Great Abortion Essays That Worked

Are you looking for samples because you’re writing your very own essay on abortion? We’ve got you covered. All examples and samples you find here were donated to us by other students. Therefore, they are professionally written, academic, and overall top-notch. Besides, the majority of them were already graded. So we have no questions about whether they are top-notch in their quality. We also know that writing an essay about abortion takes a lot of effort. It is, after all, a rather controversial topic. Thus, having a sample right in front of you is always the best first step toward your success. With that said, be sure to check out this guide and use the donated samples for your success!

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The Ethics of Abortion

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by expulsion or removal of a fetus prior to the full development of the embryo and the birth of a live child. In other words, it is a deliberate procedure solicited by the...

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Justification of Abortion: Why Women Choose Abortion

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Ethical Dilemmas of Abortion

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College Abortion Essays of the Highest Quality

Right now you’re probably wondering why you should use specifically this abortion essay pdf and not on any other website. We have all the answers you might need. This is not only a website where you can get samples, it is so much more than that. So, before we tell you anything else, let us address the most important question out there:

Why is it necessary to try these student essays on abortions?

  • Free 

These samples were previously donated to us by other students. That is why they are totally simple. We don’t need your credit card, billing information, or any other payments. Use this platform as much as you’d like. That is why a lot of students love it so much! 

  • Top-notch

As everything was donated by other students, the majority of papers were already checked by professors or educators. Therefore, we are sure that the quality of all the articles is good. Trust them and follow their suit! 

  • Available in pdf 

We also made sure that this platform is accessible using any browser or device. It doesn’t matter whether you are using Android or iOS, pdf can be downloaded anywhere, anytime, and with anything. It is pretty convenient, isn’t it?

Papers on Abortions Online

There are several other reasons why students should download any abortion paper here. Not everyone has a lot of time on their hands depending on their financial situation, needs, and personal life. As a student, it is fully understandable. Whatever your circumstances are, we are sure to help you. That is why you should definitely check abortion papers examples. They also deliver you some bonuses like titles for abortion papers. 

Nevertheless, do you see yourself in one of these situations?

  • No time for analyzing theories and structures that are available online.
  • Not understand the subject you’re required to write about. 
  • Need some ideas about where to start and what topics to choose.
  • Want to become excellent in academic writing.

Get Your Abortion Essay Samples Easily

Have we convinced you to download at least one sample of essay on abortion? If your answer is still negative, you are sure to believe us after this section. 

Let’s see who needs our sample of essay about abortion:

  • Students

If you’re a student who was tasked to write about this topic, use our examples. They are great if you want to mimic structure, voice, and academic tone. 

  • Educators 

Oftentimes teachers, professors, and educators in general use samples to help their students. If you are one of them, you’re definitely welcome to try this platform. Help students!

  • Tutors

Many students hire professional tutors to help with SATs, English, or academic writing. If you are a tutor, try using samples and implementing them into your lessons. They do wonders!

Great Abortion Essay Examples

We have a variety of different abortion essay examples. Apart from what is offered here, you must make a couple of choices on your own. So, when looking for ideal essays about abortions, consider the following points:

  • What is your word count?
  • Do you have a specific format in mind?
  • Did your professor mention anything about the style of your article?
  • Do you know whether it should be argumentative, persuasive, definition, informative or expository?

Once you figure out the questions to all of these answers, your journey through this website and academic writing, in general, will become much easier.

Abortion Argumentative Essays Examples

Let us start with argumentative essay examples pdf on abortion in pdf. As was previously mentioned, it is a rather controversial topic. Even though it can be tricky to get it right, it offers students a lot of opportunities to develop critical thinking and argumentation. Therefore, argumentative essays about abortion are often used for this topic.

There is a number of things students can argue for their abortion argumentative essay thesis.

  • They can talk about advantages or disadvantages.
  • Consider religious perspective.
  • Think about medical consequences.
  • Argue that ethics should allow each person to choose what to do with their own body.
  • If they are against medical miscarriage, they can argue that as well. 

Nevertheless, whatever your stance is on this topic, you should be careful. Provide evidence and trusted sources not to offend anyone in the process of your argumentation. 

Abortion Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays on abortion are also rather popular. It is the case for all controversial themes and subjects out there. There are always different opinions depending on personal beliefs, policies or laws. Therefore, each person harbors their own perspective on the issue we are discussing.

There is also a number of specific topics about abortion you can find in our persuasive essay examples. Mostly, students persuade that medical miscarriages should be allowed or the opposite. Here you should definitely take a strong stance. All persuasive articles additionally require proper language. It cannot be dry and too academic. Even though slang is still not allowed, you must captivate one's readers. Good pay is to use proper voice and tone. You will see it in our samples as well.

It doesn’t really matter what are you talking about in your persuasive essay about abortion as long as it can be proven with evidence. So use your personal opinion but never forget to use scholarly sources to prove it. 

Abortion Informative Essay

The last type we will consider is an informative essay on abortion. Wonder how to write an informative essay? Informative articles can be considered more simple than argumentative or persuasive ones. Your main goal here is not to persuade or argue but to inform. Therefore, such papers are usually rather short with minimal word count of 200 words. An average informative abortion essay 500 words will not have a bigger word count. This type is also rather close to definition papers. There is sadly little to no place for personal opinions. However, you as a student have an opportunity to venture into academic and scholarly articles. 

Informative essay about abortion can even use definitions from vocabularies. A good tip: try imagining that your readers know nothing about your topic. It will help you in crafting the best possible paper. 

Take a look into definition essay examples as well. They are rather close to informative ones. We also advise you to stay away from emotional language. It should be more academic and scholarly than anything else. After all, you are not trying to prove anything or convince that your opinion is correct.

What Is an Abortion Essay

Now we can finally get to a definition of abortion essay. By now it is pretty clear that this type of paper talks about medical miscarriage. There is no fixed word count here. Therefore, ask your professor or use a standard 500 words as a start. 

Nevertheless, women can go through a number of traumatic events. Besides, getting pregnant must always be planned out.

Women all around the world are subject to unplanned pregnancies or sexual assaults. Besides, every single person has a right to choose what they want to do with their own body. With that said, a number of states and countries view medical miscarriages as illegal and do not allow women to do them. The question is: what is your opinion on this topic?

Abortion Essay Outline

Let us continue with abortion paper outline. Later, we will analyze each part separately 

Outline for abortion essay


  • Hook: Every person must have a right what to do with their body.
  • Background: Explain that ethics play crucial roles in making laws.
  • Thesis: The possibility of some states engaging in morally controversial policy-making, be it a prohibition of gay marriage, medical miscarriage bans, gun control measures, positive racial promotion, or public sex education, inevitably raises the question of whether there must exist a universal moral consensus on the issue.

Main body

  • Ethical precautions of medical managed miscarriage.
  • Special cases: Sexual assaults, adolescents, or religious beliefs.
  • What changes must be implemented to consider ethical and lawful views on medical managed miscarriage?


  • Rephrase a thesis statement.
  • Summarize points about ethics, special cases, and recommendations.
  • Close by stating that a human being is entitled to make choices about their own life and body, especially from an ethical perspective.

Here you go! This outline will help you to plan one's very own outline. Remember: there's no need to use actual sentences – the shorter, the better. Besides, have one's thesis statement always in front of you.

Abortion Essay Introduction Examples

As we promised before, we will analyze each part of our outline. Let’s start with a good introduction paragraph for abortion essay. Introduction is the first actual part the reader sees when they open your paper. Therefore, it certainly must be impressive and intriguing. Any good introduction for a paper must have a hook, background information, and thesis statement. We will get to the thesis a bit later. 

The hook of any introduction can be a number of things. Considering that this is a controversial topic, we do recommend using statistics or rhetorical questions. Nevertheless, don’t simply trust our words. Check samples below! 

Example of introduction to abortion essay

Abortion is one of the heavily debated subjects in the country with many people having their own stand regarding the topic. There have been numerous court cases and protests to decide the legality of abortion. Similarly to many court cases, each year many young women find themselves faced with unplanned pregnancies and they are faced with the tough decision of what to do with the pregnancy. Some will look into carrying the pregnancy to full term while others will seek to have it terminated. Whatever the option was taken, there are several pros and cons that have to be considered.

Abortion Essays Thesis Statement Examples

Now we can finally get to a sample of thesis statement about abortion. This is usually the last sentence of your introduction. It also contains the main idea, the argument, and points of your paper. Thesis statement on abortion can argue a number of things. You can be pro or against this issue. It is your opinion to have and you should definitely prove it. Nevertheless, state it in your thesis, so the readers know what to expect. Of course, read some samples. We also offer you a good thesis statement below. 

Thesis statement for abortion essay

People have the right to do whatever they want to with their own bodies and thus a pregnant woman has the right to have the fetus aborted if she wants to.

Hint: If you have never written this part of an essay and need some help, we have something for you. Trust our easy-to-use thesis generator.

Abortion Essay Body Paragraph

Now we can finally get to the main body paragraphs for abortion essay. Main body paragraphs are usually the most informative parts of any paper. As students rarely use cited sources or evidence in introduction and conclusion, they put it all into body paragraphs. 

The so-called main body normally takes up to 80% of the overall work. Besides, a traditional paper structure contains at least three such paragraphs. Nevertheless, you should arrange structure and follow word count depending on requirements from your professor. 

We also recommend writing the main body before you start the introduction and conclusion. This way, you will have a clear idea of other parts of your paper. To get some inspiration, browse sample nursing essays or look at the sample below.

Example of body paragraph on abortion

When a woman gets pregnant and is not financially stable to raise the child, she will make the decision to terminate the pregnancy in order to better their lives. Such women may not feel like they have much to give let alone the resources needed to raise a child. Others may already have children and one more child becomes an added responsibility. Terminating may be a way of preventing compromising the quality of life of the would-be newborn. The child is unwanted and may be neglected or abused once they are born (Farrell, 2010).

Abortion Essay Conclusion Example

How to conclude an abortion essay? This is also a $1 million question that we will answer. Students have issues with starting and concluding their papers. To start and conclude, after all, are the hardest parts of any article. Therefore, we recommend writing conclusions after the main body and introduction.

Besides, any student will be happy to know that conclusion on abortion essay is not really that complicated. In many essences, it is close to introduction. Besides, there is nothing new you should write about there. Essentially, it is a restated thesis statement, summary of the whole paper, and a closing statement. That’s it! So, you will have no issues writing this particular part of the paper. 

Example of conclusion paragraph about abortion

Abortion is not the only alternative for an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. There is the adoption route. Millions of families are not able to have children of their own and they are always looking to provide adequate homes for these children. Pregnant mothers can liaise with any of the adoption agencies and place their children with these families instead of terminating a life. While society defends the right of the woman to make the decision regarding their bodies, the woman is tasked with the responsibility of taking proper steps to prevent getting pregnant in the first place. When one becomes sexually active, they need to seek medical attention and use the right contraceptives as directed by their physician. Before one agrees to go through an abortion, they need to seek out the support of their family and friends who have their best interest at heart. The pregnant woman should exhaust all other avenues to prevent abortion.

How to Write an Essay on Abortion

We will tell you exactly how to use our free essays on abortion to write an article on your own.

Follow this step-by-step guide for an essay about abortion:

  1. Check samples. We always say that checking samples will help you to improve structure and the tone of your paper. Therefore, check other papers before you write yours. Start with a psychology essay by StudyBounty.
  2. Select a topic. Your topic should be narrow enough to discuss within your workout. It also must be interesting for you and your target audience. So, choose wisely! 
  3. Do research. Research is crucial in any sphere. Whether you’re writing for yourself or for educational purposes, do proper research. Your work will be much better if it has statistics, scholarly resources, and evidence.
  4. Create an outline. When you skip outlining, it is a crucial part of any paper. Your outline must include the thesis statement and evidence you’re using to prove your point. Essentially, it is your best map. 
  5. Write! Starting is one of the hardest parts. Therefore, you should just sit down and start writing. Yes, we know, procrastination is still a thing. But writing is more important. 
  6. Cite sources, edit and proofread. The last thing you need to do is to cite your sources and proofread everything. Make sure that the citations you’re using are good for your format. We recommend APA, MLA, or Chicago. 

Creative Abortion Essay Titles

Are you looking for good abortion titles for essays? We've got you covered. Below you will find some inspiring ideas. Nevertheless, students must remember that this topic is highly controversial. Therefore, they should be careful with evidence and wording. Truly, all good essay titles for abortion will offer some place for controversy and debates.

Good titles for abortion essays:

  1. Medical managed miscarriage - moral aspects. (Consult: essay on ethics.)
  2. Which interventions increase the effectiveness of contraception including long-acting methods?
  3. Future of research on biological sex differences: challenges as well as opportunities.
  4. Medical managed miscarriage: Its religious aspects.
  5. Are there effective new methods of contraception available for women?
  6. "My body, my choice."
  7. Gender: Would medical managed miscarriage be viewed differently without male involvement?
  8. Sexual assault: Is victim justified to get a medical managed miscarriage even in countries that banned it?
  9. Psychological aspects of medical managed miscarriage.
  10. Medical managed miscarriage: Do's and don’ts of aftercare.

Read also:


FAQ About Abortion Essays

1. Do you provide free essays on abortion?

Yes! We do provide free essay about abortion. There is no charge or payments needed. Keep your credit card to do something else with it. This is academic writing and it comes for free. Besides, all of the samples were previously donated by other students. They collaborate with us in order to help you succeed. Therefore, all our samples are totally free.

2. How to start an essay about abortion?

All essays on abortions usually start with the so-called hook. This hook can be a variety of things. We recommend using either rhetorical questions, statistics, or quotes from famous people. Considering a rather controversial topic, statistics will work the best.

3. How to find the abortion essay topics quickly?

Here we also offer a vast selection of abortion topics for essay. Therefore, the easiest way is to check this guide you have right here. Another good idea is considered ethical, religious, and medical sides of this subject. Each science and community has its own opinion. It might be interesting for you to see what different communities think about the same subject.

4. What are the disadvantages of abortion essay?

You might be tasked to consider the advantages and disadvantages of abortion essay. When it comes to disadvantages, students often argue that medical procedures are not safe and always associated with risks. Therefore, the patient might not survive the procedure and it is an immense risk. Moreover, not every religion is OK with medical miscarriage. Nevertheless, if the victim suffered from physical/sexual abuse or is not ready for a child, this can be their only option. Therefore, consider these advantages and disadvantages.


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