Feminism Essays: How to Write a Feminism Paper & Examples

Were you tasked to write a feminist essay? Let us guess, you don’t know where to start or what to write. It’s always good that we are here then. We know exactly what things you can write, discuss and argue here. This is a very important topic in our society. It is also a controversial one that possesses different branches and points of view. That is why it is crucial for you to think about personal opinion and how the former can be proved using scholarly evidence. But before you do that, check samples of feminism essay in English that were donated for use by other students. Continue reading this guide and use our service!

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Assignment types
Academic level

What Is a Feminism Essay: Definition

Let us perhaps start by defining feminism essay. What even is this article and how should one write it?

It is perhaps very clear from the name itself. This paper discusses the place of females in society, equal opportunities, and standards or gender roles.

This paper just like any other article usually has a structure of introduction, main body, and conclusion. Even though the length and the word count can be different, we usually say that five paragraphs are a good length for starters.

Word count will also depend on the type of article you’re writing. You have a wide selection of persuasive, argumentative, definition, and narrative essays examples at your disposal. Choose wisely and find appropriate samples!

Most Effective Feminism Essay Examples

Find your perfect example of feminism essay for students here! Are you wondering where we get these samples and articles? Do you also want to know why they are so good? We have all these answers for you.

  • Donated by students

There are many students who successfully wrote this type of article. They are also very willing to help other students. So, all the samples you find here were actually written by other students.

  • Proven excellence

Considering that other students wrote the samples, they were already graded and submitted to professors. That is why you can definitely sense their top-notch quality.

Learn from feminist examples that actually worked for other students. Different theoretical guides and structures are definitely good. However, having a practical sample in front of you motivates, inspires, and teaches you to be excellent in academic writing.

Feminism Argumentative Essay

We do advise you to look closer into an argumentative essay about feminism. There are many who have strong opinions on this topic. Therefore, you can definitely find lots of interesting things to discuss while writing one's argumentative essay on feminism. It is when examples of argumentative essays by StudyBounty will come in handy too.


  • Start with a hook (a quote about this theory is a good idea)
  • Background information on your topic (When was the theory invented? Why?)
  • Thesis statement (perfect place to make an argument)

Body Paragraphs (1-3) 

(each paragraph must further prove one's argument)

  • Paragraph 1 with evidence proving your point (+Topic Sentence)
  • Paragraph 2 with evidence proving your point (+Topic Sentence)
  • Paragraph 3 with evidence proving your point (+Topic Sentence)


  • Rephrase a thesis statement
  • Conclude all our points leaving a final impression 

Feminism Definition Essay

Looking to find a definition essay on feminism? We do have it for sure. Want to know what is a definition essay? The main goal of such an article is to define a subject or notion. Therefore, you can define one's theory, talk about its branches or find a more narrow niche inside of it. As such an article is not too wordy, you can definitely aim for short feminism essay 300 words.

We have also made a basic structure you can find below.

Introduction Paragraph

  • Hook (you can go for statistics, definition, or a quote)
  • Topic background (main definition and history of the theory)
  • Thesis

Body Paragraph 1-3 

  • Topic sentence
  • 3 Supporting pieces of evidence (one for each paragraph )
  • Concluding statement


  • Rephrase your thesis 
  • Summarize and connect your key points
  • Leave a final impression with recommendations or future developments (What can happen with this theory later? How can it help or develop further? Do you have any further ideas on how to develop it?)

Feminism Essay Outline

Below you will find our outline for feminism essay. The basic structure will differ depending on the type of article you are choosing. However, the basic premise and main points will remain practically the same no matter what. Besides, the word count might also change. Therefore, think about your main purpose and refer to pdf samples for more quality. 

Example of feminism essay outline


  • Hook
  • Background (Discuss the basic origin of the theory and why it is relevant)
  • Thesis statement

Main body

  • First paragraph 

Talk about discrimination at work, including maternity leaves and salary.

  • Second paragraph 

Take a closer look at beauty standards imposed on women.

  • Third paragraph 

Discuss the social position of women, including how they are expected to behave, live, and so on.


  • Restated thesis
  • Summary
  • Importance of topic
  • Strong closing statement

One can use these ideas and combine them with your own ones. Good luck!

Feminism Essay Introduction

Introduction to feminism essay is the first thing we need to discuss. Let us start with the basic introduction needs.

  • Hook
  • Background
  • Thesis statement

Having this structure will get you one step closer to success. You might also want to know what a hook can be. We call it that way because it is the first sentence that grabs the attention of one’s readers. We mentioned before, you can definitely go with a quotation from a famous person. There are lots of people who would start reading your paper if they see the words of a person they admire at the start. One can also use rhetorical questions or even statistics.

Still, to practice yourself and to know better, you can definitely check our samples donated by other students. 

Introduction for feminism essay example

Feminism is an ideology that advocates for total equality with regards to rights of women and individuals who self-identify themselves as women. The ideologies are geared towards improving the status of women. Coleman and Ferreday (2010) pointed out that the etiology of feminism emanates from the unending historical injustice that gave men power over women. Feminism focuses on problems that disproportionately affect females such as voting and political rights, gender-based pay gaps, and reassessing the definition of what is considered female and male. The discussion will analyze various aspects of feminism including resolving the conflict of the talk to communicate feminism, feminist messages, perceptions of feminists and feminism, and feminist issues among others.

Feminism Essay Thesis Statement

A feminist thesis statement will contain the main idea of your paper. As we mentioned before, this theory and idea on its own can become rather controversial. There are those who believe that this theory is very radical or discriminates against males. So, one should definitely come up with your own idea and stick with it.

A thesis will be the statement that lets your readers know on which side of an argument you’re on. Do you support the theory? Do you follow its rules? Do you think it has some place for improvement? What is your general opinion on it?

Look at our example of thesis statement on feminism below.

Feminism, no matter how controversial it may get due to its radical side, was created to seek equal pay, rights, and opportunities for women. 

Feminism Essay Body Paragraph

Feminism essay paragraph will provide the evidence that supports your thesis statement. It is a perfect place for evidence, scholarly journals, and statistics you have collected. For money, this theory is a very controversial topic. There are people who have strong opinions and it is crucial for you not to offend them. Here are several things you can use and include to make your article academic and not offensive.

  • Evidence ( use it from academic or scholarly journals)
  • Academic tone and voice (it can be seen in our samples as well)
  • Cited sources
  • Inclusion of the opposite opinion (without making it sound like yours is the only truthful one)
  • Neutral language

To make sure that you understand each point and how to use it in practice, you can definitely check more samples you can find here. This will be good if you want to see a proper academic tone. 

Body paragraph for feminism essay example

Feminism describes global organizations and movements that raise consciousness to eliminate sexism. Sexism is described as discrimination of a person based on sex or gender in relation to power and privilege within the society. Sexism can manifest in various ways such as sexual harassment, the dominance of men in leadership positions, restricting women in household administration, objectification of women and their bodies among others. Feminism aims at eliminating sexism, sexual exploitation and other forms of oppression to guarantee equal social, economic, and political rights across the gender spectrum. Anti-feminists, on the other hand, are groups whose aim is to discredit and make feminism seem less credible. Such movements are of the opinion that feminist stances are overboard and promote hatred towards the male gender. Anti-feminists also argue that the focus of the feminists is not to promote gender equality but to grant women special privileges.

Feminism Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of feminism essay is one of the last things we are going to need to discuss here. It is just as crucial as an introduction. In many ways, these parts of any article are rather similar. All good conclusions should have the following elements:

  • Thesis statement using different words.
  • Summary of your main points.
  • Recommendations or final statement.

The conclusion is the last opportunity to make a good impression on your readers. By this point, one should definitely remind them where you started and what was said. However, don’t try to add extra evidence that wasn’t mentioned before, stick to what you already said and summarize it. If you think there is a way to research further, you can mention that as well. If you still have some doubts about writing this part of an essay, try our conclusion maker!

Example of good conclusion on feminism

In conclusion, feminism is an ideology or a movement that has an aim of bringing gender equality by elevating the position of the woman to that of the man without causing unnecessary conflicts. It is geared towards eliminating the various facets of sexism, promoting social, economic and political justices in the society. The movements have various goals that involve the provision of equal opportunities to resources. There are various characteristics that are exhibited by feminists that enable one to identify them during an interaction. Finally, it is vital to appreciate the role of the internet and social media in promoting this ideology on a global scope.

The True Idea of Feminism Essay

College essays on feminism can explore a variety of opinions. It might be surprising, but not everyone is a huge fan of this theory. Besides, when it comes to gender roles or gender as a whole, there is no one right and united opinion. Students should definitely think about what they feel is correct or right. 

Add a couple of words as your personal opinions. Would you believe that this theory allows women to seek equal opportunities and get rid of unnecessary gender roles and discrimination? However, this theory should never be radicalized to hurt other genders and exacerbate discrimination. 

As it is meant to help women, one should do so without hurting others in the process. Moreover, a radicalization of any widely spread idea can be dangerous, and one should definitely think about reflecting on this in your essays about feminism.

Still, everyone has their unique opinion. Your job is to support it using evidence! 

Feminism Essay Topics to Inspire College Students

We have also prepared for you several interesting feminism topics for essays. There are hundreds of different ideas you can use here. One can consult with your professor about whether your topic is appropriate. However, one should definitely select a subject that is narrow enough to be discussed in one article. 

Essay topics about feminism: 

  1. Are feminists discriminating against men?
  2. How to deal with unrealistic beauty standards?
  3. Possible collaboration between feminists and the LGBTQ+ community.
  4. Are radical branches of feminism dangerous to society and equal rights?
  5. The value of female opinions.
  6. Women in politics. (Consult: gender studies essay.)
  7. "Girl boss" and its influence on the perception of women.
  8. Do gender stereotypes still exist?
  9. Matrictachasl society and its place in today's world.
  10. Social inequality: professional and personal.

We have various topics for different kinds of essays on our platform. If you need some topic for your work, you will find it here.

Read also:


FAQ About Feminism Essays

1. How to start an essay about feminism?

The best way to start essay on feminism is to start it with a hook. A hook is the first sentence of an introductory paragraph that essentially grabs the attention of the readers. This hook can be anything from rhetorical questions, a quotation from a famous person, or even statistics. As long as it makes your readers continue further, you have a perfect hook. One can clearly see that in our donated samples too.

2. What are the best feminism essay titles?

Feminist titles for essays should definitely reflect the basic idea of your topic. Try not to phrase them as a question. Titles asking questions are more fitting for the publicist's style, and they always should be answered positively. One should also highlight keywords you continuously use in your article. If you combine all those keywords you will find an excellent title for your article.

3. Can I submit one of your feminism paper example?

No. Any example of feminism paper that you found here was donated to us by other students. This means that they have already submitted this sample and were graded. Using their work will be considered plagiarism which goes against academic standards. Please, use them as reference material because they are truly excellent. But do not submit them as your own work. Good luck!

4. Are your feminism essay examples free?

Yea! All college feminist essay examples on this website are totally free. They were donated by other students who have successfully nailed academic writing. They were gracious to give us these samples and help other students conquer academic challenges. Use them as reference material, inspiration, and motivation to write your own work. Remember to have fun with your papers as well!


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