Air Pollution Essays: Top 5+ Essay Examples

Composing an essay on air pollution in English is somewhat challenging for young authors. Students struggle with researching, organizing narration, and building argumentation strategies. Such scholarly pieces are extremely dependent on writing skills, data quality, reasoning, and description. Without assistance or studying samples, completing this assignment is difficult. Students’ air pollution essay in English must be interesting, captivating, and impactful. Scribes must conform to certain standards and rules, which can be hard if no exact guidelines are around. Proposed text samples are perfect for self-educating and drafting stunning papers.

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Air Pollution Facts: Causes, Effects, and Solutions

Woodford, C. (February 16, 2017.). Air pollution. _Explainthatstuff. _ Retrieved on 22 April 2017 from pollution-introduction.html The article titled Air Pollution by Chris...

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14 Sep 2023

Air Pollution and Globalization

The world has become more developed and connected as a result of globalization. Just like many other aspects that involve economic choices, globalization has both positive and negative consequences. There is...

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Climate and Air Pollution

Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that have amplified the greenhouse effect that, in turn, results in a warmer atmosphere. Many innovative designs and technologies have been established to slow down the climate...

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Environmental Health: Air Pollution in Georgia

The Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) figures estimates that about 30% (3,077) of Georgians die from respiratory diseases each year. What I did not know, before searching this website is that EPA...

Words: 277

Pages: 1

Views: 64

Air Pollution as a Tragedy of Commons

Air Pollution as a Tragedy of Commons The Tragedy of the Commons can be described as the depletion of shared resources by people acting rationally and independently, according to their self-interest despite being...

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Air Pollution and Agriculture

Air Pollution and Agriculture Today, there are uncountable sources of environmental pollution that exists due to the increase in industries and advancement in technology to improve the lifestyles of the people. The...

Words: 379

Pages: 1

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14 Sep 2023

Air Pollution and Environmental Ethics

Air Pollution and Environmental Ethics The environmental ethics defines the ethical linkage between the environment and the occupants. People are therefore required to confront several issues and make several...

Words: 949

Pages: 3

Views: 69

Air Pollution: The Counter Argument and Call for Action

Air pollution remains one of the serious problems the world faces today. Currently, it is a familiar environmental concern that possesses short and long-term effects on human health. From a broader perspective, air...

Words: 1540

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Assignment types
Academic level

What Is an Air Pollution Essay

There’s no exact definition of essay on air pollution. Depending on the article’s topic, special traits may vary. These materials are generally described as research-based texts that inform, convince, or prove something. Without proper investigation, such an environmentally-oriented item cannot be complete. The idea behind these assignments is to teach students to conduct research and analyze received data.

Each university or college has specific requirements regarding formatting, content, or size. Teachers must provide these rules to their students. If no such info is available, offered text samples can act like templates. Donated by former students, they demonstrate perfect compliance with all regulations. Use them as a source of inspiration, formatting ideas, or narration tactics.

Air Pollution Essay Examples by StudyBounty

Every pupil can benefit from an expertly written air pollution essay in English in pdf. Easy-to-follow examples have numerous positive effects on a person's skill. Whether crafting an air pollution persuasive essay or an argumentative one, the impact remains. Here’s what improvements you can expect when writing about air pollution in English:

  • Narration coherency

Clever structuring adapted from samples results in better readability. Storytelling becomes more reader-friendly and easier to navigate through. Message conveying gets more pronounced.

  • Argumentation effectiveness

Each reason gets a boost in potency, providing a stronger corollary. Learn advanced persuading methods and effective debating techniques. Description acquires vividness and saturation.

  • Diverse wording

Samples infuse the reader’s brain with a subject-specific lexicon. Vocabulary obtains a substantial enlargement. Texts become consistently more accurate and academically varied.

Air Pollution Essay Samples in PDF

For an air pollution essay in English 100 words are barely enough. This volumetric limitation is fairly common among college mentors or university professors. Being able to compress an essay on air pollution in 100 & 200 words is an indicator of a student's supreme drafting capabilities. In general, students generate air pollution essay 2000 words pieces. Proposed paper samples showcase numerous ways of squeezing big thoughts into tiny texts. Check how former scriveners achieved that:

  • Smart tactics

Specific methodology is implemented to facilitate small-scale storytelling. They affect research, data organization, and thinking angles.

  • Prior planning

Authors determine exact places for each argument or reason. By structuring in advance, a maximum information density is achieved.

  • Careful vocabulary uses

Long, explanatory terms are extensively used to save space. Advanced vocables help minimize redundant verbiage.

Air Pollution Argumentative Essay

An argumentative essay about air pollution has a distinct goal of proving something right or wrong. Such scholarly pieces strongly rely on the disciple's drafting skills and eloquence. Success is achievable only by presenting information in a clear, concise way. Argument-targeted papers use facts, numbers, and statistics to confirm certain concepts.

By studying proposed examples, you noticeably increase your chances of succeeding. Copying effective elements, lexicon, and sentence construction is exactly what you must do. These texts serve as perfect education material. They offer a wide variety of approaches to reasoning, covering almost every possible angle. Download them freely as convenient pdf files.

Air Pollution Essay Outline

To succeed at scribing, an outline of essay about air pollution is absolutely crucial. No competent scrivener will submit a piece that was written without diligent planning. Each paragraph must be previously engineered and orchestrated. The compelling reasoning is feasible only by designing the whole text around it. The structure acts like a backbone and unites all sections together into one coherent article. Without a strong plan, the text falls apart, becoming ineffective. Here’s a simple outline for essay on air pollution:


  • Main prompt — Global atmosphere deterioration due to harmful gases
  • Background info
  • Central question

Body paragraphs

  • Provoken health diseases
  • Supportive facts, statistics
  • Carbon dioxide emissions
  • Figures, numbers
  • Volcanic ash, natural causes


  • Topic restatement
  • How can each human reduce their harmful impact?
  • Summary

Bonus: We have a thesis statement creator at your disposal. 

Air Pollution Essay Introduction

The introduction of air pollution essay is relatively small. It must be kept short yet informative. From reading it, the audience must get a complete understanding of the title. Here authors include background data together with something engaging. The intro section must involve people in reading, making them invested and caring.

Such an effect can be achieved by special pacing and structuring. Any introduction stays coherent and consistent throughout. Every sentence must have its purpose. Avoid deviations and asking too many questions. Make sure readers are constantly intrigued, and their attention is hooked. Use strong facts and big inquiries to create emphasis. Feel free to check out a proposed sample below. Try copying its general formula and elements. It’ll substantially elevate the traits of your custom intros.

Example of introduction to air pollution essay

Air pollution emanates from both the actions of society and technology as well. Due to the changes in the industrial sector, the 21st century resulted in further advancements that led to increased industrial pollution. In the past, industries were small and the only harmful gas emitted was smoke (Liu 1760). Due to the limited nature of industries and the limited working hours, pollution was minimal in the industrial sector. However, the advancements in technology have led to the increased quantity of air pollution due to the high number of industries in the world today. On the contrary, societies have also had activities increasing industrial contamination in the world today whereby most people burn fossil fuels resulting in the release of harmful gasses into the atmosphere.

Air Pollution Essay Body Paragraph in English

How to write a short paragraph on air pollution in English? That’s what puzzles countless students’ brains. When size limits allow, it’s recommended to dedicate 350 words solely to central sections. This volume is optimal. It allows a comprehensible coverage of almost every idea.

Often students use a 5 subsection structure which leaves three for all argumentation or reasoning. In this case, for air pollution short paragraph 100 words are all you get. On such unfortunate occasions, tight fitment and reduction become needed.

A sample is located below. Examine it closely and study implemented solutions. Pay attention to wording, evidence presentation, and narrative coherence. Adapt obtained knowledge to customer needs and personal academic pieces.

Body paragraph of air pollution essay example

Various societal and technological factors result in increased air pollution in the world today. In any manufacturing plant, it is possible to notice chimneys set up high into the atmosphere (Ajmani et al. 1684). The chimneys are relevant in releasing smokes and fumes into the air. In most industries, carbon monoxide is the primary pollutant released into the atmosphere. Thus, this is the one main way in which technology has led to increased air pollution in the world today. Contrary to that, the industrial age led to increased air pollution in the world today. In this case, most cars, shipping vessels and other forms of transportation would burn most fossil fuels for them to work efficiently. Most automobiles contain secondary and primary pollutants. The pollution caused by most vehicles in the world today would be quite hard to manage because most individuals rely primarily on the transportation machinery. Most car exhausts release carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other hydrocarbons. 

Air Pollution Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of air pollution essay shouldn’t be massive. It closely follows the rails of introduction, offering topic mentioning, rephrasing central goals, etc. A conclusion on air pollution texts must provide a satisfactory finale. If any question was asked in the intro, it must be answered here.

Designing a clever conclusion isn’t easy. Last sentences have a profound impact on readers. They must be striking, loud, and penetrating deep into readers’ minds. With this part alone, any composer can considerably strengthen their emotional connection with the audience. It’ll lead to earning better grades. Below you’ll find yet another sample for studying. 

Conclusion for air pollution essay

Various laws have been set up to prevent industrial pollution. Most industries have been authorized to re-use the gasses produced to produce another substance instead of releasing it to the atmosphere resulting in air pollution. Several industries that release bulky fumes of gasses have been closed and their licenses withdrawn as well. Thus, this has acted as one of the disciplinary factors for the industries releasing harmful gasses into the atmosphere. Lastly, I have participated in various awareness programs that help in teaching the public about the adverse effects of air pollution. In the programs that I participated in, the public were keen and were ready to adhere to the changes proposed to help in the reduction of air pollution. Therefore, this shows that awareness is one of the most effective means of reducing air pollution in a state.

Write an Essay About Air Pollution!

Air pollution essay writing becomes much easier when you’re following a pre-made algorithm. A step-by-step plan allows you to write an essay on air pollution with ease. We’ve crafted this guide, especially for you. Follow it closely and become a master of essay writing on air pollution! A six-step process for competent thesis scribing:

  1. Browse prompts. Search the web for smart, creative titles. Make sure it’s interesting for you and targeted readers. It is crucial to understand what you are going to write about.
  2. Conduct research. Accumulate useful information that’ll support your idea. Use data only from credible sources. All arguments should be proved.
  3. Study samples. Examine proposed texts. Inspect possible approaches to tackling this written task.
  4. Build an outline. Plan ahead of where each element is located. Design your article’s pacing and argumentation strategy.
  5. Compose. Draft multiple versions. Academic qualities should evolve with each iteration.
  6. Proofread. Edit syntax and orthographic mistakes. Ensure a correct impact on readers.
  7. Secure originality. Use dedicated software to check for plagiarism. Rewrite unoriginal fragments if needed.

Air Pollution Essay Topics

As already mentioned, topics on air pollution have a tremendous effect on a final endeavor. An entertaining subject instantly adds value to these. Only if composers are individually interested in described subjects can an article be fruitful. A title is what grabs a person’s interest. If you’re aiming for top scores, you must start by selecting the prompt. Use these air pollution topics in English or combine them into custom ones:

  1. Global warming as a result of polluted atmosphere.
  2. Will nature ever heal from the negative aftermath of humanity’s actions?
  3. Can filtering technologies change anything?
  4. Dying environment is caused by atmospheric dirt.
  5. Which natural disasters contribute to making things worse?
  6. Time travel is our only way of saving the planet.
  7. Compare negative results of dirty atmosphere and water?
  8. Are electric vehicles saving trees from being cut?
  9. Describe one ecological initiative you impart.
  10. What’ll you choose: clean surroundings of cave life or technological development?

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A short essay on air pollution in English is an informative text. With a limited volume, it supplies readers with credible and useful information. Such ventures are intended to motivate people for changes in life, behaviors, and deeds. They teach loving nature and respecting the environment.

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