok, you always can get some ideas from related samples.

4. Can you help me write my essay on gender and sexual studies?

Absolutely! If you need any help with essays about gender at any stage of writing, just contact us. Our expert writers can create a thesis, an outline, or an entire essay for you. We are a professional essay writing service that helps students out with their assignments. Our works are of high quality and are delivered before the deadline.


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