Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Examples for College

Today we wanted to discuss with you Martin Luther King Letter from Birmingham Jail essay. It is a classic that every student will one day talk about. So, why not discuss this article here and now? It is one of the most celebrated open statements that discuss the treatment of African-American people in the 60s, trapped in Harlem. You’ll also probably know that Martin Luther King is a celebrated individual who is known for his opinions and speeches when it comes to racial discrimination. But how exactly can you read this article? Find pdf examples to do that!

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Assignment types
Academic level

What Is a Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

We will start with our definition of essay on Letter from Birmingham Jail. This article discusses an open statement that was once written by Martin Luther King. In his statement, our author discusses how African-American people are mistreated. After all, racial discrimination among white people is still a relevant conflict that many actively discuss.

There are different types of articles you can use for writing. They will influence your structure, outline, requirements, and even your word count. However, we usually say that a traditional academic article is normally five paragraphs long. Where the first paragraph is an introduction, the last is a conclusion and there are three body paragraphs in between. Still, our word count may be very different from one page to four and more. 

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College Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Examples

To be successful in academic writing, find examples of an essay about Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail. There are a lot of advantages to using this website. So, if you were searching for MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail essay, know that all the examples are:

  • Free

Yes, everything you find here is totally free. You don’t need credit cards, payments, or any bills. Use them whenever you want. 

  • Academic 

All our samples were previously donated to us by other students. Therefore, they have received good scores and were proven to be academic. So, we have no doubt that you will like them.

  • Unlimited

Have we mentioned that all our samples are also unlimited? You can download and read as many articles as you would like. We have no limit, no charge, or anything that will make you uncomfortable. 

Letter From Birmingham Jail Argumentative Essay

As we mentioned before, there are different articles you write. We will start with an argumentative essay on Letter from Birmingham Jail. Argumentative articles are rather popular when it comes to literary essay pieces. Besides, there are a number of positions you can take on the same novel, play, poem, or open statement.

For example, you can argue that racial discrimination is still a relevant issue. So, it should be actively discussed by the public. To prove your argument you can combine proofs from the open statement by Martin Luther King, actions and modern events. It will give your article a contemporary field and make it more interesting and intriguing. But it doesn’t really matter what topic you use if you give enough evidence to prove it. 

Letter From a Birmingham Jail Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Apart from argumentative articles, you can also write a rhetorical analysis essay of Letter from Birmingham Jail. This type will be rather similar to literary analysis.

Here your main goal is to see how our writer and demonstrator, Martin Luther King, has utilized different literary devices. That is why we have provided a rhetorical analysis essay example on MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail. After all, it is not the easiest genre to pull off. You’re not only proving your point but also analyzing the wording and style of the author.

You also have to remember that this open statement is not a simple article. The author was highly educated and he was able to use a variety of rhetorical devices. They include metaphors, symbolism, simile, and other similar elements. So, when you are writing a MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail rhetorical analysis essay, always include quotations. And remember, it is not a plot summary or synopsis. Your writing is a thorough analysis that includes your personal opinions proven by quotations. 

Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Outline

Of course, we couldn’t simply leave you without a proper outline of Letter from Birmingham Jail. Many actually skip the step of outlining their article, but it is one of the most important elements.

Essay outline on Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail


  • Use a quotation from the open statement.
  • Provide history and background about our author and his article.
  • Claim that racial discrimination is still a relevant topic that must be actively discussed and mitigated.

Main body

  • Offer evidence of racial discrimination from the open statement.
  • Compare the world from the 60s with the modern-day age.
  • Argue that segregation may not be relevant, yet racial discrimination is still here.


  • Restate your thesis.
  • Summarize main points.
  • Conclude by stating that even though racial discrimination is not as challenging as it was in the 60s, it is still a huge problem yet to be solved.

Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Introduction

We will start our journey through an outline with the Letter from Birmingham Jail introduction. Using metaphors, we can say our introduction is the cover of the whole article. It is the first impression your readers are getting when they open your paper. Will you read a book if you’re not attracted to its first page or cover?

Yes, we know, don’t judge the book by its cover. Still, the majority of people do and we know exactly how to interest them. 

Successful introduction shares several elements in common. Firstly, they all have an intriguing opening statement or a hook. In this case, you can definitely use a quotation from Martin Luther King. After that, give a little bit of history when it comes to our author and his beliefs. After that, finish your introduction by writing a thesis statement.

Introduction to a Letter from Birmingham Jail

In every effective argument made, it is necessary that the author incorporates three key rhetorical strategies that are appropriate in appealing to the audience. These appeals include the logos, pathos and ethos. They provide the logical, emotional and ethical appeal to the addressed parties. The articles “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. and “Consider the Lobster” by David Foster Wallace are both great examples of essays written to express particular views. The former addresses the issues of nonviolent resistance to racism that members of the African American community would practice as opposed to waiting forever for changes to an unjust law. On the other hand, “Consider the Lobster” identifies the practice of boiling an animal alive in order to enhance the pleasure of the consumer as inappropriate and questions the culinary technique. The following paper will compare and contrast how each of the above essays utilizes rhetorical strategies and which of them utilizes them more effectively. 


Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Thesis Statement

Our next step is writing a successful Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail thesis. This one sentence can be especially tricky. It needs to be short, very informative and still have some secrets. You cannot review everything you have studied. However, you need to tell your readers just enough to understand your main point. We know, it sounds pretty complicated.

So how can you succeed? Start by thinking about your main argument and the points you will discuss in the body paragraphs. Do you have those? If you do, combine them together, shorten your sentence and you have a successful thesis.

Thesis of Letter from Birmingham Jail

Powerful political and social discrimination still doesn’t allow African-American people, especially in the South, to move beyond segregation, as told by Martin Luther King. 

Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Body Paragraph

The Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail body paragraph is a favorite part of any student. Yes, it is rather lengthy and wordy. However, at least you do have a lot of space to talk about your thoughts. There is less pressure than for introduction and conclusion.

Still, this part calls for a proper balance between your own words, secondary evidence, and primary sources. If you are able to nail that balance, you have a successful main body for your article. 

Considering that you were analyzing a literary piece, you should definitely use quotations. A lot of students try to use as many quotations as possible. It helps a lot with increasing your work account. However, your argument is still a thorough analysis. There’s not a summary or a copy-pasted version of the primary text. Therefore, you can only have 10% of quotations in your text. 

The best paragraph in Letter from Birmingham Jail

The essay, “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. King is an open letter that discusses the issues of civil rights at the time. African Americans in this period had taken up significant measures to reject prejudice and racism as it affected the members of the community. Many of them including the author had taken up nonviolent resistance towards rejecting this unjust practice. Dr. King presents a logical argument where he identifies that it is not rational for the African Americans to await significant changes in the laws of the land. He argues that it would not be reasonable to rest in Atlanta where injustice was far less when other states are experiencing the same (King 2). In this case, as long as the region was within the United States’ boundaries, it was his duty to protest against the racial injustice.

Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay Conclusion

The last thing we are going to discuss is the Letter from Birmingham Jail conclusion. You will be happy to know that this part is actually quite close to an introduction. It also has a restated thesis, a quick summary of your main points, and final recommendations. 

We have no doubt that paraphrasing your thesis will be easy. Besides, giving a quick summary is also not the most complicated or challenging part. But you might want to spend more time giving the closing or concluding statement. 

There are different ways that you can make this part truly unique. For example, you can give your personal opinion on the matter. Students also often use recommendations or possibilities for future research.

In this case, you can definitely remind your audience that we can all make a difference. Even if it comes to racial discrimination, morals and civil rights. We are not separated.

Conclusion of Letter from Birmingham Jail

The above articles are well known rhetorical essays that have effectively employed pathos, logos and ethos as a means of presenting their arguments. Both articles implement these strategies to depict the wrong doing among the members of the society in their actions. Martin Luther appeals to Christians and philosophers that the action of segregation and the injustices against African Americans as lacking moral value and appeals to their emotions. The unspoken practice of boiling lobsters is also presented as inappropriate as the actions of the lobsters as they attempt to escape the containers and kettles as inhumane. In these regards, the authors have been effective in convincing the audience to change their behavior.

How to Write a Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay

You need to bear with us just a little bit more. So, we can give you a Letter from Birmingham Jail summary essay guide. It will be quick and helpful — we promise!

Follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Check samples. We hope that you know by now that all samples you can find here. They are free, unlimited, and highly academic. So, don’t be shy and use them!
  2. Choose Letter from Birmingham Jail essay topics. Your topic must be interesting and narrow. You can also connect it with modern events to make it more interesting. 
  3. Outline and write. Before you start writing, always outline your article. Start with writing your main body first and continue with our introduction and conclusion. 
  4. Proofread. Your final step is to add and proofread. You will not believe how many errors you can make without proofreading. So, never skip this step to avoid embarrassment.

FAQ About Letter From Birmingham Jail Essays

1. What is the main purpose of the Letter from Birmingham Jail essay?

The main purpose of this essay on MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail is to analyze the literary piece. Here you can discuss a number of elements, rhetorical devices, and arguments. The majority use symbolism and claims from the open statement to talk about segregation, slavery, and racial discrimination. These are all of the themes that Martin Luther King discussed in his article.

2. What is a good thesis statement for Letter from Birmingham Jail essay?

There are many good thesis statements appropriate for this Dr Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail essay. The majority of them will argue that racial discrimination is a crucial issue to discuss. So, here is a good example: Martin Luther King is disappointed by politics and society in general for ignoring racial discrimination and all the issues connected with it. However, you can come up with your own versions and thesis statements that will fit your personal topic.

3. Are your Letter from Birmingham Jail essays free?

Yes! Every Martin Luther King Jr Letter from Birmingham Jail essay here is totally free. You don’t need credit cards or extra payments. So, use them as many times as you’d like and download as many articles as you need. Once again, they’re all totally free as they were donated by other students.

4. Can I submit one of your Letter from Birmingham Jail essays?

No. It is always much better to write your own essays on Letter from Birmingham Jail. After all, we are sure that you are a brilliant student. Therefore, you can develop your own arguments and ideas. It is a much better option than using someone else’s work. Besides, submitting one of these arguments can be considered plagiarism. It is an academic offense and we do not advise you to do it.


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